Nick Peron

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Captain America #345



After the Viper’s failed attempt at turning Washington, DC into a city of violent snake-people, the Commission on Superhuman Activities have now become aware that Steve Rogers has disobeyed their orders and has continued fighting crime.[1] Now with Captain America’s allies arrested, Douglas Rockwell — the head of the Commission — orders Captain America to bring in Steve Rogers. Walker finds it odd that Rogers is to be arrested because, from what he heard, he helped capture Viper and saved the President himself.

Battlestar is concerned about John being rattled going after Rogers, but Walker is confident he can beat him like he did before back when he was the Super-Patriot.[2] Lamar is also disappointed they have to give up their hunt for the Resistants, a group of mutant outlaws who caused John and Lamar botch their last mission.[3]

Meanwhile, the Captain has called in his old friend the Falcon. The pair meet at the Lincoln Memorial where they coordinate a plan to look for Nomad and D-Mna, unaware that they have been arrested by the government. When a National Guard patrol arrives on the scene, Cap goes into hiding. He really wants to go looking for the remaining members of the Serpent Society, but he can’t leave Washington until he finds out what happened to his friends. He also wonders what happened to Vagabond, who was sent on a mission to get Sidewinder medical attention before all the chaos.[4] After the National Guardsmen leave, Steve decides to change out of costume so he can maintain a lower profile.

At that same moment, in Custer’s Grove, Georgia, the media is camped outside of the Walker home. They hope to that Caleb and Emily Walker can confirm that their son John is the new Captain America, after his identity was blown on live television.[5] Since they haven’t spoken to their son in months, Caleb doesn’t believe his son is the new Captain America and orders the reporters to get off his lawn or he’ll call the sheriff. After the press leaves, the Walkers go back into the home and wonder if the stories are true and their son is the new Captain America. Moments later their home is invaded by the Watchdogs, who have a bone to pick with their son.[6]

The next morning, Captain America and Battlestar are patrolling Washington from the air, still on the look out for Steve Rogers. That’s when they catch a news report saying that John’s parents have been kidnapped by the Watchdogs. John is angered by this news and tries to get permission to go to Georgia to save his family. His request is denied, but Battlestar tells John to go ahead and that he’ll cover for him while he’s gone. This suits Walker just fine since he wants to do this alone.

Elsewhere in the city, Nomad, Diamondback, and D-Man are still prisoners of the Commission. Nomad believes that they should break out, but D-Man wants to say, as that’s what Steve would do.[7] That’s when Sidewinder teleports into the room with Vagabond to get them out. This leads to another argument and while both Diamondback and Nomad want to go, D-Man and Vagabond want to stay and face the music. Having had enough with his girlfriend siding with Dunphy all the time, Nomad decides that their relationship is over and leaves with Sidewinder.

Later that evening, John Walker arrives at his family home in Custer’s Grove. As soon as he goes inside the phone rings. It’s one of the Watchdogs who tells him that if he wants to see his parents alive again to follow their plans.

Back in Washington, Steve Rogers checks his hotline and finds a coded message from Nomad telling him to meet up at a bar called the Michael O’Saloon in Bethesda. Steve goes there and discovers that Jack is drunk off his ass already. Nomad tells Steve that D-Man and Vagabond are prisoners of the Commission. However, when Steve wants to surrender rather than break them out, Jack thinks Steve has gone soft and refuses to play any part and walks out, leaving Steve to pick up his bar tab. Steve Rogers later surrenders to the authorities and he is brought before the Commission. It’s leader, Douglas Rockwell, is pleased to finally have Rogers in his custody and goes over the litany of trumped up charges he is going to face and Steve wonders if he made the wrong choice after all.

While in Georgia, Captain America heads to Simon’s Road House where the Watchdogs are waiting for him. Surrounded by guns from all sides, John surrenders to them and is quickly blind folded and brought out to a barn where his parents have been kept prisoner. There, they intend to hang Captain America for his past interference in their plans. John allows them to put the noose around his neck, hoping his enhanced strength can protect him against being strangled. When he thinks everyone’s guard is down, John leaps up into the air and the force of his fall breaks the beam his noose is tied to. However, despite catching the Watchdog’s by surprise they quickly turn their guns on his parents. Seeing his mother and father get mowed down in a hail of bullets causes John to snap. He then murders all of the Watchdogs. Unhinged by the experience and unwilling to accept that his parents are dead, John cradles their lifeless bodies in his arms, looking forward to going home and spending time with them.

Recurring Characters

The Captain, Captain America, Watchdogs, Guardsmen, Battlestar, Falcon, Demolition Man, Vagabond, Nomad, Diamondback, Sidewinder, Douglas Rockwell, Raymond Sikorski, Redwing

Continuity Notes

  1. Steve Rogers was forced to give up his Captain America identity because refused to work exclusively for the government in Captain America #332. He was subsequently replaced by John Walker in the following issue. Steve adopted a new identity of “The Captain” in issue #337 so he could continue fighting crime.

  2. Steve Rogers and John Walker fought each other back in Captain America #327. While John considered it a win, it was more like a draw.

  3. John and Lamar were charged with bringing in a mutant named Quill for refusing to register his powers with the government. He was rescued by the Resistants. See Captain America #343. John and Lamar will get another chance against the group next issue.

  4. The Serpent Squad’s plot to turn everyone into snakes ran from Captain America #341 until last issue. Sidewinder was poisoned by Viper who was trying to usurp control of the Serpent Society. Vagabond took him to get medical attention in issue #342.

  5. When the Commission revealed the new Captain America to the public, the press conference was interrupted by Left-Winger and Right-Winger, two disgruntled friends of John Walker, who then blurted out his true identity. See Captain America #341.

  6. One of John Walker’s first missions as Captain America was to infiltrate the Watchdogs and gather evidence of their criminal activities. See Captain America #335.

  7. There are multiple references to the last time this group found themselves in jail. They were arrested by the Las Vegas police for interfering with a hostage situation. See Captain America #337-338.

Topical References

  • The news broadcast about John’s parents being kidnapped is depicted as being from CNN. This should be considered topical as CNN is a real world network.