Nick Peron

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Thor #249

The Throne and the Fury!


With news that Odin has gone mad, Thor has returned to Asgard to confront his father. Fighting his way into the palace, the thunder god tries to enter the throne room but discovers that Odin has barred his path with a mystical forcefield.[1] Odin appears in an astral projection, and tells his son that he will not enter and mystically forces him away. When more guards show up, the thunder god realizes that retreat is the best option and departs.

He returns where his rebellion is hiding out. When he confers with Odin’s vizier, it is suggested they recruit Karnilla the Norn Queen to their cause. Both Balder and Jane Foster volunteer to go with Thor into the land of the Norns. So Jane can defend herself, the vizier hands her Sif’s old sword which begins to glow with energy as soon as she touches it. Recoiling, Jane accidentally slams the hilt of the sword against the wall causing her to suddenly change into Sif.[2] Confused by this sudden transformation and what it could mean, the vizier has no immediate answers for Thor and suggests they focus on the task at hand.

Meanwhile, Odin has guards move the Odinsword and place it under the royal throne. Igron warns that this is reckless as he is flirting with Ragnarok should the sword be pulled from its scabbard. Odin cares little for this as he is willing to destroy the entire universe if it means protecting his throne.

By this time, Thor and his allies have ridden into Karnilla’s domain. After fighting through some of her giants they meet with the Norn Queen to petition for her aid. At first, she doesn’t care to get involved however the risk to her own kingdom and her conflicted feelings for Balder help change her mind. They all ride back into Asgard where Thor and Karnilla merge their powers to create a small opening in Odin’s force field long enough for the thunder god to get through. When Thor enters the throne room he is shocked to see that his father has moved the Odinsword so it rests under his throne. This eliminates all doubt that his father has gone completely mad. However, that when Igron and his partner gloat over how the successfully fooled everyone into thinking that he is Odin. That’s when the “All-Father” drops his mystical disguise revealing that he is actually Mangog. With his deception coming full circle, the creature threatens to trigger Ragnarok in order to defend his rule of Asgard.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Mangog, Balder, Jane Foster/Sif, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Karnilla,

Continuity Notes

  1. This is not actually Odin but Mangog, as we’ll learn at the end of this issue. Next issue explains that Mangog took Odin’s place circa Thor #243. The real Odin will remain missing until Thor #262.

  2. Sif merged with Jane Foster in order to save the mortal’s life in Thor #236. Sif will remain in control of their shared existence until the pair are separated in Thor #334-335.