Nick Peron

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Captain America's Weird Tales #75

So This is a Thing…


Captain America’s Weird Tales #75 was an issue of the series that didn’t actually feature Captain America in it! Instead, it’s just a collection of horror stories. If you didn’t read the primer for this series (which, really, you should read those primers so I don’t have to repeat myself so damn much) let me tell you what’s going on here. By the end of World War II, superhero comic books were losing popularity which led to a change in the industry. Superhero comics were being phased out and replaced with other titles which would reuse the numbering from the original series. In the case of Captain America Comics, the people at Timely tried to retitle it as Captain America’s Weird Tales in the previous issue. The series was then cancelled outright instead of being replaced. I guess pairing Captain America’s name with horror stories didn’t cut it with the reading public of the 50s. However, you got to admit if there was an apt metaphor for modern day American you couldn’t find a better one (This joke was considered fresh as of August 2019. If by miracle this becomes a dated reference please ignore it)

Anyway, since none of these stories are really considered continuity (YET!!) I’m not going to recap them. If you want the same calibre of horror stories that appear in this go find a Cub Scout troup telling spooky stories by campfire. If they’re not weirded out by your creepy ass lurking their ghost stories then you’ll get the idea.

This was the last Timely era issue of Captain America Comics, the series was revived in 1954 for a few issues but to see those go check out the Atlas era section of this Index.

Next: Atlas Era Captain America Comics