Nick Peron

View Original

Falcon #4



Harlem’s Legion gang has kidnapped the President of the United States when he was visiting the area. Learning of this, the villain named Electro crashes the Legion’s hideout demanding to know where they are keeping the Commander-in-Chief. When one of the gang balks at this, Electro zaps him with a powerful jolt of electricity and warns them not to make him ask again.

Meanwhile, Sargeant Michael Tork and Captain America have been told where the Legion gang is keeping the President from two of their arrested members. However, Tork knows that they were merely a plant to lure the Falcon into a trap. Sure enough, when the burst into the abandoned parking garage they enter an ambush. Captain America quickly takes charge and takes down the gang members. With reinforcements probably on the way, Cap tells Tork to keep moving.

Back at the Legion’s hideout, the Falcon arrives and learns that their leader is in medical distress after his encounter with Electro. Although the gang wants nothing to do with the hero, Falcon is the only one who can get their leader to a hospital in time to save his life. Sam then carries the gang leader off and vows to go after Electro next.

At that same moment, Electro has arrived outside the hideout where the Legion is keeping the President hostage. Intending to take the President himself, Electro uses some live wires to recharge his power. Not far away, Captain America and Tork find the President. However, Xeon — the Legion’s leader — has a gun to his his head and is threatening to shoot.

That’s when Electro comes crashing in through the roof and zaps Captain America. Falcon arrives moments later prompting Electro to flee into the nearby parking garage. Falcon chases after him but the villain uses his powers to short out Sam’s mechanical wings. Wilson sheds them, since the device isn’t what makes him a hero he is.[1] Commanding Redwing to distract Electro, Sam rushes to a nearby fire hose and douses his foe with water. Unable to use his powers without electrocuting himself, Electro is then knocked out with a single punch.

Sam then returns to where the tense stand-off is still going on. Sam tries to appeal to Xeon’s desire for change in the neighborhood. He points out that the President was in town on a fact-finding mission to try fix inequalities in black neighborhoods and that talking to him one-on-one would help his cause. To his credit, the President himself is also wants to listen and hears how Xeon went to school to study engineering. Despite his education, however, the only job he can find is flipping burgers at minimum wage. When the police finally arrive on the scene, the President tells them that guns won’t be necessary and that he wants to hold a press conference right away.

Addressing the nation, the President explains what happened and how this experience has taught him that Capitol Hill needs to do more to combat inequality across the country. The police — who tried to freeze Falcon out of the Presidential visit — then take the opportunity to commend him for his help.

Watching this later, Captain America, Sam, and Sgt. Tork get a good laugh. Although Tork wants to have a guys night, Captain America has to go and Sam gets a visit from Rachel, a woman he saved earlier.[2] The two decide to go out, much to Tork’s chagrin. However, when Sam comes back and invites Tork to come along he decides to go along with them.

Recurring Characters

Falcon, Electro, Captain America, Michael Tork, Legion Gang, Redwing

Continuity Notes

  1. It is mentioned here that Falcon’s wings were built for him by the Black Panther. T’Challa designed these wings for Sam in Captain America #170.

  2. Sam saved Rachel from a skydiving mishap in Falcon #2.

Topical References

  • In this story, Harlem is referred to as both a ghetto and a slum. This should be considered a topical reference as the neighborhood has undergone a lot of urban renewal and gentrification in recent years. While its still home to lower class families, it is not nearly as bad as it was when this story was first written.

  • The President of the United States is identified as Ronald Reagan in this story. This should be considered a topical reference as Reagan’s term as president ended in 1989 and he died in 2004.

  • Sam’s TV is depicted as a CRT model that uses an antennae to pick up signals.