Nick Peron

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Thor #311

Grief More Than a God May Bear


Thor is returning home to his apartment where he lives in his mortal guise. He has begun to question if it was worth leaving Asgard to start a new life on Earth. However, any doubts he has melt away as soon as he reverts back to Donald Blake, who takes pride in using his medical skill to help people in ways Thor can’t.

Meanwhile, a few blocks away, a young African-American man named Jimmy Sayers is accused of shoplifting. Making a run for it, the youth is chased by two beat cops into a nearby alley. Suffering from a weak heart, Jimmy reaches into his jacket for some medication. Thinking that the young man is reaching for a gun, one of the officers shoots him. Realizing that there was no gun at all, the officer is horrified by the harm he has caused.

With no time to call an ambulance, the officers carry Jimmy to their squad car. This deeply upsets the predominantly black neighborhood because they view this as another instance of police brutality. Jimmy is then raced to the Westside Clinic where he is rushed into emergency surgery with Don Blake taking on the task of saving his life.

Meanwhile, an angry mob forms outside the clinic to protest the shooting and the protestors quickly take over the clinic to protest police brutality. The police are called, but they remain on the sidelines. The captain of the local police taskforce tries to calm people by promising a full investigation into the shooting but this does little to quell the protestors. Things get even more heated with Jimmy’s mother arrives on the scene to see her son. Unfortunately, people are too worked up to listen to her try and warn them of Jimmy’s heart problems and a full blow riot breaks out.

Back inside, Don does all he can to save Jimmy’s life. The nurse informs him that while his heart rate is weak there is nothing more they can do. Seeing the riot going on outside, Don rushes to a nearby alley to change into Thor. The thunder god gets between the protestors and the police and prevents things from getting further out of hand. He warns them all that if they continue to act in violence they will have to content with him. He also chastises them for reacting with violence over what was a human mistake.

While Thor is dealing with the protestors outside, Jimmy’s heart stops beating. With Don Blake nowhere to be found his nurse calls in Don’s boss, Doctor Lionel Jeffries to try and resuscitate the boy but tragically, Jimmy dies due to his weak heart. The news quickly spreads outside and both Jimmy’s mother and the officer who shot him are horrified to hear the news. When the protestors prepare to take up arms again the grieved mother tells them to not use her tragedy to commit more acts of violence. Shamed by the way they acted both the police and the protestors disburse leaving the grieving mother and officer to mourn Jimmy’s loss.

Thor leaves as well so he can switch back to Don Blake and find out what happened. Jeffries is furious that Don abandoned his patient even though both Don and the nurse insist that there wasn’t more that could be done. Lionel won’t listen to any excuses and tells Don that his conduct will be investigated and he is suspended until further notice. This is a huge blow to Don, who can’t explain why he left his patient. When the nurse tries to assure Blake there was nothing he could have done, Blake doesn’t want any sort of consolation but thanks her for trying.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Lionel Jeffries

A Call to Arms

Nanna, lover to Balder the Brave, has sacrificed her life in order to prevent him from being forced into marriage to Karnilla, the Norn Queen. Devastated by this loss, Balder brings Nanna’s body before Odin.[1] As Hela has taken over Valhalla, Balder knows that his lover will be subject to endless torment in the afterlife and pleads with Odin to do something to liberate the domain from her rule.[2]

Odin agrees that Hela’s dominion over Valhalla has gone on long enough and decides to do something about it. He summons his ravens, Hugin and Munin, and sends them off to summon the former members of the Valkyrie, who have settled into new lives after Odin disbanded them long ago. Answering the call are Valtrauta, Hildegarde, Grimgerta, Hecara, Leita, Ortlinda, Rossveissa and Sygnet. Odin then restores their power as the Valkyrie but soon notices that Brunnhilda is not among them. He then sends Valtrauta and Grimgerta to Midgard to bring Brunnhilda back into the fold. Unfortunately, Brunnhilda refuses to answer the call as she has made a life for herself on Earth.[3]

Insisting that they find a new member to fill Brunnhilda’s place on the Valkyrie, the women are sent out to try and recruit a new member. Unfortunately, everyone they petition are deeply afraid of Odin’s shieldmaidens and tells them to leave. When they return to their home and look at themselves in the mirror they see that the crown of Hela is cast about their heads, foretelling that they will not survive the coming battle. That’s when Hildegarde’s sister Krista arrives on horseback telling them that she wishes to join their team. This horrifies Hildegarde as she doesn’t want her sister to share their doomed fate.

Recurring Characters

Balder, Nanna, Odin, Valkyrie (Valtrauta, Hildegarde, Grimgerta, Hecara, Leita, Ortlinda, Rossveissa, Sygnet, Krista), Hugin, Munin

Continuity Notes

  1. Nanna committed suicide to prevent this marriage in Thor #306.

  2. Balder’s spirit spent time in Valhalla during a period in which his life hanged between life and death after he was mortally wounded in Thor #274 until he was fully revived in issue #301.

  3. At the time of this story, Brunnhilda — aka the Valkyrie — was bonded to the body of Barbara Norris dating back to Defenders #4. She will remain bonded to Barbara until Defenders #107-108.