Nick Peron

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Thor #418

Fear Kills!


Hercules awakens from a nightmare where he relives the beating he suffered during the Masters of Evil’s siege on Avengers Mansion. His screams bring Eric Masterson into his room to see what’s wrong. Hercules is reluctant to talk about his experiences and refuses when his friend offers to change into Thor so they can speak god-to-god. Herc explains that he has felt a gnawing fear ever since his beating, his subsequent hyper-evolution, and his abduction to the Black Galaxy by the Celestials.[1] Frustrated by what has happened to him, Hercules loses his temper and smashes the balcony to their apartment with his fists. The commotion wakes up Eric’s son, Kevin, who asks whats going on. Eric assures his son that everything is fine and hurries him back to bed. Eric cherishes every moment and fears what might happen if his ex-wife manages to succeed in taking custody of Kevin.[2]

A few hours later, a prisoner transport is bringing the Wrecker and Ulik to the Vault Prison in Colorado. En route, they are ambushed by the Wrecker’s teammates — Thunderball, Piledriver, and Bulldozer of the Wrecking Crew — who quickly free their leader. He also insists that they free Ulik since he hales from Asgard and promises to teach them how to better utilize the magic that gives them their power.[3]

While back in New York, Hercules has decided to head to the Fantastic Four’s headquarters to work out in their gym. That’s when Eric’s lawyer, Susan Joyce arrives to talk to him about the on-going custody battle for his son. Unfortunately, the news she has come bearing isn’t good for their case.

Elsewhere in the city, the Wrecking Crew and Ulik return to New York after the Rock Troll teaches the Wrecker to channel his power through his enchanted crowbar to teleport. They quickly spot Hercules walking by and ambush him from an alleyway. Seeing four of the men responsible for his earlier beating, Hercules becomes gripped with fear. The Wrecker then announces that he is going to finish the Olympian off before using his crowbar to fire a flare of mystical energy into the sky.

This is seen by Eric Masterson back at his apartment and he instantly recognizes that it is Asgardian magic. Making an excuse about a forgotten appointment, Eric abruptly leaves his meeting with Samantha so he can change into Thor and see what the source of the magic is. He soon arrives on the scene and catches the Wrecking Crew beating up on Thor. The thunder god challenges the Wrecker to a fight, but is unprepared for the Wrecker’s new ability to summon his crowbar back after it has been thrown. Ulik, has decided that he has played his part in this affair and retreats before Thor can spot him.

Seeing the Wreckers beating up on his friends causes Hercules to get so angry that he overcomes his fear and breaks lose from Piledriver and Bulldozer’s hold. He then crushes Thunderball’s wrecking ball with his bare hands and attacks the Wrecker. This allows Thor to recover. Seeing the battle turning against them, the Wrecking Crew regroup and the Wrecker teleports them away, vowing to come back and get even with the two gods. In the aftermath of the battle, Hercules is happy to finally have his courage back and boasts that he can now face any threat that comes their way, even if it comes from the mysterious Black Galaxy.

Little does Hercules suspect that just such a threat is making its way to them as he speaks, as the Celestial Replicoid of Thor continues to make his way to Earth.[4]

Recurring Characters

Thor, Eric Masterson, Hercules, Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Thunderball, Piledriver, Bulldozer), Ulik, Samantha Joyce, Kevin Masterson, Replicoid

Continuity Notes

  1. Hercules has been having a bad time of things recently. He got the shit beat out of him by the Masters of Evil in Avengers #273-277, then got hyper-evolved battling the High Evolutionary in Avengers Annual #17. From there, he was abducted by the Celestials in the Black Galaxy to be used in the creation of a brand new Celestial in Thor #406-408. Part of him is missing and it will be recovered again in Thor #419-424.

  2. Eric’s ex-wife Marcy Steele has been trying to get full custody of Kevin since Thor #392.

  3. The Wrecker was arrested after he was defeated in Iron Man #251, while Ulik was arrested in Thor #414.

  4. This Replicoid was cloned from Thor’s DNA by the Celestials back in Thor #398. It is coming to Earth to enlist Thor’s aid in the birthing of a new Celestial as we’ll see in Thor #419-424.

Topical References

  • When woken up, Kevin asks if they can play Nintendo or watch the Three Stooges. The Nintendo reference should be considered topical as it is a real world brand. References to the Three Stooges wouldn’t necessarily be considered topical since re-runs of that show have aired on television since time out of mind.

Where Lies my Loyalty?!

Sif has agreed to marry the Celtic lightning god Lier on the condition that he bring her to Earth so she can warn Thor of the mysterious threat which may threaten Asgard.[1][2] Travel to Earth has been made difficult since the destruction of the Bifrost Bridge, causing the realm to drift into the Negative Zone.[3] This is confirmed to them by the Grand Vizier, who agrees that if Lier and his ally Caber have a way of traveling dimensions, she should definitely use it to go to Earth.

After sending Sif and her companions on their way, the Vizier goes to check on Odin who has been plagued with nightmares for the past few days. However, once in the All-Father’s bedchambers, he catches Odin in a demonic form and accuses him of being an impostor.[4] Odin then overpowers the Vizier with his magic. He then telepathically contacts Heimdall and proclaims Sif a traitor and orders him to stop her and her Celtic allies from traveling to Earth.

Unaware that something is amiss, Heimdall confronts his sister as she and her friends before they can use the dimensional portal. Lier and Caber face off against Heimdall until Sif gets between them. Unable to raise a sword against his own flesh-and-blood, Heimdall lowers his sword and lets them go. He then heads back to Odin’s bedchambers to inform the All-Father of his failure. Odin not only understands but forgives Heimdall and promises that none will escape his royal wrath as he holds up a transparent cube with the shrunken form of the Grand Vizier trapped inside.

Recurring Characters

Odin (possessed by Surtur), Grand Vizier, Leir, Caber, Heimdall

Continuity Notes

  1. Leir met and fell in love with Sif during the so-called War of the Gods in Thor #395-400. He asked for her hand in marriage last issue. However, she is merely using Lier as a means of returning to Earth and warning Thor of the danger back home, as we’ll see in Thor #423. She later gets out of her promise by defeating Lier in battle in issue #426.

  2. Odin has foreseen the return of Surtur and Ymir who will bring back the threat of Ragnarok as we’ll see in Thor #419-425. But refuses to tell anyone.

  3. Asgard has been cast adrift since the destruction of the Bifrost Bridge in Thor #351. It drifted into the Negative Zone. It will be restored in Thor #426.

  4. This is indeed Odin, but he has suddenly been possessed by Surtur as we’ll learn in Thor #424.