Nick Peron

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Thor #216

Where Chaos Rules!


Xorr the God-Jewel has imprisoned Sif and Karnilla inside its crystalline form. Although the creature intends to destroy the universe and remake it in his own image, Thor refuses to allow any harm come to Xorr because it would mean the death of his beloved Sif. Odin, who does not wish to create a new rift between himself and his son, orders his fellow Asgardians back aboard the Starjammer, leaving only Thor and Mercurio the Fourth Dimensional Man aboard the ship.[1]

Once the other Asgardian’s leave, Mercurio and his men attempt to attack Thor, but he fights them off.[2] Vowing to return with reinforcements to claim the God-Jewel so he can save his home world, Mercurio teleports away. This leaves Thor alone with Xorr who intends to use its power to remake the universe.

Meanwhile, on the Regelian homeworld, the Grand Commissioner receives a status report on their search for Tana Nile, who has gone missing since the destruction of Blackworld.[3] He is pleased to hear that she is alive, but is currently battling Xorr with the Asgardians. That’s when one of the Commissioner’s men comes rushing in with news about a dire threat to their home world. The Commissioner is horrified by the news.

While back outside of the Dark Nebula, Odin has the Starjammer continue to follow the God-Jewel from the distance and hints to the others that he has a plan in motion. Fandral and the others have the utmost faith in their master and continue following his orders. At the back of the ship, Tana Nile senses that her home world is in danger and tells Silas Grant that she fears for her people. While on the God-Jewel, Thor apologizes to Sif, saying the whole situation is his fault. Sif doesn’t agree, pointing out that she agreed to help Karnilla search for Balder of her own free will.[4] That’s when Xorr uses its phenomenal power to consume the energies of a nearby star. That’s when Mercurio arrives with an attack fleet to take the God-Jewel by force.

Battling with Thor, Mercurio explains why he needs the God-Jewel so badly: Six years earlier, his planet by some strange unknown event caused his world’s atmosphere to change so only the the extremes of electro-magnetic wavelength could pass through it, driving his people mad. This is why, at first, Mercurio sought to steal Earth’s electro-magnetic field until he learned about the God-Jewel and how it might save his world instead.[5] Odin continues to watch from the sidelines, telling the others that he continue watching as his plan is coming to fruition. Thor pauses his battle with Mercurio when he notices Odin on the sidelines. Realizing that his father is pushing Xorr closer to the star it is consuming, Thor tells Mercurio to stop fighting and watch.

While back on Earth, Balder the Brave has regained his sanity under the watch of Volstagg. Now in his right mind, Balder wants to return to Asgard. When the pair teleport back to their homeland, at first they find the city of Asgard deserted. When they look around the corner, what they see comes as a shock to them.

Back in space, Xorr continues greedily feeding on the star, Thor tells Mercurio it is time to act. He has the alien use his freezing powers to cover the area where Sif and Karnilla are trapped with ice. Thor then uses Mjolnir to shatter the God-Jewel and free them. They then retreat back to the Starjammer just moments before the star goes nova blowing Xorr and the God-Jewel into fragments. With the threat passed, Mercurio can collect the fragments of Xorr to save his world. He thanks Thor for his help before departing. Happily reunited with Sif, Thor then sets sail for home.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Mercurio, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Heimdall, Hildegarde, Odin, Sif, Karnilla, Balder, Xorr the God Jewel, Grand Commissioner, Tana Nile, Silas Grant

Continuity Notes

  1. Thor and Odin had a falling out back in Thor #203 over Odin risking all life on Earth to create a new race of gods. This led to Thor and his friends being exiled until he later rescued his father from alien slavers in issue #212-213.

  2. Mercurio’s alien race is not identified here. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #4 identifies them as the Gramosians.

  3. Tana Nile has spent her time since Thor #201 paling around with the exiled Asgardians, particularly since her ship was destroyed on Blackworld. The whole Blackworld thing lasted from Thor #198 through 203.

  4. Lots going on here: While Thor and his pals were in exile, Thor got into a tussle with Loki in Thor #207. He was helped by Karnilla on the condition that Sif help her find Balder who was MIA at the time.

  5. Mercurio threatened the Earth back in Thor #208.