Nick Peron

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Captain America (vol. 5) #46

Old Friends and Enemies Part 1 of 3



Somewhere in the far east, Professor Zhang Chin examines the remains of the original Human Torch, which were brought to him by his operative the Man Without a Face.[1] Chin confirms that the remains are authentic and that he can use them for his goals. They are still waiting on the new Captain America to come, having left a trail for him to follow. However, Zheng Chin is certain that he will come to rescue the remains of his friend.

Zheng would be correct as, at that very moment, Captain America (James Barnes) and the Sub-Mariner (Namor) are following the trail in Namor’s ship. For James it feels good to be fighting alongside an old friend like the Sub-Mariner.[2] As they are heading to their destination, James brings up how Namor hasn’t mentioned his thoughts about his being the new Captain America. Namor doesn’t have much to say, since it appears James already made up his mind, however he supposes that Steve Rogers would have been fine with it.[3] Thinking of old friends reminds Namor that he was there when the Human Torch sacrificed his life to save those he cared for. It saddens him to learn his fate when he was always trying to prove his humanity and fought against being seen only as a weapon. He remembers that this was the exact thing that Professor Chin was interested in when they first met him.

Shang-Hai, China - 1942

The Invaders — Captain America (Steve Rogers), Bucky (James Barnes), and the Human Torch (Jim Hammond) — were sent on a covert mission to extract the young prodigy known as Zheng Chin, whose scientific prowess was being used to help the Japanese war effort. When their cover was blown, the team was forced to fight their way out. Waiting for them at the shore is their teammate the Sub-Mariner who was to fly them out in his Imperial Aircraft. The entire time, Zheng Chin was completely fascinated by the Human Torch and his control over flame.

On the flight back, Zheng asked the Sub-Mariner questions about the Torch. Namor explained that Jim was an android created by an American scientist, not approving how surface dwellers are always playing God. Zheng wonders why Namor is scoffing at the wonders of science, since Atlantean society also seems to be technologically advanced as well. The Sub-Mariner explains there is a difference between his people and the surface dwellers: Atlanteans have more restraint, while humans will let science run amok.


Namor recalls that the young Zheng Chin as nothing more than a dangerously inquisitive brat. He then asks about the time James met him as the Winter Soldier….

Beijing, China - 1968

The Winter Soldier was sent on a mission into China by his Russian handlers to eliminate Zheng Chin. However, the assassin didn’t anticipate he would have the Man With No Name as a bodyguard. Outmatched against the Man’s intangibility and shadow phasing powers, the Winter Soldier was put on the defensive as he tried to evade capture.

As he fled from Chinese soldiers, he ended up crashing into a bedroom. There he was confronted by two guards who were protecting a woman. Without thinking, the Winter Soldier opened fire on them, killing all three.


James remembers this all clearly and is proud of none of it. When Namor asks why the Russians wanted Zheng Chin dead, Bucky explains that the young scientist grew up to be a monster, developing things that could end the world.

At that moment, in Hong Kong, the Black Widow is on a mission to learn everything she can about what Professor Zheng Chin has been up to since 1968. She meets with an old friend, Sims, who works for MI6. He informs her that Chin earned the nickname “Professor Pandemic” in the espionage industry because he was responsible for inventing and unleashing the Bird Flu. Natasha is surprised to hear that he is still around and still apparently working as she had heard he retired 10 years ago. After giving Natasha the information she wants to know, Sims tries to make a pass at her. However, Natasha stops him, saying that she’s spoken for now and shoots him down.[4]

Meanwhile, Cap and Namor arrive at the port in Taiwan, there they take out guards working of Professor Chin. With this obstacle cleared and with Namor having set up his equipment aboard the ship, they part company.

At a nearby lab, Professor Chin has taken what he has already learned about the Human Torch to examine the Man With No Face. As it turns out, the Man has been sustained by Chin all of these years and Zheng might finally have the key to stabilizing his powers so he will no longer require constant treatment.

Back in Hong Kong, the Black Widow gets a dossier on Professor Chin from Sims. Taking it back to her hotel room, she learns about the Winter Soldier’s mission in 1968. She discovers that the woman who died was Zheng Chin’s wife and that the Winter Soldier is considered a wanted criminal in China. She is concerned that James stubbornness prevented him from telling her this part of the story.

By this point, James has arrived outside the government lab in Taipei City. In general, he still feels guilty for the things he did as the Winter Soldier, even thought he was brainwashed at the time.[5] However, in the case of Professor Zheng Chin, he isn’t sure if he’s more ashamed of what he did back in 1968, or what happened by allowing Chin to live. Regardless, Bucky has decided that since his past is connected to Chin from his time as the Winter Soldier, then he is coming as the Winter Soldier to put an end to things.

Recurring Characters

Captain America/Winter Soldier, Sub-Mariner, Black Widow, Man With No Face, Zheng Chin, Human Torch, (in flashback) Invaders (Captain America, Bucky, Sub-Mariner, Human Torch)

Continuity Notes

  1. The Man Without a Face was sent to America to recover the Human Torch’s remains in Captain America (vol. 5) #43-45. The OG Human Torch has been dead since New Invaders #9.

  2. James and Namor have a long history that dates back to World War II. They first started working together when they were members of the Invaders, as seen in Giant-Size Invaders #1. James recalls the ship they are flying in is the exact same one Namor used during the war. Although the Atlantean Imperial Craft was first seen in Fantastic Four Annual #1, it has been depicted as being used as far back as the 1940s, as seen in Invaders #1.

  3. At the time of this story, everyone believes that the original Captain America — aka Steve Rogers — was murdered in Captain America (vol. 5) #25. In reality, his ended up being time displaced as part of a complex plot by the Red Skull who is trying to steal his body. See Captain America: Reborn #1-5.

  4. The Black Widow has been in a relationship with James Barnes since Captain America (vol. 5) #34, rekindling an old romance they had back in the 1950s, as explained in issue #27.

  5. After being caught in an explosion over the English Channel in 1945, Bucky was recovered by the Russians who transformed him into their assassin, the Winter Soldier. He was brainwashed into forgetting his past and claimed many lives over the years. It wasn’t until recent times that the brainwashing was broken and he was able to take back control of his life. See Captain America (vol. 5) #8, 11, and 14.

Topical References

  • It is stated here that Professor Chin engineered avian flu. As the name of the illness suggests it originated in birds. It was particularly a problem with bird livestock, such as chickens. The virus eventually mutated and began infecting humans. The first recorded case of cross-species infection happened in China in 1997. At the time this story was growing outbreaks happening in China and other South Asian regions starting in 2003 and there were concerns that it might spread to North America. However, back then the there were Presidents who knew what the fuck they were doing and the CDC was able to minimize infections, not like the absolute shitshow the later COVID-19 pandemic was, but I digress. At any rate, since Zheng Chin has found a way to extend his lifespan, one could assume that these references are factual as opposed to topical.