Nick Peron

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New Avengers #52


Doctor (Stephen) Strange has unexpectedly showed up at the headquarters of the New Avengers after a tense battle with the Hood (Parker Robbins). He tells the team — consisting of Ronin (Hawkeye), Luke Cage, Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Wolverine (Logan), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Captain America (James Barnes), Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), and Mockingbird (Bobbi Morse) — that was attacked while meeting with the Young Avenger known as Wiccan and barely managed to escape alive.[1]

Luke is concerned the Hood might follow him due to the fact that his wife (Jessica Jones) and daughter (Dani Cage) are present. Strange is also delighted to see that Mockingbird is alive and well.[2] Stephen assures Luke that he would not have come if he thought he was still being followed. He then shows them what the Hood is after, the mystical talisman known as the Eye of Agamotto. Clint is unhappy to hear the Hood is involved, particularly since they recently discovered that he is in league with Norman Osborn.[3] Strange thanks the Avengers for their hospitality but now he needs to continue his quest to find the new Sorcerer Supreme before the Hood does. Learning that Stephen is doing this by himself, the team refuses to let him go without their help. This would be mutually beneficial since the New Avengers are trying to get the Hood in their efforts to bring down Osborn.

Meanwhile, the Hood has returned to his penthouse in agony after failing Dormammu, his master. Parker can’t take it anymore and tries to remove his magical hood only to be painfully stopped. His screams draw Madame Masque (Whitney Frost), a member of his criminal gang. She had come because they had a scheduled meeting and she demands to know what is going on. As the pain subsides, Robbins confirms he is being tormented by the demon that gives him his power. He then looks in the mirror and says he has a plan and that once he carries out this task he is even. Whitney is rightly frightened by all of this and suggests that he go to Doctor Strange for help. As it turns out, that’s exactly who Parker is looking for and Madame Masque offers to help. Parker doesn’t know what’s real anymore and isn’t sure he can trust her. That’s when Whitney removes her mask to show him her real face.[4] Parker isn’t disgusted by the sight of it, in fact he is turned on and the two begin to kiss. As they give into their passions, Dormammu watches from the other side of the mirror.

Back at the New Avengers hideout, the team goes into Cap’s garage and are surprised to find a Quinjet parked inside. Ms. Marvel explains that she stole it from Norman Osborn after she refused to join his Avengers.[5] Spider-Man takes issues with the theft of moral grounds, but both Ronin and Cap convince him that this is a necessary evil to bring Osborn down. Seeing that he has no choice, Spidey boards the stolen Quinjet with the others and they are on their way.

The Eye of Agamotto leads them to New Orleans and along the way Strange explains that it is seeking the most suitable candidate for Sorcerer Supreme. Matters of good or evil are beneath its selection process. For a moment, Clint wonders if it is seeking out the Scarlet Witch.[6] However, given their location, Luke Cage knows exactly who they are being drawn to.

Meanwhile, in a building on Burbon Street, Daimon Hellstorm (aka the Son of Satan) tries to convince his ex-wife, Pasty Walker (aka Hellcat) to return to him and renew their relationship. Unfortunately, she is unwilling to leave her new home in Alaska and he eventually gets mad and begins insulting before angrily hanging up.[7] That’s when he hears something rustling behind him. When Daimon turns and finds himself face to face with the Hood. When he demands to know who the intruder is, Parker opens fire.

Recurring Characters

New Avengers (Ronin, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Captain America, Ms. Marvel, Mockingbird), Doctor Strange, The Hood, Dormammu, Madame Masque, Wiccan, Jessica Jones, Dani Cage, Son of Satan, Hellcat (voice only)

Continuity Notes

  1. Doctor Strange had been on a quest to find the new Sorcerer Supreme since New Avengers Annual #2, after he lost his way. He was attacked by the Hood last issue.

  2. This is because everyone believed that Bobbi had died in Avengers West Coast #100. However, in Secret Invasion #8 it was revealed that she was one of the many Earth heroes that were replaced with a Skrull prior to their recent invasion of Earth. Per New Avengers: The Reunion #2, Bobbi was switched out circa Avengers West Coast #91.

  3. The New Avengers have been dealing with the Hood since he formed his gang in New Avengers #35. In issue #50 they learned that he was in league with Osborn. As seen in Secret Invasion #8, when Osborn was made the top cop in America, he formed the Cabal a secret group of villains that are working together for their own ends. The Hood is among their members.

  4. Whitney Frost’s face has been horribly scarred since a plane crash in Iron Man #12.

  5. Ms. Marvel says she had clearance as leader of the Avengers. She is referring to the team that Tony Stark formed in Mighty Avengers #1. She told Norman Osborn to shove it in Dark Avengers #1.

  6. At the time of this story, the Scarlet Witch was last seen in Transia with no memory of her past in New Avengers #26. This followed a series of mental breaks in Avengers #500-503 and House of M #1-8. She will eventually be found and have her memories restored in Latveria as seen in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #1-9.

  7. Hellstrom and Patsy have had a turbulent relationship to say the least. The two got married in Defenders #125. Since she married the literal son of Satan, things went sour pretty quick and she was driven to suicide in Hellstorm #14. Although Patsy was resurrected in Thunderbolts Annual 2000, she and Daimon had remained estranged from one another. At the time of this story she is station in Alaska as part of the 50-State Initiative as seen in Patsy Walker: Hellcat #1.

Topical References

  • Jessica Jones states that she hates New Orleans after seeing the 1987 film Angel Heart. This should be considered a topical reference as it could be replaced with a more contemporary example.

  • Daimon Hellstorm is depicted using a “flip” style cell phone with physical buttons and an antenna. These models were quite common at the time this issue was first published. However, they have fallen out of common use following the advent of smart phones. Its depiction here should be considered topical as this is a technology on its way to obsolescence.