Nick Peron

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Thor (vol. 2) #70

The Reigning, Part 2: Paradise


It is the year 2170, Thor now rules over all of planet Earth with an iron fist.[1] However, there is a sect of mortals who are secretly trying to end Thor’s tyrannical rule and hide forbidden relics from the old times. Their leader is a woman named Kya, and she tells her followers that they must follow the words of Zarrko the Tomorrow Man if they are to survive the coming war.[2]

Meanwhile, a powerful storm is hitting an island on the South Pacific. The people who live there believe they are doomed as a massive tsunami comes crashing toward them. However, a figure swoops out of the sky and shields them with a massive chunk of rock. When the people decide to evacuate, the strange tells them it won’t be necessary. By lifting his battle axe, he causes the storm to fade away. The blinding sunlight only allows one of the locals to get a brief glimpse of who their savior is before he flies away, and the man swears that they were just rescued by Lord Thor himself.

However, this isn’t Thor at all, because at that moment, the Lord of Midgard is currently in the dungeon of his castle.[3] Loki had used his powers to transport two thieves to be punished, particularly since one of them is suspected of being a mutant. Thor turns to the young girl, Jordahl, for answers. However, she is quick to say that she hardly knows anything about her companion. That’s when Thailfi speaks up and says he an defend himself. Upon hearing his voice, Thor and Loki recognize that it is their long lost comrade. Thailfi explains how, during the fall of Asgard, he was sent to the future through Zarrko the Tomorrow Man’s time machine and only appeared in this era a few hours earlier and was found by Jordhal.

Thialfi then notices that Thor is missing his left eye and arm and is no longer carrying Mjolnir and asks what happened.[4] Thor says that there were many who were against him after he disappeared. Loki interrupts these explanations and says that they shouldn’t dwell on the past when they should be celebrating the return of their lost comrade. When Jordhal asks if she will be paid for finding their friend, Thor is dismissive. As he leaves with Thialfi, he orders Loki to let the girl go because she is beneath their notice.

Back in the secret lair of the resistance, the leader of the group has determined from Zarrko’s writings that today will be an important date. Creating a circle of protection, this woman uses her innate mystical powers to create a portal to view what Thor is up to. It zeroes in on the returning Thailfi, who was mentioned in Zarrko’s journals. That’s when Loki’s Cerebro machine begins detecting a mutant energy signature. Fearing discovery, the woman casts another spell that terminates their view of the castle and blows up Loki’s machines.[5] One of the others fear that their leader’s risks exposing them all. However, she assures her that this will not happen until she wants them too.

Loki accuses Jordhal of destroying his device some how and the girl tries to flee. Loki orders his guard to go after her and bring her back. Running down a hall, Jordy runs into a young man who resembles Thor in his younger days. When she says she is trying to get away from Loki, the young warrior helps her hide. When the guards come by, he tells them that the girl went the other way. Hearing her pursuers referring to the young man as a prince, she realizes that she is being rescued by royalty. The young man then takes the mortal girl through a secret passage way that will take her out of the castle.

Meanwhile, Lord Thor and Thaifli have taken a pair of winged horses so that the long last friend can see all of New Asgard. Thor explains that after the destructions of both New York City and Asgard, he built this place to be the best of both worlds, a perfect utopia. As they pass over apartment buildings, the locals all bow in respect to Thor. When Thialfi asks who survived the attack on Asgard, Thor says that the Warriors Three are alive and well, but Sif perished in the fall.[6] Thor then asks to change the subject as he no longer wishes to talk about that dark time and he has more to show him. They travel to China where a commune of mortals live to create art for the sake of creating, never having to worry about anything as food, shelter, clothing, and medicine is all freely available to all. They all praise Thor for creating a perfect society. Thanks to the Asgardian built hospitals all manner of illness and disease have been cured as well. Next, Thor takes Thialfi to Egypt which is now at peace after centuries of war and strife. He tells his friend that he ended war by taking away weapons and eliminating imaginary borders. Lastly, they pay a visit to the Grand Canyon where a massive jewel is hooked into machinery, providing clean and infinite energy for the mortals without spoiling their environment.

Thialfi is impressed by it all but wonders who does all the unpleasant work. Thor assures his friend that everyone does whatever they want and everything gets done because nobody is left wanting. Thialif can’t believe that all of the world’s ills were cured so easily, particularly given the restless nature of humans. Thor tells his friend to have more faith, saying that he has elevated humanity beyond what it once was and the world is a better place because of it, that is his gift to the world.

Back in New Asgard, the young man has helped Jordahl escape the castle. When he refers to Loki as his uncle, Jordy realizes that she is with Prince Magni, the son of Thor. The realization is so shocking that she has no words.

While back at the secret underground, the leader of the group decides it is time to uncover their secret weapon. Moving a stone table over, they uncover a hole in the floor. She then shines a flashlight down the pit, revealing Mjolnir, Thor’s long lost hammer.

Recurring Characters

Thor, Magni, Thialfi, Jordahl, Kya, Loki, Porjyst

Continuity Notes

  1. The events of this story take place in a possible future that now exists in another reality. Per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #2, it has been desigated as Reality-3515. It was to be the future of Reality-616 until a divergence in Thor (vol. 2) #79 changed the course of history.

  2. Zarrko the Tomorrow Man was trying to prevent this future from coming to past since Thor (vol. 2) #33. Unfortunately, he was captured by Thor in issue #53. He disappeared while trying to escape during the assault on Asgard, the catalyst that started this nightmare, see Thor (vol. 2) #66-67.

  3. Here, we see Captain America’s shattered shield hanging on the wall. It was destroyed when Captain America was killed over a century earlier in the past. See Thor (vol. 2) #73 for more details.

  4. Thor became unworthy to wield Mjolnir after he slew his mortal half, Jake Olson, in Thor (vol. 2) #67. He later lost his eye and arm a few years later when Earth’s remaining heroes tried to put him down, as will be explained in issue #73. TL;DR version: Wolverine can even fuck up an immortal.

  5. When destroying Cerebro, this mystery woman says she is getting retribution for her mother. Our mistress here is identified as Kya and is the daughter of the Scarlet Witch who was born in Thor (vol. 2) #68.

  6. This is a lie, Sif has actually been living in exile this whole time, as we’ll learn in Thor (vol. 2) #74.

Topical References

  • This story is stated as happening in the year 2170. Since this date is so far into the future, he could be considered factual.

  • When Loki states how long Thailfi is gone, he states its been almost 2 centuries. This is measurement of time should be considered topical as it is relative to the date of publication, which was 2003. Since it was the early years of the 21st century, that would be accurate. Not so much anymore. Modern readers should instead interpret this to mean that it has been over a century in the vaguest of terms.