Nick Peron

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Incredible Hulk #288

Anyone Out There Know How to Cure a Case of... Yellow Fever?!


At Project Earthfall, MODOK tortures the Abomination as General Ross watches nearby. Ross agreed to help MODOK free the Abomination so that the super-villain could use him as an instrument against his former creators, A.I.M. In exchange, MODOK has agreed to send the Abomination out to destroy the Hulk first. Unfortunately for both of them, the Hulk beat the Abomination so badly during their last encounter, that the green gargantuan is nothing more than a quivering mass of cowardice.

Elsewhere, the Hulk goes to the dentist. Dr. Bates takes a scraping from one of the Hulk's molars for examination. The Hulk doesn't realize that Dr. Bates is actually an agent of SHIELD and has been working in collusion with Kate Waynesboro. Banner's Recordasphere overhears a private conversation between Waynesboro and Bates and grows concerned. Partially sentient, it has developed great affection for Bruce Banner and now views Waynesboro as a threat.

In an effort to safeguard Banner, the Recordasphere sabotages Waynesboro's car. The vehicle caroms off the side of the road, and Banner is forced to change into the Hulk to save her life.

Back at Project Earthfall, MODOK runs the Abomination through a dangerous obstacle course in the hopes of bolstering the creature's bravado. When this tactic fails, MODOK turns his mental ray blasts against the Abomination. He tells him that he will destroy the Hulk or else he will cause him more pain than he has ever dared dream.

Recurring Characters

Hulk, General Ross, Kate Waynesboro, Abomination, MODOK

Continuity Notes

  • This story references the last time the Abomination was defeated by the Hulk. This happened in Incredible Hulk #270.