Nick Peron

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Hulk! In the 1980s

There’s not really much that can be said about the finale issues of the Hulk Magazine. After issue #20 Moon Knight ceased being a back-up feature on the title and Dominic Fortune became a regular feature for the rest of the title.

The only real highlight is issue #23 one of the darkest Hulk stories ever written, even darker than the cannibal toddler story in Incredible Hulk. In a story “A Personal Hell”, Jim Shooter writes one of the most jaded, angry, and nihilistic stories about life in New York City that I have ever read. In the same story, Bruce Banner almost gets raped in the shower room at the YMCA, he does get raped by a drug addict, and a woman commits suicide. What fun!

Anyway the title was nixed after 27 issues. It’s original title, Rampaging Hulk, was later re-used for another title in the 1990s.

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