Nick Peron

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Thor #457

Final Gauntlet


Eric Masterson has learned that since Thor’s exile, the thunder god’s personality has been subdued deep in his mind. In order to free the true Thor, Eric must undergo the Gauntlet of the Grim Guardian. Although this is incredibly dangerous, Eric has agreed to under go the process as he has come to believe that the only person worthy enough to be Thor, is Thor himself.[1]

The scientists of Asgard then get to work setting up a machine powered by Mjolnir that will allow Eric to enter his subconscious mind and find Thor and bring him back. Overseeing this operation are Odin, Sif, and Balder. Odin tells Eric that in order to succeed he must seek out the “Grim Guardian” and defeat him.

When the machine is activated it does exactly what it is designed for. Eric — in his Thor form — finds himself in his subconscious mind, which is patterned to look like the old neighborhood he grew up in. There he is greeted by an avatar guide who is resembles Eric when he was a child. Insisting on being called “Sparky the Lightning Kid”,[2] this avatar explains that he has come to guide Eric on his journey. However, before they can start their journey, Eric is attacked by an army of every foe he has fought as Thor including Ulik, the Absorbing Man and Titania, Annihilus, Gladiator of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard, and the Mad Titan Thanos.[3] Thor holds his own against most of his foes but ultimately is thrashed about by both Thanos and Gladiator. Crashing onto the streets of New York, Eric is then saluted by the various heroes he has fought alongside since becoming Thor. They then begin giving them the raspberry.[4]

At that moment, back in Asgard, Sif has gone outside for some fresh air. Seeing that she is troubled, Balder comes out to ask her what’s the matter. Sif admits to him that although she loves Thor, she has found herself attracted to Eric Masterson ever since they kissed in Mephisto’s realm and doesn’t know if this is because she genuinely has feelings for Eric or its because the true Thor is hidden deep within him.[5] Although she tells Balder this in confidence, neither of them are aware that they are being overheard by Amora the Enchantress.

By this time, Eric has found himself in a pitch black void where. Here he is attacked by representations of all the women in his life: Stellaris, his ex-wife Marcy Steele, his assistant Susan Austin, Sif, and his colleague Jackie Lukus. They all harangue Masterson over his inability to focus on a single woman. Eric pleads with the women to stop pulling him in every direction and demands to be left alone. For a moment he is, until he is attacked by a representation of Shatterfist, a villain he is apparently supposed to fight in the future.[6] When Sparky points out that Shatterfist is proof that Eric will survive this trial, it gives Masterson to will to keep fighting. After defeating “Shatterfist” he is attacked by another foe this one dressed in red and black armor whom Eric assumes is the Grim Guardian since he’s never seeing this guy before.

The Guardian is obsessed with obtaining power and refuses to allow Eric to stop him. However, Masterson manages to overpower his foe and shatter their helmet. He is shocked to discover that the Grim Guardian has his mortal face, making Masterson realize that the only one keeping Thor submerged in his mind is himself because he doesn’t really want to give up the power. With this moment of realization, the Grim Guardian disappears in a whisp of smoke and the location where Thor has been imprisoned appears before him. Venturing inside the concrete construct he finds Thor shackled inside. Upon touching the truth thunder god, there is a bright flash of light that radiates out of his mind and floods out of his body in the physical world.

When everything clears up, Eric is awake again and is surprised to see the true Thor standing before him, finally free after so long. As the other Asgardians welcome him back, Eric tries to slink away. However, Thor sees this and calls Masterson back, telling him that he is a true friend who proved his honor by helping rescue him. He then asks Eric to grasp onto Mjolnir for him. When Masterson does this, he transforms into his Thor form once again. The true Thor lets go and tells Eric that he has decided that he is finally going to return to his godly duties and finally marry Sif now that there is a suitable replacement for him on Earth. While it seems like everyone is getting a happy ending, Eric looks at Mjolnir and wonders if this includes him as well.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Thor (Masterson), Sif, Odin, Balder, Enchantress, Heimdall

Continuity Notes

  1. Thor was banished for seemingly slaying Loki in Thor #432. As explained in Thor #454-455, this was all part of a grand scheme by Loki to cheat death and take possession of Odin’s body and rule Asgard while also removing Thor from the board. Odin revealed how Thor was banished in greater detail last issue.

  2. Incidentally, “Sparky, the Lightning Kid” was the nickname given to Eric by the Absorbing Man in Thor #436.

  3. Yeah it’s another run down of when this character fought that one, blah blah blah:

    • Ulik: He fought the Rock Troll in Thor #433 as well as issues #449-450.

    • Annihilus: Eric battled Annihilus when the creature attempted to steal Odin’s godly power in Thor #434-435. Eric was disturbed when he seemingly slew the insectoid. In reality, Annihilus survived and has since been seen again in Infinity Gauntlet #5.

    • Speaking of the Infinity Gauntlet, that’s when Thor battled Thanos for six issues.

    • Absorbing Man and Titania: Masterson fought this criminal couple on two occasions in Thor #436 and again in issues #447-448.

    • Gladiator fought Masterson’s Thor during Operation: Galactic Storm, specifically Thor #445.

  4. The only heroes that are identifiable here are Captain America, who Masterson first met in Thor #434, the Black Knight who has fought along side Eric when Masterson officially joined the Avengers in Avengers #343. Also present is Captain Marvel who was among the Avengers who Eric fought alongside during Operation: Galactic Storm. Lastly we have Spider-Man who Thor encountered in Thor #447-448.

  5. Sif was manipulated into fighting for Mephisto until Eric convinced her to renounce his evil, leading to them sharing a kiss. See Thor #453-454. As you’d might guess, this love triangle leads to a fight between Thor and and Eric over the next two issues. Sif ultimately chooses the true Thor in the end though.

  6. Thor encountered Shatterfist in Thor #440, the crook was pulled back in time by Zarrko the Tomorrow Man. Shatterfist won’t meet Masterson for the first time until next issue.

To Love No More

After recovering from his injuries, Heimdall has resumed his post at the Bifrost Bridge. After preventing an ogre from crossing into Asgard he is visited by the Enchantress. She wants to have some fun with him but Heimdall cannot abandon his post. This annoys her and she wonders what her reward is after she went out of her way to save his life. Heimdall explains that he intends to marry her so that they can be together forever.

The idea of a monogamous relationship is disgusting to the Enchantress who rejects Heimdall’s intents. Seeking to strike back at him somehow, Amora happens upon Thor and Sif having a romantic moment along in the garden. Overhearing their intentions of getting married, Amora decides to strike back at Heimdall through his sister. She also knows just how to do it when she finds the jean jacket Eric Masterson gave to Sif.[1]

Recurring Characters

Enchantress, Heimdall, Sif, Thor

Continuity Notes

  1. When in Mephisto’s realm, Sif was manipulated into serving the demon and fought Eric. This resulted in her getting a really trashy dominatrix outfit for a bit. After Eric convinced her to stop fighting him he decided to give her his jean jacket because apparently she wasn’t trashy looking enough. See Thor #453.