Nick Peron

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Captain America (vol. 5) #38

The Death of Captain America Act 3 - The Man Who Bought America: Part 2


Sharon Carter has shaken off Doctor Faustus’ mind control and discovered that Arnim Zola has been keeping Steve Rogers in a lab. However, when trying to wake him and escape the Red Skull’s lair, she discovers that that she was wrong. This is not her Steve Rogers. Due to the fact that half of his body is burned, she realizes that this is actually the Captain America of the 1950s.

A man so obsessed with Captain America that he underwent plastic surgery to look and sound like Captain America. He even legally changed his name to Steve Rogers. He later found a copy of the Super Soldier Formula and injected himself with it so he could become Captain America. He also gave the serum to Jack Monroe who became his version of Bucky. However, the formula proved unstable and the two became increasingly unhinged. It forced the government to put them in suspended animation for decades.

In the present, a disgruntled government employee freed the 50’s Cap and Bucky. By that point, Steve Rogers had returned. His 50’s counterpart assumed that Steve was an impostor and tried to kill him, but the true Captain America won. The 50’s Cap ended up in the hands of Doctor Faustus who brain washed him into becoming the Grand Director, leader of a racist group of Neo-Nazis hoping to spark a race war. Once again, the real Captain America was there to stop him. The Grand Director was believed to have died, having immolated himself upon his defeat. This makes her think of Jack Monroe, who went on to became the hero known as Nomad. But now Jack is dead, just like Steve Rogers is as well.[1]

She doesn’t know what the Red Skull has brought this abomination back, but Sharon knows exactly what to do with him.[2] However, before she can shoot “Steve Rogers” she is zapped with a stun ray from behind by Aleksander Lukin. He scolds Doctor Faustus for not keeping an eye on her. Faustus shifts the blame, saying that Arnim Zola should have kept better watch on their Steve Rogers. Faustus then helps the confused impostor back to his bed. When “Steve” asks why she knew his name, Faustus tells him everyone knows who he is because he’s Captain America.

Meanwhile, the current Captain America (James “Bucky” Barnes) and the Falcon (Sam Wilson) are following Faustus’ trail after he fled an abandoned mental health facility that he was running as a front. The trail leads to an abandoned factory in the middle of nowhere. However, rather than running recon themselves, Sam sends Redwing to scope the place from overhead. Through his mind link, the Falcon can see what Redwing sees. He observes a group from Advanced Idea Mechanics that are helping Arnim Zola empty the place out of all its advanced scientific equipment. Bucky is happy to hear that they finally hit paydirt and they can start putting the Red Skull back where he belongs: On the losing side of the battle.

In Washington, Senator Gordon Wright — who is in the Red Skull’s back pocket — has launched his run for the Presidential Election. He is the leader of a new party calling themselves the Third Wing. He promises the voters a new America, one free from corruption and greed. His message is making waves, with opinion polls showing him achieving a 20% approval rating. Watching these numbers, Faustus points out the obvious: 20% isn’t going to win the election. The Skull angrily reminds him that these are the initial polls and they have time to boost Wright’s popularity. Faustus figures that this is only a minor concern and suggests that they focus of keeping the two minds that occupy his body in balance in the meantime.[3]

At the same time, Captain America and Falcon ambush the AIM team trying to clear out the factor. As they fight, James wants to put his best forward to prove to the Falcon that he is worthy of taking over as Captain America. He quickly notices that there is something familiar to fighting alongside Sam that reminds him of fighting alongside Steve Rogers. Something that makes them working together like this feel right.[4] The plow through the AIM troopers and get inside the facility. Inside, Arnim Zola puts up a small fight until it becomes clear that he won’t get away. Fleeing to the bowls of the factory, Zola hooks himself up to the computer core. It triggers a self-destruct sequence. When Sam arrives Zola’s body suddenly drops dead. The Falcon is just barely able to fly them out of the factory just seconds before it explodes. This leaves the two of them wondering what it is the Red Skull wants to hide so badly.

Arnim Zola didn’t perish in the blast because he actually transferred his mind into a spare body at the Red Skull’s hideout to report what just happened. At that time, Doctor Faustus is conditioning “Steve Rogers” with footage of Captain America in action. When Aleksander Lukin goes off to see what Zola has to report, Faustus changes track. He begins showing him footage of the new Captain America. He tells “Steve” that this man is an impostor who is also responsible for killing his partner, Jack Monroe.

Recurring Characters

Captain America (Barnes), Falcon, Sharon Carter, Red Skull/Aleksander Lukin, Doctor Faustus, Arnim Zola, Captain America (Burnside), Gordon Wright, AIM, Redwing

Continuity Notes

  1. This is a huge exposition dump about the 1950s Captain America. The details:

    • The genesis of this character began after Steve Rogers went MIA during World War II and was believed dead. In reality, he was frozen in suspended animation for decades until he was revived in the Modern Age. See Avengers #4.

    • The 1950’s Cap’s real name is William Burnside, although this will not be revealed until Captain America #602. His obsession and desire to look and sound like Steve Rogers, as well as his discovery of the Super Soldier Serum were all covered in Captain America #155.

    • 1950’s Cap’s exploits were chronicled in Young Men #24-27, Men’s Adventures #27-28, and Captain America Comics #76-78. His and Bucky’s descent into madness was also chronicled in Captain America #155.

    • Their revival and first defeat at the hands of Captain America happened in Captain America #153-156. From there William’s time and alleged death as the Grand Director took place in Captain America #231-236.

    • Jack Monroe became the new Nomad in Captain America #282. He was more recently murdered by the Winter Soldier in Captain America (vol. 5) #3.

    • At the time of this story, the real Steve Rogers is believed to have died from gunshot wounds sustained in Captain America (vol. 5) #25. However, he was actually displaced in time as part of a complicated plot by the Red Skull to steal his body, as seen in Captain America: Reborn #1-5.

  2. “Steve” vaguely remembers Sharon Carter. This is because she was involved with the real Steve Rogers when his 50’s counterpart was revived in Captain America #153-156. When he was brainwashed into becoming the Grand Director, Sharon went on a undercover mission to infiltrate the organization as seen in Captain America #231-236.

  3. The Skull’s mind is sharing a body with Aleksander Lukin after he jumped from his own with the Cosmic Cube during a botched assassination attempt. See Captain America (vol. 5) #1 and 14. This will remain the status quo until issue #42.

  4. The reason fighting alongside the Falcon feels familiar is because Sam was trained by Steve Rogers back in Captain America #118 and partnered with him on and off for many years.

Topical References

  • In this story, it is stated that Gordon Wright is running for the 2008 Presidential Election. This should be considered a topical reference as it is relative to the date of publication.