Nick Peron

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Balder the Brave #4

Balder the Beautiful


When Karnilla the Norn Queen was captured by the Frost Giants, Balder and his friend Agnar have traveled into Jotunheim to save her. Balder has just defeated Hagen, the Frost Giant’s greatest warrior and taken the enchanted Sword of Frey. However, Utgard-Loki has ordered Balder to surrender or Karnilla will be killed.

Before surrendering, Balder tosses the Sword of Frey to Agnar and tells him to run. Agnar refuses to let his friend surrender but is forced to retreat under a hail of battle axes. Balder then surrenders without further incident and is tossed into the Frost Giant’s dungeon. Utgard-Loki then assures his minions that Agnar is not a threat as he can control the weather in Jotunheim. Through his magic, the leader of the Frost Giant creates a punishing blizzard that puts Agnar at risk of freezing to death. Agnar wanders around in the swirling snow trying to find his way out of Jotunheim so he can warn Asgard of the Frost Giant’s invasion plans. Luckily, he is shown the path out of Jotunheim by Whiteface, lord of the eagles.[1]

Meanwhile, the Frost Giants come back to Balder’s cell to kill him to discover that he has gotten out by using his new light power to melt through the wall of his cell. Balder has made his way up to Utgard-Loki’s lab where the Frost Giant concocts his potions. There, he frees Karnilla from a jar that she has been sealed within. When the other Frost Giants enter the room, Balder unleashes the full fury of his light powers. This increases the temperature in the room enough to not only melt the icey room, but also causes the Frost Giants to shrink down to tiny size, ending their threat.

Although Karnilla wants revenge over her treatment, Balder convinces her to leave the Frost Giants alone as they are no longer a threat at their current statue. They then being making their way back to Karnilla’s domain. Along the way, they come across the corse of Rattusk, one of Karnilla’s demons. Although he tried to betray Balder in his quest, they stop to give him a proper burial before continuing on their way.

Some time later, Agnar reaches Karnilla’s castle and finds Hogun of the Warriors Three waiting for him. Hogun explains that Thor had sent him to tell Balder that he has been selected to be Odin’s replacement as ruler of Asgard.[2] Telling Hogun about the threat posed by the Frost Giant, Hogun decides to leave a note for Balder upon his return so they can warn Thor.

Meanwhile, Balder and Karnilla seek shelter from the cold in a cave for the night. There they talk about their love and Karnilla’s duty as a queen to her people. Although she believes that she is a queen without a country after Utgard-Loki turned all her followers to stone, however Balder is certain that Karnilla will one day find a way to free her people.[3] Balder also pledges to remain by her side to help in any way he can. However, when they return to her castle, Karnilla finds the note left by Hogun. At first, she wants to hide it because she knows Balder will return to Asgard as a matter of duty. However, she remembers how withholding the Sword of Frey from Balder earlier ended up blowing up in her face when she was later captured by the Frost Giants and decides to show it after all.[4]

Balder agrees to return to Asgard and Karnilla decides to remain behind because she has her own kingdom to rule. She gives Balder her insignia ring as a token of their love before Balder leaves.[5]

Recurring Characters

Balder, Agnar, Karnilla, Utgard-Loki, Whiteface

Continuity Notes

  1. Here, Agnar recounts that Odin had recently perished in battle against Surtur. This story takes place shortly after Thor and Balder went on a mission to Hela’s domain in search of Odin. Odin seemingly perished battling Surtur in Thor #349-353. However, the All-Father is still alive and is a prisoner of Seth, the Egyptian god of death, as we’ll learn in Thor #399.

  2. Thor and the people of Asgard all voted for Balder to take over as All-Father in Thor #365-366.

  3. Karnilla’s subjects were all turned into stone in Balder the Brave #2. They will remain in this state until Balder finds a potion to cure them in New Mutants #87.

  4. In Balder the Brave #1, Balder was asked to assist Thor on a quest into Hela’s domain. Hela considered giving him the Sword of Frey for this quest but decided against it. Balder’s quest into Hela’s realm was documented in Thor #360-362.

  5. What happens to Balder next is chronicled in Thor #368-369.