Nick Peron

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Irredeemable Ant-Man #10

World War Hulk


World War Hulk continues from Heroes for Hire (vol. 2) #13…

After yet another superhero battle, Damage Control sends in its search-and-rescue team to look for people who may have been hurt or trapped under rubble. When SHIELD agents arrive on the scene Ant-Man (Eric O’Grady, alias Slaying Mantis) makes himself scarce. This is noticed once again by the Visioneer (Abigail),[1] who once again asks him what he is hiding.[2] O’Grady (who she knows under his false identity of Derek Sullivan) tells her that he has nothing to say to her, reminding her that their relationship didn’t work out.[3]

When he walks away, Monstro (Frank Johnson) asks what the Visioneer is upset about and he tells him that it’s nothing. However, Abigail isn’t done talking with him. She reminds him how she has low level psychic abilities and can sense that he is still in love with her.

This conversation doesn’t go any further because that’s when O’Grady sees something in the sky and tells her to turn around. It is a massive alien ship made out of stone hovering over the city. When they get up to the rooftops for a closer look, they witness a holographic projection of the Hulk appear from the ship. The gamma spawned monster has just beaten up Black Bolt of the Inhumans for his part in exiling him into space. He tells the people of Earth to give him Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), Iron Man (Tony Stark), and Doctor (Stephen) Strange. He warns that if they are not handed over, he will do to the entire Earth what he did to Black Bolt.[4]

Abigail believes a fight with the Hulk is out of her league and so she decides to return home and get her son to safety. Monstro, on the other hand, decides that he is going to stay and do what he can to help. “Slaying Mantis” also says he is going to stick around because of the looting opportunities that will present themselves in this situation. When Monstro gives him a dirty look, “Derek” says he was only joking.

Meanwhile, aboard the SHIELD helicarrier, Mitch Carson is woken up a page asking for him to assist with the current crisis. Getting out of bed, Carson pauses to look at his burned face in the mirror and punches his reflection. He vows that he will kill Eric O’Grady for what he has done to his face.[5]

A few hours later, after the city of Manhattan has been evacuated, the Black Fox breaks into Eric O’Grady’s apartment. He calls out to see if Eric is home, saying that he just came to make sure that O’Grady evacuated with everyone else in the city. When he confirms nobody is home, the Black Fox then steals Eric’s video game console.

At that same time, Abigail and her son are among the people evacuating the city. They are watched by Ant-Man who swoops in at ant-size and stings a man trying to shove past her and her son. Seeing the smoke coming from the back on the man’s neck, Abigail knows that it was “Derek” who saved her from getting trampled.

With the deadline having passed, Ant-Man and Monstro wait to see what happens next. While Monstro can’t be hurt, he agrees that “Sullivan” should retreat if things get to hairy for him. Moments later, the Hulk comes crashing through the building as he battles Iron Man.[6] While Monstro is knocked off his feet, Ant-Man decides to see what he can do to help in the fight. This is, at least partially, a means of getting away from Monstro so he can put in a small contribution to the fight before sneaking off to do some looting.

Not watching where he is going, Ant-Man accidentally flies into the Hulk’s mouth. There he is struck by his tongue and falls down the monster’s throat, landing in his stomach. Eric tries punching his way out, but nearly breaks his hand hitting the wall of Hulk’s gut. After getting rocked around from the brawl between Iron Man and the Hulk, O’Grady tries using his Ant-Man suit’s weapons to burn his way out, but this has no effect either. Deciding to give up on stopping the Hulk, Eric decides to quit so he can get to looting. Flying out the way he came in, Ant-Man sees Iron Man in his Hulkbuster armor charging at the Hulk, he tries to flee the scene[7] Although he gets clear of the two combatants, the force of their collision sends them crashing into Avengers Tower. The force of this blow also sends Eric flying across the city.

His jetpack damaged, O’Grady can’t break his fall and is severely wounded when he crashed to Earth. He just manages enough strength to return to full size before blacking out. When O’Grady wakes up he is in the hospital under the protective custody of SHIELD. Mitch Carson is there when he wakes up and tells Eric that he is under arrest!

… World War Hulk continues in Ghost Rider (vol. 6) #12.

Recurring Characters

Ant-Man, Black Fox, Hulk, SHIELD (Iron Man, Mitch Carson), Damage Control (Monstro, Visioneer), “Black Bolt”

Continuity Notes

  1. Visioneer’s last name is not given in this story. The Damage Control profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #2 reveals it to be Dunton.

  2. The reason why Eric O’Grady hides from SHIELD is because he is on the run from them after stealing his Ant-Man suit. See Irredeemable Ant-Man #1-6.

  3. Eric and Abigail started a relationship in Irredeemable Ant-Man #8. It was a whirlwind romance until he discovered that she had a son last issue. For whatever reason, Eric freaked out and ended their relationship.

  4. Lots of exposition to dump all at once, so let’s get into it:

    • The Hulk was exiled into space by the Illuminati (which also included the unmentioned Professor X) in Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #91. From issue #92 through 105, Hulk ended up on the planet Skaar. Enslaved, he soon rebelled and took over the planet. Not long after his rule, the power core of the ship that brought him there exploded, decimating the planet.

    • In response, the Hulk and Skaar’s survivors have come to Earth to avenge their loss. This conflict will be primarily chronicled in World War Hulk #1-5 and various crossover issues that are listed below.

    • The Hulk beat up the man who appears to be Black Bolt in World War Hulk #1. This is not the real Black Bolt, but a Skrull impostor as will be revealed in Secret Invasion: Inhumans #3. He took the place of the real Black Bolt ahead of a planned invasion of Earth that will take place in Secret Invasion #1-8.

  5. Mitch Carson was charged with finding the missing Ant-Man suit. During a conflict with O’Grady, half his face was accidentally burned from the exhaust from Eric’s jet-pack. Carson has become obsessed with capturing Ant-Man ever since. See Irredeemable Ant-Man #1-6.

  6. The brawl between Iron Man and the Hulk takes place over World War Hulk #1 & 2.

  7. Here, the Hulk exclaims “you killed her!” to Iron Man. He is referring Caiera the Oldstrong, who became the Hulk’s lover while he was on Skaar starting in Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #103. She seemingly perished when Skaar was destroyed in issue #105. Her spirit actually endured thanks to her Oldpower, which tied her essence to the planet. She would go on to try and guide her son Skaar until the planet was consumed by Galactus. See Skaar: Son of Hulk #1-12.

Topical References

  • There are multiple billboards advertising Old Spice. Also a roll of Red Zone deodorant (made by Old Spice) as well as a canister of Old Spice shaving cream are among the contents of the Hulk’s stomach (gross) later on in this story. This is clearly an instance where Marvel sold advertising space in story. That said, its depiction should be considered topical as this is a real world brand.

  • Black Fox is depicted stealing a Nintendo Wii from Eric’s apartment. This video game console was released in 2006, making it relatively new at the time this story was first published. That said, its depiction here should be considered topical as it was discontinued in 2014.

World War Hulk Reading Order

Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #106, World War Hulk Prologue: World Breaker #1, World War Hulk #1, Ghost Rider (vol. 6) #12, Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #19, Heroes for Hire (vol. 2) #11-13, Irredeemable Ant-Man #10, Ghost Rider (vol. 6) #12-13, World War Hulk: Front Line #1, World War Hulk :Gamma Corps #1, 2, 3, 4, Iron Man: Director of SHIELD #20, World War Hulk: X-Men #1, 2, 3, World War Hulk #2, Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #107-108, World War Hulk: Front Line #2, Punisher: War Journal (vol. 2) #12, Avengers: The Initiative #4-5, World War Hulk: Front Line #3, World War Hulk #3, Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #109-110, Heroes for Hire (vol. 2) #14-15, World War Hulk #4, World War Hulk: Front Line #4-5, World War Hulk #5, Incredible Hulk (vol. 2) #111, World War Hulk: Front Line #6, Incredible Hercules #112, 113, 114, 115, World War Hulk: Aftersmash #1, World War Hulk: Aftersmash - Damage Control #1, 2, 3, World War Hulk: Aftersmash - Warbound #1, 2, 3, 4, 5