Nick Peron

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Thor #187

The World is Lost!


Odin is just the latest person enslaved by the mysterious Infinity. Attacked by his own father, Thor fears that all might be lost. He thinks about how his father went off to the World Beyond to stop this entity from destroying the universe. Thor soon followed after his father and fought against death itself to try and stop Infinity. Now Thor finds himself faced with an impossible task, fighting his own father. He tries reasoning with Odin, but nothing can get through Infinity’s mind control. Thor is forced to fight back but Odin is immune to his powers.

As the battle rages, Infinity continues consuming the universe one world at a time. This has caused reverberations across the universe. On Earth, the planet has been hit with disastrous weather and natural disasters. While some flee to safety, others return to their homes to spend their final moments with their families. Nowhere appears to be safe from the devastation. As scientists continue to watch the destruction in real time from observatories they wonder how the governments of the world are reacting to this. In Russia, the military thinks this is some kind of Western hoax and begin preparing for an attack. While in Washignton, DC, the President insists that the military remain calm, particularly since an election is coming up.

In Asgard, things are as dire as ever as the Odinsword continues to slowly push out of its scabbard, threatening to trigger Ragnarok. Odin’s Vizier has constructed a massive vice to try and push the weapon back into the scabbard. Unfortunately, nothing save the touch of Odin can cause the sword to return to its original position. He warns Sif and Balder that should the sword fall, all life will die. Seeking allies, Balder and Sif venture into the realm of the Norns to try and recruit the aid of Karnilla. There they are attacked by an army of trolls, but Balder quickly fends them off. They are then approached by a dragon, which turns out to be Karnilla in disguise. When she reveals her true form and hears Balder’s plea for help, the sorceress agrees to help since her domain is in jeopardy as well. When they return to Asgard, Karnilla begins trying to use her magic to free the Warriors Three from Infinity’s control. When she fails, Loki appears from the shadows and suggest that they merge their mystical powers together. This union of magic works and the Warriors Three are freed. Unfortunately, they don’t remember anything since they were sent into the World Beyond by Odin.

Sif fears the worst, but is happy to see Thor has returned. However, they all assume the worst when he tells them that Odin is now enslaved by Infinity. Thor decides to confer with the Vizier in private to see what he can learn about Infinity. Once the door is closed behind them, Thor changes back into Donald Blake, hoping his mortal alter-ego’s scientific mind can unlock the secret of Infinity. The Vizier allows Blake to use the Odin-Screen and they pull up images from the time Odin was trapped in the Sea of Eternal Night.[1] Outside, Loki grows impatient and tries to barge into the room and learn what Thor is finding out. Before he can do so, Thor emerges from Odin’s chamber and tells them that he finally knows who Infinity really is and why it must triumph.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Odin, Sif, Balder, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Loki, Karnilla

Continuity Notes

  1. Odin was trapped there while in the Odinsleep during a failed coup of Asgard by Odin. See Thor #175-177.

Topical References

  • Dated Cold War references: Russia is referred to as “The Reds” in this story.