Nick Peron

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Tales of Suspense #78



Brought to China by the Mandarin, Iron Man now finds himself in life or death battle against the massive android called Ultimo.[1] Iron Man finds himself completely on the defensive because Ultimo can easily deflect his attacks while also trying to blast the hero with its death-ray eyes. Watching the battle from his castle, the Mandarin gloats over his impending victory over his most hated enemy. When Iron Man begins heading to the volcano where Ultimo was brought online, the Mandarin believes that he is fleeing in fear. In reality, Iron Man has lured Ultimo here and tricks the android into blasting the volcano with his eye beams. This causes a massive explosion that buries Ultimo in lava.[2]

The Mandarin is furious that Iron Man has lost, but reminds himself that he probably killed Tony Stark. He then has his men drag his moat for Stark’s body. When they turn up nothing, the Mandarin goes into a fit of rage as he tries to figure out how the inventor managed to escape and concludes that it must have been Iron Man.

Meanwhile, Iron Man’s internal generators have replenished enough of his power supply for him to get moving after his battle with Ultimo. Realizing he is trapped in China, Iron Man races to a nearby Chinese airbase where he steals a plane to fly back into American territory. Once in the air, Iron Man looks forward to returning to the United States and finally dealing with Senator Harrington Byrd.[3] When American fighter planes arrive to intercept the Chinese plane, Iron Man uses his Avengers priority status to get them to escort him to base and give him a lift back to America.

There, Tony Stark returns to Stark Industries and discovers that his factory has been shut down by order of the government. Finding a newspaper, Tony learns that Senator Byrd has shut down his business, froze his assets, and issued a warrant for Tony’s arrest for not appearing before a senate committee.[4] Now a wanted fugitive and with noplace to go, Tony Stark wonders what he is going to do next.

Recurring Characters

Iron Man, Mandarin, Ultimo

Continuity Notes

  1. This story states that Ultimo was created by the Mandarin. This is a claim he made last issue. However, it’s later revealed in Iron Man (vol. 3) #24 reveals that Ultimo was created by an alien race for the purpose of committing mass genocide. The Mandarin merely found it and reprogrammed the android to do his bidding. It’s not surprising that the Mandarin lied, as he has also been shown to lie about his own origins, as we saw in Invincible Iron Man Annual #1.

  2. Although Ultimo is seemingly destroyed here, the android will resurface again in Avengers Annual #1.

  3. Byrd has been pressuring Tony Stark to reveal Iron Man’s identity to the government via a senate committee since Tales of Suspense #72.

  4. Byrd shut down Stark Industries last issue.

Topical References

  • Iron Man hopes to fly to an American military base either in Okinawa or Formosa. The reference to Formosa is topical. The island is better known as Taiwan. The island had an American military base until 1979.

  • Iron Man joking uses an old slogan for Hertz, a car rental company. “Let Hertz put you in the driver’s seat” was the company motto from 1959 until the mid-60s.


At Avengers Mansion, Captain America’s training session is interrupted by the arrival of Nick Fury, the director of the spy agency known as SHIELD.[1][2] Fury has come to see if the Avengers have ever had any interactions with a terrorist organization calling themselves THEM. To show how sinister this organization is, Fury shows off a miniaturized brain that THEM can grow to normal size by exposing it to the right chemicals.

Outside, a strange ship lands outside Avengers Mansion and a man in a strange suit emerges from within. Using the chemical cylinders on his chest, the man bursts into flame and melts his way into the headquarters of Earth’s mightiest heroes. At that same moment, Nick Fury tells Captain America how THEM is an organization that is bent on using science to conquer the world. That’s when the strange man comes burning through the wall. As Captain America ducks for cover, Nick Fury begins shooting at the intruder. Fury explains that this attacker is an artificially created warriors created by THEM. No matter what they do, Fury and Cap’s attacks are countered when the android can mix chemicals to counter them.

The battle is observed by two of THEM’s scientists, who watch the battle through the eyes of their creation. They are pleased with how their android is faring and begin working on creating an entire army of chemical androids by manipulating DNA.[3]

Back at Avengers Mansion, the battle rages on. When Captain America begins fearing that the android might create uranium to blow up the entire mansion he tells Fury they need to stop it right away. Luckily, Nick Fury has a powerful sedative pill provided to him by SHIELD scientists. He force-feeds it to the android, knocking it out. The android then transforms into the inert matter after failing its mission.

With the battle over, Nick Fury figures he’s done and prepares to leave, telling Captain America that THEM is SHIELD’s problem. That’s when Captain America remembers how he attempted to contact Fury and become a member of SHIELD. Fury received the letter and was still thinking it over.[4] When Cap tells him that he’s committed to the Avengers, Fury shakes his hand to leave. That’s when Captain America notices that Fury put something in his hand. It turns out to be a SHIELD A-1 Priority badge. As he leaves, Fury says that the next time Cap comes looking for him, he won’t be so hard to find.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Nick Fury, THEM

Continuity Notes

  1. Nick Fury mentions “that time” that he and Captain America tackle the Nazis. At the time of this story, there had only been one published story featuring Nick Fury and Captain America fighting the Nazis together. That was in Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos #13. However, the pair have fought together many times together. The earliest recorded time was in 1941 per Wolverine: Origins #17-20.

  2. Both men remark how little they have aged since the war. This is because Captain America was frozen in suspended animation from 1945 until Avengers #4. Fury, on the other hand, has been kept young and vital due to the Infinity Formula, as explained in Marvel Spotlight #31. The length of time between the end of World War II and this story is in a constant state of change. More on that can be found here.

  3. The two scientists mention how they previously hired Mentallo and the Fixer to attack SHIELD. This was chronicled in Strange Tales #141-143.

  4. Captain America sent a request to join SHIELD back in Avengers #19.