Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #44

As a Living Memory…


Odin has died, leaving Thor to assume the throne of Asgard.[1] Thinking of his father, Thor heads down to where a state of his father has been erected in his honor. As he silently plays his respects his eyes glance at a bow and quiver hanging from the wall and it brings back memories from when he and Loki were still boys.

In those days, Thor was prone to his step-brother’s mischief. While playing outside, Loki suggested they sneak into the main hall to listen to his fathers celebrate a recent victory with his warriors. Loki had spied the bow and quiver and convinced Thor to do a coin toss to see who should go down and steal it. Thor loses and as he climbs down from the rafters, Loki reveals that he used a trick coin to ensure Thor had lost. Snatching the weapon, the two boys play around until Thor makes a distracted shot and kills a dear. While Loki ran off to avoid trouble, Thor was deeply upset that he unwittingly killed an innocent creature. Thor then ran back to the hall and confessed everything to his father. Hearing the boy tell the truth, Odin hugs his son in order to comfort him.

As Thor’s recollection ends, he is joined by Balder, who also thinks back to the past to a time when he was captured and being tortured by Rock Trolls. When Balder was swarmed by the creatures, someone tossed a sword to him. Picking up the weapon, Balder quickly dispatched his captors. When he turned to see who came to his aid, Balder only saw the silhouette of Odin slipping away.

Thor and Balder are then joined by Sif, who also has a fond memory of the All-Father. She recollects an earlier time when the warriors of Asgard would treat her as an equal until she tried to join them in the ale house. Getting tossed out, Sif landed at the feet of Odin himself, who then went in to set things right. Coming out a moment later, he invited Sif in. Once she entered everyone inside bowed to her out of respect.

Made happy by these memories, Thor and his allies leave the room. Moments later, Loki teleports in and thinks back to the same day that Thor was just thinking about. He had run off into the woods to revel over his mischief when Odin snatched the trick coin out of his hand. He then attempted to explain things to the boy, but Loki was so furious at having his coin taken away he stormed off into the forest. Thinking back to this moment fills Loki with anger and after pacing for a bit he looks out the window.

Outside, on the edge of the kingdom, the people of Asgard are paying their final respects to Odin whose remains are being sent off in the Viking tradition. After laying down their weapons, a ship is pushed out into the sea of infinity that surrounds the realm. Thor then uses his newly gained Odinpower to conjure up a fireball which he then uses to cremate the ship and his father’s remains. After a moment of silence, Thor then removes his helmet and replaces it with the royal crown, officially making him the new ruler of Asgard. As he lifts mighty Mjolnir into the air, the mourners all bow to their new leader.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Balder, Sif, Loki (flashback) Odin

Continuity Notes

  1. Odin died battling Surtur in Thor (vol. 2) #40. Thor had Orikal confirm this last issue. He will remain among the deceased until Thor #618.