Nick Peron

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Incredible Hercules #119

Secret Invasion, Part 3: Contact


Secret Invasion continues from X-Factor (vol. 3) #33….

Skrull World Satriana, Years Ago

Veranke, a prophetess of Kly’Bn and Sl’gur’t has been saying for years that the Skrull people are prophesized to conquer the Earth. As she goes through the scripture of the Book of Worlds with her followers they come upon a troubling passage about a lion-like champion that will stand in the way of their divine mission. They take this to mean that the gods of Earth will defend their home by attacking Kly-Bn and Sl’gur’t. Veranke assures them all that this mission is doomed to failure as they will hide a spy as the least among them….[1]

Manhattan, After World War Hulk[2]

Remanding into SHIELD custody, Hercules and Amadeus Cho are separated for questioning. One agent directs Cho to a SWORD tent for what he claims to be a disinfection protocol in case he was exposed to any alien pathogens. However, inside the tent, Amadeus is doused with knock out gas because the SHIELD agents in charge are really Skrull subversives.

Skrull Dreamtime, Now

Hercules and Amadeus Cho have formed the so called “God Squad” — which includes Ajak of the Eternals, the Japanese god Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the Egyptian elder god Atum, and the Inua demigoddess Snowbird (Narya) — to travel to the domain of the Skrull gods and eliminate them. The idea is that with their gods dead, the Skrulls invasion of Earth will end in failure. After traversing Dreamtime, they end up at the gates of the domain belonging to the Skrull gods. They are shocked and horrified to discover that the walls are built out of the ruins of various alien pantheons they have crushed in the past.

Prior to their arrival, Hercules and Snowbird have found comfort in one another below deck. After they have finished their lovemaking, Hercules suggests they should return to the others separately. Snowbird doesn’t understand, but Hercules tries to explain that common knowledge of their affair might look to the others. Narya cannot understand how Hercules hasn’t learned anything about women in the centuries he has been alive. He playfully tells her it took practice and she throws one of her boots at him.

This scene is being observed by Amadeus Cho’s pet coyote pup, Kirby. However, the small canine is more than it seems. After confirming that Hercules is pre-occupied, the pup goes on deck and takes on the form of Amadeus Cho. Perfectly imitating Cho’s flippant attitude he tells Atum that Ajak would like to speak with him. When the Egyptian god goes, he tells “Amadeus” to take the helm. However, when Atum goes to see what Ajak wants he finds him talking to the real Amadeus Cho. Atum then heads back to the impostor while transforming into the Demogorge. Unfortunately, he is too slow, and fails to prevent the Skrull spy from crashing their ship. It shatters into pieces sending all of the gods and Cho spilling out into the void.

As everyone gets onto floating debris and safety, Amadeus goes looking for Kirby, unaware that his pup was the spy. When he finds Kirby, the small “coyote” is snatched up in the jaws of the Demogorge. Amadeus tries to get Demogorge to stop until “Kirby” dies and reverts back to his true form. Cho is shocked to discover that his pup was replaced by a Skrull impostor. Demogorge then accuses him of being a spy as there is no way that the seventh smartest person on the planet couldn’t have seen through this. Hercules comes to Amadeus’ aid and he and Atum almost come to blows until Ajak and Snowbird pull them apart. Realizing that the Skrulls know all their tactics, they have to come up with new ones. Amatus-Mikaboshi — speaking in haiku — suggests they look to Hercules’ past for inspiration.

Hercules thinks back and recalls when he fought Achelous, a shape-changer, back in 1260 BC. His strategy back then was to just beat Achelous into submission regardless of the shape he took. Ajak scoffs at this strategy, not seeing the wisdom that Athena had in making her step-brother their leader. Hercules says that hitting was the only strategy he has needed until now. Unfortunately, they don’t get a chance to plan any further when they are attacked by an army of gods that the Skrull pantheon has enslaved over the millennia. While the others struggle with the horde, the Demogorge revels in all of the deities there are for him to consume. However, it becomes clear that this fight is only meant to weaken them before the main event. With Amadeus using his great mind to plot a path through the horde, the team manages to escape from their attackers.

However, they don’t get a moment to rest when they are attacked by a massive creature. Deciding that she doesn’t want another group of teammates to die, Snowbird tells Hercules and the others to keep going while she deals with this new threat.[3] To buy them time, Snowbird takes on the form of Neooqtoq the Ravager, one of the most deadly of the Great Beasts of the North. Hercules refuses to go, but the other members of the God Squad grab him and pull him to safety. As they press onward, Hercules watches as Snowbird is swarmed and seemingly killed by the attacking gods.[4]

As they arrive at the temple of the Skrull gods, Amadeus realizes that Snowbird had the map they used to get to this part of Dreamtime. However, this is a concern for later as Hercules intends to avenge Narya’s death. After smashing open the front gate with his fists, Herc and his team are greeted by Kly’Bn himself who welcomes them and says that he loves them.

… Secret Invasion continues in New Warriors (vol. 4) #14.

Recurring Characters

God Squad (Hercules, Ajak, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Atum/Demogorge, Snowbird), Amadeus Cho, Kly’Bn, Sl’gur’t, “Kirby” (in flashback) Veranke, Achelos, SHIELD

Continuity Notes

  1. This planning would be part of the larger Skrull invasion of Earth which primarily takes place in Secret Invasion #1-8, as well as the various crossover issues listed below.

  2. World War Hulk primarily took place in World War Hulk #1-5. However, the events of this flashback were first seen in Incredible Hercules #113.

  3. Snowbird is referring to her teammates in Alpha Flight, who were killed by the Collective back in New Avengers #16. They will be restored to life in Chaos War: Alpha Flight #1.

  4. Snowbird will survive, as we’ll see next issue.

Secret Invasion Reading Order

New Avengers #31, Mighty Avengers #7, New Avengers #34, New Avengers: Illuminati (vol. 2) #5, Secret Invasion #1, Mighty Avengers #12, New Avengers #40, Secret Invasion #2, Mighty Avengers #13, Captain Britain and MI-13 #1, Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #1, Mighty Avengers #14, Incredible Hercules #117, New Avengers #41, Secret Invasion #3, Secret Invasion: Who Do You Trust? #1, Captain Britain and MI-13 #2, Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #2, Incredible Hercules #118, Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #1, Avengers: The Initiative #14, Mighty Avengers #15, Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #28, New Avengers #42, Secret Invasion: Front Line #1, Captain Britain and MI-13 #3, Secret Invasion #4, Mighty Avengers #16, X-Factor (vol. 3) #33, Incredible Hercules #119, New Warriors (vol. 4) #14, Avengers: The Initiative #15, She-Hulk (vol. 2) #31, New Avengers #43, Thunderbolts #122, Secret Invasion: Fantastic Four #3, Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #29, Black Panther (vol. 4) #39, Secret Invasion: Front Line #2, Secret Invasion: X-Men #1, Secret Invasion: Inhumans #1, Secret Invasion: Thor #1, Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #2, Captain Britain and MI-13 #4, Secret Invasion #5, Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2) #4, X-Factor (vol. 3) #34, Incredible Hercules #120, Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man #1, New Warriors (vol. 4) #15, Nova (vol. 4) #16, Avengers: The Initiative #16, Mighty Avengers #17, She-Hulk (vol. 2) #32, Black Panther (vol. 4) #40, New Avengers #44, Thunderbolts #123, Secret Invasion: Front Line #3, Deadpool (vol. 4) #1, Secret Invasion: Inhumans #2, Secret Invasion: Runaways/Young Avengers #3, Secret Invasion #6, Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #30, Secret Invasion: Thor #2, Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2) #5, Mighty Avengers #18, War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD #33, Deadpool (vol. 4) #2, Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man #2, Nova (vol. 4) #17, Avengers: The Initiative #17, She-Hulk (vol. 2) #33, Black Panther (vol. 4) #41, New Avengers #45, Thunderbolts #124, Deadpool (vol. 4) #3, Secret Invasion: Inhumans #3, Secret Invasion: Front Line #4, Guardians of the Galaxy (vol. 2) #6, Mighty Avengers #19, War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD #34, Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man #3, Secret Invasion #7, New Avengers #46, Thunderbolts #125, Secret Invasion: X-Men #3, Secret Invasion: Thor #3, Nova (vol. 4) #18, Avengers: The Initiative #18, Punisher: War Journal (vol. 2) #25, War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD #35, Secret Invasion: X-Men #4, Secret Invasion: Inhumans #4, Secret Invasion: Front Line #5, Secret Invasion #8, New Avengers #47, Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1, Avengers: The Initiative #19