Nick Peron

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Iron Man (vol. 3) #2

Hidden Assets


Today is the first day of operations at Stark Solutions, Tony Stark’s brand new company. He has hired his old friend Pepper Potts to act as his executive administrator. As she takes calls her dog Socrates begins to growl at the first person to come through the door. Pepper is surprised to see that it is her estranged husband Happy Hogan. This is awkward for both of them and Happy explains that — just like her — Tony called him up to ask for help with his new company and he came no questions asked.[1] When Hap asks where Tony is, Pepper informs him that their boss is in the Swiss Alps on business.

At that moment, at a ski lodge near Zermatt, Tony Stark is showing off his moves to entertain his new client, Countess Stephanie de la Spirosa. Stephanie is delighted not only because Tony is entertaining to watch on the slopes, but also because he has agreed to consult for her company. She was almost afraid to hire him since the two did not part on the best of terms when they last met.[2] Tony tells her that it is all in the past and he is more than happy to work for her now.

That evening, Tony changes into Iron Man and takes to the air to search the mountains beyond the ski lodge. As he goes, he thinks about how Stephanie hired him to investigate her own company, Dufours Precision Manufacturing Corporation, which she inherited from her late husband. The company is a world leader in quality and efficiency and going on a tour of the plant, Tony can see why as no corners are being cut. Still, the Countess has noticed some troubling irregularities and takes him to her private office to look at the accounting books. Pursuing them himself, he notices the same unexplained discrepancies that she did. A lot of company money has been disappearing for unknown reasons. This piqued Stark’s curiosity and he then agreed to take the case.

Tony’s recollection is over by the time he arrives back at the planet where he uses the scanners in his Iron Man armor to try and figure out what could be causing the money to vanish. His scanners reveal that the Dufours facility — which is built into the side of a mountain — has a secret secondary factory built within the mountain. Locating the secret entrance, Iron Man goes inside to figure out what’s going on. Inside, he is quickly discovered by high-tech guards who begin trying to shoot him. Fleeing back outside, Iron Man is pursued by guards on hover vehicles. Banking near the side of a mountain, Iron Man triggers an avalanche, burying his pursuers in snow and allowing him to escape.

The following morning, Tony heads downstairs for breakfast and is surprised to see that the Countess now has two men — Dieter and Marcello — with her, which she nervously says are from the office and have come to discuss some paperwork. Sitting down at the table, Tony tells Stephanie to cut the bullshit. He has figured out that she didn’t call Stark Solutions for his help, but to enlist the services of Iron Man and tells her to stop playing around with him and tell the truth. Realizing the jig is up, Dieter and Marcello reach for their guns. However, Tony was prepared for this and activating a signal on his wrist watch, causes bombs he planted on the mountainside the night before to go off. While the two gunmen are distracted by the explosion, Tony charges at them and bludgeons them with his briefcase. He then tells Stephanie to get to her panic room and call the cops. Once the Countess is gone, Tony changes into Iron Man again to confront the same soldiers from the night before who have just arrived on snowmobiles.

Meanwhile, at an undisclosed location, a woman runs through a Chinese palace to warn her master that Tony Stark and Iron Man have appeared in Switzerland and are interfering in their operations. Her mysterious employer is glad that she has come to tell him about this latest development, but assures her that once he is done both Stark and Iron Man will be destroyed.[3]

Back in Switzerland, Iron Man makes short work of the ground soldiers who have arrived on the scene. However, before he can question one of the grunts and learn who their employer is a massive high-tech battle station appears in the sky. Moments later, the chalet where he has been staying explodes and from the flames emerge three Dreadnaught robots.[4] One of the robots states that both the Countess and Tony Stark are now dead and Iron Man will be joining them immediately.[5]

Recurring Characters

Iron Man, Dreadnaughts, Mandarin (unidentified), Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Stephanie de la Spirosa, Socrates

Continuity Notes

  1. There is some obvious friction between Happy and Pepper who, up until this point had been married since Tales of Suspense #91. It’s later revealed in Iron Man (vol. 3) #4 that the two had experience marital problems in recent times and after Pep cheated on Happy, the pair got divorced.

  2. Years earlier, Stephanie was mad over being spired by Tony Stark. So much that she stole a much needed component during Iron Man’s battle with the Titanium Man and then later hired the Mad Thinker to go after him. See Tales of Suspense #70-72 for a front row seat of the Countess’ homicidal privilege.

  3. This mystery man is Iron Man’s long time foe the Mandarin. He is secretly building a massive dragon shaped battle fortress. This will all be revealed in Iron Man (vol. 3) #9-10.

  4. A footnote reminds readers that the Dreadnaughts were created by Hydra and frequently get rented out to other villains, as is the case here. What it doesn’t mention is the robot’s first appearance, which was in Strange Tales #154 for those keeping track at home.

  5. Obviously Tony isn’t dead, but neither is Stephanie as we’ll learn next issue.