Nick Peron

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Black Panther (vol. 4) #2

Who is the Black Panther? Part 2



At the headquarters of the National Security Agency, Secretary of State Dondi Reece is seeking to learn more about Wakanda and its enigmatic leader, the Black Panther. She has enlisted the aid of Everett Ross, an expert on these subjects to inform her and her staff on what they need to know.[1]

Ross tells them how the current Black Panther is T’Challa, son of T’Chaka. He tells them how the Black Panther is both ruler of the nation and the religious leader of nation of Wakanda. While this role is hereditary, it is still a title that needs to be earned. To earn that title, one must undergo rigorous training as well as pass many tests. Once a year, those who wish to challenge the King may try to best him in the arena.

Years Ago[2]

At the annual challenge for leadership, the current Black Panther emerges from the idol of the Panther God to the cheers of the gathered audience. There are many challengers and the crowd to given a play-by-play from some ringside commentators. The first challenger lasts mere seconds before being kicked out of the arena with a single blow. The Black Panther then combats a massive foe with huge muscles. Thinking that the King will be an easy defeat, this massive brute intends to crush the life out of him.

As this battle rages, Queen Ramonda paces her room in the royal palace. She hates this yearly ritual and waiting for the end result is more nerve-racking than being in there in person. When one of her aids suggests that Ramonda check on the princess, she goes to Shuri’s room but discovers that she is not there. This is because Shuri has gone to the arena to fight the Black Panther. However, when she arrives at the gates, she is barred entry by the guards who have orders from the Queen not to let her in. Shuri doesn’t let this stop her as she can easily scale the walls to get into the arena. As she makes her way the ring, she spots her cousin T’Shan, who just had the crap kicked out of him. When he realizes that Shuri intends to challenge the King, he tries to stop her. However, his doctor makes him lay back down as they are still treating his injuries. Shuri then runs up the steps, but gets pinned to the ground by a warrior that was just kicked out of the ring.

That’s when a new challenger — a man in a black mask to conceal his identity — leaps into the ring. As Shuri gets out from under the man who landed on her, she watches in tears as this new challenger beats the Black Panther into submission. When the referee deems the battle over, he asks the warrior to remove his mask. When he does, everyone — especially Shuri — is shocked to discover that the champion is none other than her brother, T’Challa. T’Challa helps the Black Panther (his Uncle S’Yan) to his feet and he is celebrated as the successor to the mantel of the Black Panther. Seeing the victory from the sidelines, T’Shan is furious that his father prevented him from winning the contest and slinks off. While back at the palace, word of T’Challa’s victory reaches Queen Ramonda. She is filled with sorrow over the news that T’Challa has become the leader of Wakanda, as he has made himself a better target.


As Everett Ross concludes his primer on the current Black Panther, Secretary Reece is concerned. Although Wakanda has only ever defended itself from invaders, she is concerned about what threat the nation might pose to the United States. When Ross points out that American forces are already spread thin across the globe, Dondi suggests that they deploy the Very Special Forces.

Elsewhere, Ulysses Klaw and a man he recently got out of prison pull up to a brothel. Inside, Klaw has his friend choose one of the women he likes best.[3] The man chooses an attractive blonde and takes her into a private room. There, the man offers a large sum of money in exchange for a single kiss. Although this is against the rules, the woman decides to do it just this once since he is offering a massive sum of money. When the two kiss, the woman’s eyes start to glow. She later emerges from the bedroom alone and when her boss tells her to get back to work, the call girl says she quits. The madame of the house then goes up to check on the client and finds him laying dead in the bed.

The prostitute meets up with Klaw who is waiting outside in the car. Amazingly, her mind and body are now possessed by the man that Klaw enlisted on his mission. When Klaw remarks that his companion is indeed the cannibal everyone says he is. The Cannibal says he doesn’t like that term but is pleased with his new body as he’s always wanted a woman like this. With his plan coming together, Klaw believes that with his new ally on his side, the Black Panther will not stand a chance against them!

Recurring Characters

Black Panther, Klaw, The Cannibal, S’Yan, Shuri, T’Shan, Ramonda, Everett Ross, Dondi Reece

Continuity Notes

  1. Ross would know from Wakanda since he was closely involved in the goings on of its king from Black Panther (vol. 3) #1 through 49. At one point, between issues #13 and 25 of that series, Everett was temporarily put in charge of the nation.

  2. This flashback expands on previous origins, adding a trail-by-combat between T’Challa and his predecessor, S’Yan. For additional details surrounding the trials T’Challa underwent to become the Black Panther see Avengers #87 and Black Panther: Panther’s Prey #2 and 3.

  3. Black Panther (vol. 4) #1-6 features Ulysses Klaw without as flesh and blood rather than the solid sound form that he has had since Fantastic Four #56. As of this writing, there has been no explanation as to why he’s like this in these issues. My assumption is the Klaw temporarily lost his powers somehow. He got the Cannibal out of prison last issue.

Topical References

  • The Secretary of State is a character called Dondi Reece, while her name is different she is a stand-in for Condoleezza Rice, who held that position when this comic was published in 2005. Her nickname was “Condi” and it was often used by the general public. That said, any suggestion that the fictional Dondi and IRL Condi are the same person should be considered topical. Since Marvel made an effort to change her name, this character should be assumed to be unique to the Marvel Universe and not be considered the IRL person she is based off of.

  • Ross makes an off-hand commend about adding Wakanda to the “Axis of Evil” and mentions how US forces are stretched across the Middle East. This story was written around the time that the United States had invaded the nations of Afganistan and Iraq following the September 11, 2001 attacks. The “Axis of Evil” referred to here was the title that then President George W. Bush gave to Iraq, Afganistan, and North Korea. The US invasion in Iraq lasted until 2017 while the one in Afganistan remained 2021. In both cases, situations quickly collapsed after America pulled out. At any rate, the allusions made here should be considered topical.