Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #58

Standoff, Part 1


The nation of Slokovia is one that is ruled under the iron fist of General Stoykovicz. Since Thor had been providing humanitarian aid to the world, a religion worshiping him has begun to grow globaly. Seeing this as a threat, Stoykovicz has ordered his military to eliminate any followers of the Church of Asgard. As the soldiers search a town, one follower runs to the secret church. The priest scolds the late comer because he will lead the soldiers to the rest. They all then pray to Thor to save them. Unfortunately, their prayers come too late as the soldiers burst in and open fire on everyone inside. One dying man’s final words to the soldiers is that Thor will come and punish them for killing his followers.

In far away Asgard — which now floats over New York City — Heimdall listens to everything that transpires on the world of mortals below. His keen hearing then picks up the prayers and execution of Thor’s followers in Slokovia.[1] When Lord Thor arrives at the royal palace he finds the Amora the Enchantress, Thialfi, Sif, and Balder waiting for him. They have all been briefed on the situation in Slokovia, Thor is angered by what happened and orders the Warriors Three (Frandral, Hogun, and Volstagg) gathered so they can deal with the local government directly. Balder then speaks up and suggests that this course of action might be excessive, saying that it is one thing to have the lead the mortals by their example is one thing, but answering individual prayers is an entirely different thing all together. Thor assures him that this is not the case and when Balder asks if this is a mission of justice or vengeance he angers his liege. Thor reminds Balder that he never questioned Odin’s orders, leading to Balder backing down and apologizing profusely. Thor tells them all that these people died with his name on their lips, and he will see them avenged and to send a message that such callous murder will not be tolerated. When Amora chides Balder for not having faith in their leader, Sif comes to his defense saying that questioning drastic action should be good. Thor tells them all that the discussion is over, regardless of what everyone thinks, Slokovia is run by a tyrant that must be stopped.

In Slokovia, soldiers have finished destroying a city of Thor worshipers. As they take a break two soldiers discuss concerns that Asgard might retaliate. One soldier thinks that it is only propaganda cooked up by western media. That’s when there is the sound of artillery fire as Balder, Sif, and the Warriors Three arrive on winged horses and begin attacking the soldiers. Their tanks and artillery cannons are sliced and smashed to pieces by their Asgardian weaponry.

As this retalliation is unfolding, Iron Man (Tony Stark) has been called to the Pentagon who needs his help with the Slokovian situation. The US government has concerns because Slokovia is on the border with Latveria and if Doctor Doom’s nation is targeted next he could respond by nuking the entire planet to prevent from losing his kingdom. Stark knows about the tyranny of General Stoykovicz and wonders if this isn’t the right action. That may well be, but Thor’s actions are threatening to destabilize a very sensitive region. Iron Man agrees to go and talk to Thor, but assures them that he’ll explain how his actions are justified. When one of the military brass asks if Thor’s recent actions don’t make Tony a little nervous, Stark refuses to answer and heads off.

Iron Man heads to Asgard to meet with Thor, who welcomes his old friend to his kingdom. Tony isn’t happy to see that Thor and the Enchantress are close, reminding his friend of how much trouble she has caused in the past. Thor dismisses this concern and asks his friend what he’d like to talk about. Tony brings up the situation in Slokovia and warns him that Latveria is right next door. Thor is unconcerned, saying if Doom wants to pick a fight with him, he’ll deal with him as well. This concerns Iron Man, asking what will happen when the next country turns against him, and then the next. He wants to know if Thor will put down every nation that stands against him. Thor assures his friend that his only goal is to show mortals the way, and Stark makes the same comment many have said before: What if people don’t want him to show them they way. Thor assures Tony that the matter will be dealt with and decides to deal with Slokovia directly. Suddenly, the thunder god teleports away, leaving Iron Man behind before he could hope along.

Iron Man then takes off and as he heads to Slokovia he tries to report back to the Pentagon. However, his signal is intercepted by Doctor Doom who mirrors the US governments concerns. He goes a step further by warning that Thor will destroy the planet sooner or later. Iron Man assures Doom that Thor is not a concern. However, Doctor Doom thinks Stark doesn’t believe it considering the military called on him to deal with Thor, and particularly with how Tony has been experimenting with the chip of uru metal in the ways that he has.[2]

Back in Slokovia, the local military responds to the Asgardians attack by pulling out high tech weapons that were given to them as a gift from neighboring Latveria. The weapon launches a deadly gas that has no effect on the invaders and the others, but is going to kill the soldiers around them. Such a move horrifies Balder and the others. Luckily, this is when Thor arrives and he uses Mjolnir to create a wind funnel to suck all the gas high into the air where it harmlessly dissipates. Seeing that the military is willing to sacrifice their own men is enough to convince Thor that he is justified in his actions and begins charging Mjolnir with electricity for a strike. Before he can decimate the Slokovian military, Iron Man flies between them and tells Thor to stop, swearing that he will fight back if that’s what it takes.

… This story continues in Iron Man (vol. 3) #64.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Iron Man, Heimdall, Sif, Balder, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg), Thialfi, Doctor Doom

Continuity Notes

  1. Some things about this issue you need to know off the top:

    • Odin is death, having been killed in battle in Thor (vol. 2) #40. He will remain among the dead until Thor #618.

    • Thor took the throne of Asgard in his place in Thor (vol. 2) #43.

    • Asgard was moved to Earth so that the Asgardians could help the mortals turn their planet into a utopia, as seen in issue #50.

  2. Thor gave Iron Man a chip of uru metal in Thor (vol. 2) #56. Despite Doom’s suggestions here, Tony has been reluctant to weaponize it. However, he will be forced to do so when he creates a suit of mystical armor to fight Thor in Iron Man (vol. 3) #64.

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