Nick Peron

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Invincible Iron Man #4

The Five Nightmares, Part 4: Neutron Bomb Heart


SHIELD Director Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) has learned that Zeke Stane, the son of his old rival Obadiah Stane, is responsible for a series of “super terror” attacks across the globe. After giving a press conference promising the public that SHIELD will capture those responsible, Tony meets with Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) of the Fantastic Four to get his thoughts on the technology used to make repulsor powered suicide bombers.

Reed confirms what Tony already suspected: Zeke Stane is using repurposed Starktech and hasn’t figured out how to replicate the technology. This makes him more of a scavenger than an inventor and that he needs access to Stark tech in order to do the things he does. While they are comparing notes, they are playing multiple games of chess. Tony manages to trounce Reed in every game. When asked about when he learned, Tony says he only picked up chess after he defeated Obadiah Stane, it was something to pass the time after he just quit drinking.[1] They both agree that the best thing to do is for Zeke Stane to come for Tony.

Tony returns to his “garage” on the SHIELD helicarrier to work on some new upgrades. His work is interrupted by Pepper. She was seriously injured in one of Stane’s bombings and has been recovering swiftly thanks to the arc reactor that was surgically implanted into her body.[2] Tony explains to Pepper that when he was fighting the Chinese Raider units they tried to download a tracker program into his Iron Man armor. This inspired him to do the same to track down Zeke Stane. He is now installing this tracking software to old pieces of Iron Man tech that he is going to leak onto the black market. Something about all of this is bothering Pepper and he asks her what’s wrong. She tells him that she doesn’t like the idea of having something that can be used as a weapon implanted in her body. She tells him that once she no longr needs the reactor she wants it removed.

Pepper goes back to bed after this and as Tony watches her sleep he is joined by Maria Hill. Hill finds Pep’s recovery phenomenal and tries to convince Tony to share this technology with SHIELD. However, Tony refuses to do anything of the sort, it is proprietary technology that is very close to the tech used in his Iron Man armor. The potential for abuse is too great for this technology to be anything but a proprietary tech. Besides, the cost is in the billions, making it impractical to use on a widespread scale. Hill thinks it is a waste that Tony is wasting such an important technology on someone she only views as Tony’s secretary and girlfriend. Tony reminds her that Pepper is neither of those things and dismisses Hill.

Elsewhere, various ideological groups — all with conflicting agendas — have come to buy Zeke Stane’s latest wares. The young weapon builder has used up the last of his perloined Starktech to finish the new suit he needs to regulate his repulsor implants and needs more. He orders Sasha to use their blackmarket connections to procure some more. He doesn’t want to skimp out on his latest scheme. He intends on his clients to do suicide bombing attacks on key Stark Industry facilities around the globe. The instantaneous destruction of each building will damage the company so much that it will not survive.

At that same moment, Tony Stark is already planting his traceable armor by giving it to Ed Gross. Gross collects superhero equipment and agrees to find someone to buy the equipment.[3] Sure enough, over the next few days the Iron Man tech ends up being sold onto the black market. In the meantime, Tony passes the time by visiting the new generation of Triumph Division, the resident superheroes of the Philippines. These are the young successors of the original team who was recently killed by Stane’s suicide bombers.[4] He then returns to the United States to negotiate the purchse of Oke-Cola. When asked why he was interested in a beverage company, Tony admits that he is actually more interested in their vending machine technology and supply chain as it better organized than most third world nations. He intends to use these networks to deliver much needed medicine to vulnerable people need most. After this, he simultaneously deals with the Melter while also holding a video conference to pitch a new mine detection and disposal unit to the Pentagon.

It takes fourteen days, but eventually, Sasha Hammer ends up purchasing the old Iron Man armor that Tony had planted. The following day, Tony is about to suit up when he finds Pepper looking over his Iron Man armor. She tells him that she is going to be discharged from medical care soon and as soon as she does, she wants to have the arc reactor removed from her body. This is because she refuses to have anything in her body that could be used as a weapon. Tony tells her that her reactor isn’t based on any weapons based technology. In fact, it was developed by the Rand Corporation. The machine inside of her is more of a battery than it is a weapon. Pepper is overjoyed to hear it. Tony then tells her to close her eyes and concentrate on expanding the field of the reactor in her chest. When she opens her eyes again and discovers that she can use magnetic fields to fly.

They are interrupted by Maria Hill who informs Tony that the trackers on the black market plants have gone live again. Meeting with her, Tony notes that the signals are coming from Long Island, Valencia, Tokyo, and Los Angeles, all locations where Stark Industries have offices. In fact, these are important offices, making Tony realize that Zeke Stane doesn’t just want to kill Tony Stark, he also wants to kill Stark Industries as well.

Recurring Characters

Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, Pepper Potts, SHIELD (Maria Hill), Zeke Stane, Tinkerer, Big Wheel, Ed Gross, Triumph Division (Red Feather, St. George, Mighty Mother, Anitun, Wishing Man, Great Mongoose), Sasha Hammer

Continuity Notes

  1. Obadiah Stane destroyed Iron Man’s life over the course of Iron Man #166-173. This included a hostile take over Stark International and pushing Tony to start drinking again. Tony eventually ended up homeless and almost died from his bender, but decided to get clean again in Iron Man #182. He went on to start a new company, making him a target of Stane once more. Their final conflict took place in Iron Man #198-200, ending with Stane’s suicide.

  2. Pep was injured in Invincible Iron Man #2, and had the arc reactor implanted in her chest last issue.

  3. Tony mentions how the Avengers saved Ed Gross’ daughter. See New Avengers #7.

  4. The previous team of Triumph Division were killed in Invincible Iron Man #2.

Topical References

  • Tony states that the arc reactor in Pepper cost 2 billion and that a suit of armor to go with it would cost another 4 billion. Adjusting for inflation this would cost 2.8 billion and 5.6 billion in 2023 money.

  • Hill mockingly compares Tony to the title character from Magnum, P.I. a crime drama that 1980 to 1988. It starred Tom Selleck as the titular private detective. This should be considered a topical reference as — paradoxically — a more contemporary TV show could be used to reference how old and outdated Tony appears to Maria.

  • Stark mocks Maria’s haircut, suggesting that she got it done at Supercuts. Supercuts is a hairstyling chain. Its reference here should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world buisness.

  • Among the organizations that have come to purchase Stane’s weapons, some of these are real world organizations and their depiction here should be topical because their inclusion here speaks to their status when this comic was published in 2008. Sasha comments that it looks like a ideological Bennington ad. The fashion company ran a number of multicultural advertising campaigns during the late 80s and early 90s. That I have to explain it to you should explain why this is also a topical reference.

  • Sasha Hammer is depicted using the original 2007 iPhone in this story. This should be considered a topical reference as this model was discontinued in 2010.

  • Tony specifically states that his purpose for purchasing Okle Cola is to use their supply chain as a means of distributing an AIDS vaccine. At the time of this story was written, there was no AIDS vaccine. As I write this (May, 2023) there still isn’t, but science is getting closer to one every day. Some anticipate one happening in the next decade. That said, the illness is not as deadly as it once was thanks to advancements in treatment and viral management techniques. As such, this reference should be considered topical.