Nick Peron

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Amazing-Man Comics #25



After a series of British ships are destroyed by some strange energy emanating from below the North Sea, the British Navy calls the Amazing-Man for help. When the call goes out, a Nazi spy informs his superiors that the hero is coming.

Once word reaches America, the Amazing-Man and his boy sidekick — Tommy the Amazing Kid — fly across the ocean. Along the way a Nazi submarine tries to blow them out of the sky but they quickly sink the sub.

When they arrive in Britain they compare notes with Navy officials before heading out to the North Sea in a boat. There the boat is destroyed by the strange energies coming out of the water. Returning to the mainland they confirm that whatever the cause it it is getting closer to Britain.

Heading to warn the authorities they a group of Nazi spies try to crash a dynamite loaded car with theirs. Surviving this attempt on their lives, the Amazing-Man learns that the Nazis are tunneling to England and using a powerful cyclotron device to destroy everything on the surface above. Going to the British side of the tunnely, the pair try to stop the cyclotron but the energies from the cyclotron are too powerful for them to handle. Weakened from the onslaught, the Amazing-Man has to turn into the green mist in order to pull Tommy to safety.

Despite this set back, the Amazing-Man has sensed that the cyclotron is being controlled by radio and follows the signal back to Belgium where Nazi forces are operating the device. Wrecking the Nazi base, the Amazing-Man unfortunately fuses the control panel making it impossible to stop the cyclotron. Despite this, the Amazing-Man and Tommy race to the opposite end of the tunnel and destroy all the Nazi munitions. The resulting explosion blasts the cyclotron up out of the tunnel and into space where it cannot harm anybody.

recurring characters

Amazing-Man, Amazing Kid, Nazis

The amazing man keeps a death with death

When the newspaper boy that works at the local Naval Yard is abruptly replaced, the Amazing-Man and Tommy reveal that this is a plot by fifth columnists to try and sabotage the base.

recurring characters

Amazing-Man, Amazing Kid