Nick Peron

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Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #3


While investigating a crashed Brood ship in Spaulding, Georgia, Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) learned that they were being hunted by an alien bring called Cru. Stranded on Earth, the alien then sought to obtain a Cavorite crystal, an incredible power source that could blow up half the planet Earth. Luckily, rather than explode on the planet surface the crystals shot up into space at the speed of light.

Carol and Cru get shot into Earth orbit as well. It is here that Ms. Marvel realizes that she didn’t have a moment to catch her breath on the surface and will suffocate unless she gets back into the atmosphere right away. She is forced to break off from the battle and return to the planet. It is here that she discovers that Spaulding has been wiped off of the map and is horrified by the sudden loss of so much life. This distracts her long enough for Cru to catch up with Ms. Marvel and slash her from behind.

That’s when the alien starts using the Cavorite in their energy weapon to try and blast Carol again. Since this caused all the destruction below the first time, Carol shoves Cru back out in to the space. There she absorbs the energy fired from the blaster to charge up her own powers. Getting close to the alien killers, Danvers then channels the absorbed energy back into the crystal, causing it to explode, seemingly vaporizing Cru in the process.

Ms. Marvel ends up falling to Earth where she crashes somewhere outside Spaulding and passes out. What she is unconscious the death toll is counted to be about 3000 people and the Fantastic Four — Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards), the Invisible Woman (Susan Richards), the Human Torch (Johnny Storm) and the Thing (Ben Grimm) — arrive investigate. Speaking to the media, Richards correctly identifies the cause of the explosion being the detonation of a Cavorite crystal. Searching the area for survivors, they find Carol passed out and when they arrive they discover her covered in some kind of blue goop. Reed examines it and finds it fascinating as it is synthetic nor organic. Meanwhile, up in space, two pieces of Cru float close enough to merge together.

Carol is mostly uninjured but needs to put her arm in a sling. She then rushes home to New York where she dodges reporters that are camped outside her apartment wanting to know more about the incident in Georgia.[1] When Carol enters her apartment, she is shocked to see that her publicist Sarah Day is there with a camera crew to tape her interview for her appearance on the Super Powers TV series!

Recurring Characters

Ms. Marvel, Cru, Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), Sarah Day

Continuity Notes

  1. Here one of the reporters asks Carol if this would have happened if the Super Human Registration Act is passed. At the time of this story, a new law was being tabled that required superhumans in the United States to register with the government, as seen in Amazing Spider-Man #529-531. It will be passed in Civil War #3 and remain on the books until Siege #4.