Nick Peron

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Black Panther (vol. 3) #40

Return of the Dragon, Book 3: Dragonslayer


In Wakanda, growing tensions in the country have led to all out war. With the Black Panther (King T’Challa) absent, it is left to Zuri and W’Kabi to try and keep the peace. However, things soon erupt into violence as the various tribes that make up Wakanda wage war against one another.[1] Watching as their people fight with each other, W’Kabi has no choice but to call in an airstrike to try and separate the warring clans.

At that moment, the Black Panther is in New York City battling the Chaintang, aka the Black Dragon. By his side is Iron Fist (Danny Rand) who has just been freed from the dragon’s control and wants to know what’s going on. This is a complicated story, that began when the villain Nightshade (Tilda Johnson) used her scientific skills to resurrect the Black Dragon to get revenge against the Black Panther. In an attempt to force Chaintang to follow her orders, she implanted a genetic bomb in the dragon’s new body. However, the Black Dragon had other ideas. Laying eggs at the bottom of the ocean, Chaintang planned to transfer his essence into one once they reached maturity, thus escaping his doomed body. He then set about getting revenge against his old foe Iron Fist. To that end, the Black Dragon used his magic to swap bodies with T’Challa’s ally, Everett Ross. However, before he could strike, the Black Panther destroyed the eggs, earning the creature’s wrath. Tracking down Iron Fist, Chaintang used his power to enslave Danny and boost his powers and send him to kill the Panther. This was taking too long and T’Challa eventually broke the connection between Rand and Chaintang. This forced the dragon to reverse his body swap and come at both heroes.[2]

The battle is joined by a Wakandan war ship that was hiding off the coast of New York as well as a squad of N’Yami fighter planes. As they strike the giant dragon, it fights back. The damage to the ship causes the force field keeping Nightshade prisoner to shut down. Deciding to escape before she is killed, Tilda tries to find a way out of the ship. As she stumbles around the pitching craft, she comes across a second Black Panther that is being held in stasis in the infirmary.[3]

As the battle continues, one of the Wakandan fighters drops Colleen Wing’s samurai sword, Meitou, (stolen by Nightshade) to Iron Fist. Rand knows that the weapon was stolen based on the belief that Meitou can slay Chaintang. Unfortunately, this will not work as the only blade that can do this is Dragonslayer, which is currently beyond their reach in K’un-L’un.[4] Still, the two men leap onto Chaintang and begin attacking his body. That’s when Henry Gyrich’s response to this attack arrives in the form of military helicopters.

Meanwhile, T’Challa and Iron Fist decide that the best way to stop the Black Dragon’s rampage is by tempting him with the antidote for the genetic bomb ticking away in his body. The Black Panther changes into his street clothes to confront Chaintang, while Iron Fist gets aboard the war ship to get the antidote from Nightshade. While they are doing this, Tilda has been working on reviving the other T’Challa in the infirmary. While negotiating with the dragon, T’Challa doesn’t get very far before the dragon decides to swallow him whole. He then decides to destroy Wakanda before he dies and flies into the air. At that same time, Iron Fist confronts Nightshade about the antidote. Unfortunately, there isn’t one because there was a lot about Chaintang’s DNA that she didn’t understand.

Back in Wakanda, W’Kabi and Zuri try to stop the warring tribes. However, the leader of the mob — a man named Kaleb — is governed by old superstitions and believes there is a curse upon the land that can only be reversed with blood. W’Kabi is trying to explain how this is nonsense when Chaintang arrives, seemingly confirming Kaleb’s beliefs. Not far behind is the Wakanda war ship, and Iron Fist leaps from it to join the fight. The warriors of Wakanda, blaming the dragon for the curse on their land begin attacking it as well. That’s when the Black Panther manages to claw his way out of Chaintang’s stomach. He had placed some bio-implants inside the monster. This, as well as the data they collected while Everett Ross possessed its body, allows Taku to override Chaintang’s genetic structure. He then forces the dragon to revert back to human form. Within moments, the monster is swarmed by the newly united tribes.

Meanwhile, T’Challa finds Iron Fist and asks him what they should do about Chaintang. While his old enemy did attack him, Danny points out how the monster restored his lost power and is in his debt.[5] With that in mind, T’Challa promises to spare Chaintang’s life and find a way to restore his altered genetic code so that he will survive.[6] That’s when they hear someone ordering the Wakandan’s to cease their attack. When Everett goes to see who this is, he is shocked to see that someone is the other Black Panther, who is standing side-by-side with Nightshade. Calling himself the true King of Wakanda, this T’Challa manages to make everyone bow before his feet.

Recurring Characters

Black Panther, Iron Fist, Chiantang, Nightshade, Everett Ross, Zuri, W’Kabi, Taku, Black Panther-1145, Henry Gyrich

Continuity Notes

  1. There have been a lot of things recently that have led to this destabilization in Wakanda. Let’s break it down, shall we?

    • The inciting incident that started all of this was a failed coup of Wakanda by the madman known as Achebe, as seen in Black Panther (vol. 3) #1-12.

    • Next, the nation was threatened by Erik Killmonger, who tried to use the global economy as a weapon. T’Challa would intentionally dissolve Wakandan Parliament and tank the local economy to defeat him, as seen in Black Panther (vol. 3) #13-20. He restored everything to normal in Black Panther (vol. 3) #25.

    • After that, Wakanda was also was nearly brought to war with Deviant Lemuria in issues #26-29.

    • While this was all going on, one of the Dora Milaje named Nakia disgraced her self and was sent into exile in Black Panther (vol. 3) #13. Seeking to get revenge, she reinvented herself as Malice and went after the king. This came to a foot in Black Panther (vol. 3) #31-33, bringing disgrace to her village, leading to it being wiped out.

    • Lastly, there was the revelation that the latest addition to the Dora Milaje, Queen Divine Justice, was the long lost princess of the Jabari Tribe, in issues #34-35.

  2. Yeah, lots of exposition in this story, so let me break it down for you in one handy little list:

    • Chaintang the Black Dragon was seemingly slain a few years earlier by Colleen Wing, as seen in Power Man and Iron Fist #122.

    • His ashes were kept by Colleen until they were stolen recently by Nightshade. Using a cadaver and said ashes, she resurrected Chaintang. As was revealed in Black Panther (vol. 3) #38.

    • After betraying Nightshade, Chaintang did his body swap with Everett Ross following the events of Black Panther (vol. 3) #30.

    • The eggs were destroyed and Iron Fist were enslaved in issue #38. Chaintang then took back his body and Danny was freed last issue.

  3. This other Black Panther was uncovered in the Crystal Forest of the Jabari Tribe back in Black Panther (vol. 3) #35. As will be explained in issues #48-49, this is a version of T’Challa that comes from some 10 years of a possible future. This timeline exists in Reality-1145 per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #4.

  4. For more on the origins of Dragonslayer, see Power Man and Iron Fist #119. As per Marvel Premiere #15, K’un-L’un usually exists in another dimension and only materializes on Earth for short periods every decade.

  5. At the time of this story, Iron Fist’s powers had been stolen from him by Junzo Muto in New Warriors (vol. 2) #8. These powers were restored to Danny by Chaintang in Black Panther (vol. 3) #38.

  6. While T’Challa pledges to save the Black Dragon’s life, his ultimate fate following this issue is unknown as of this writing (January, 2024).

Topical References

  • Henry Gyrich states that the President of the United States is George W. Bush. This was the case when this comic was published in 2002. Bush was US President for two terms from 2001 to 2009. As he is no longer the President, this reference should be considered topical.