Nick Peron

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New Thunderbolts #2

The Games People Play


The media has latched onto the return of the Thunderbolts, former criminals seeking redemption who have recently reformed after the Avengers officially disbanded.[1] Hot on the heels of their battle with the Atlantean terrorist group known as the Fathom Five, the New Thunderbolts — Mach-IV (Abner Jenkins), Songbird (Melissa Gold), Atlas (Erik Josten), and the Blizzard (Donny Gill) — are in battle with the Wrecking Crew — the Wrecker (Dirk Grathwaite), Piledriver (Brian Calusky) and Bulldozer (Henry Camp).[2]

Although the Wrecking Crew is powered by Asgardian magic, they are lousy at team work.[3] Soon, only the Wrecker is left standing. However, before he can do anything, someone manages to snatch his enchanted crowbar from his grasp. This is the work of Speed Demon (Jim Sanders) who is looking to join up with the New Thunderbolts.[4]

After the battle is over, Abe Jenkins heads to the offices of Merovech Investment Corporation. He meets with Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker, the Thunderbolts secret financier. He wants to k now if Strucker is using Speed Demon as a plant on his team. Strucker is annoyed that Jenkins is daring to question him. He sees through Abe’s sudden backbone, knowing that this attitude is an attempt to find out why he is funding the Thunderbolts. Strucker is merely using the team as part of a scheme for Hydra to seize power and warns Jenkins that if he interferes in these goals he will be crushed.[5] Before leaving the Baron’s office, Abe notices a map of Manhattan hanging on the wall and what he sees outlined on it terrifies him.[6]

Elsewhere, the Purple Man (Erik Killgrave) watches the news coverage of the Thunderbolts. One of the big questions reports have is regarding the whereabouts of Captain Marvel (Genis-Vell) who disappeared after the team’s battle with Fathom Five. Killgrave knows that Genis was apparently killed by Atlas during the fight.[7] He figures that nobody anticipates the game he is playing, but decides to send the new Swordsman to eliminate the Thunderbolts before they do.[8]

Back at Thunderbolts HQ at the Brooklyn Navy Shipyard, the Thunderbolts have set up a device to pick up the signal that Mach-IV planted on Fathom Five when they retreated. Speed Demon wonders how they’re going to have to go after the terrorist organization if they’re underwater. Abner is more interested in finding out if they are working with Atlantis and that they will get an opportunity to find out soon. He shows them the front page of the Daily Bugle, which is announcing that the Namor the Sub-Mariner will be addressing the United Nations.

Later that day, at the behest of Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, Namor addresses the UN regarding the attack on the surface world by Fathom Five. The Sub-Mariner insists that his kingdom does not support them and that they work for a terrorist organization known as At’La’Tique, Atlantean nationalists that are seeking to wipe out the surface world. The gathered UN member nations hold Namor and his kingdom responsible for the attacks none-the-less. When Richards tries to speak up in Namor’s defense, he is chided for the attempt given his recent attempt at conquering Latveria.[9] As deliberations continue, nobody notices a member of the Great Game observing the debate from one of the observation decks. He sets the points for eliminating their targets.

That’s when the meeting is interrupted by the Thunderbolts, with Mach-IV demanding Namor to allow his team to search Atlantis to ferret out Fathom Five if they happen to be hiding there. The arrival of the Thunderbolts prompt the observer from the Great Game to decide to scrap the attack, however those involved want to press forward offering more points to the participants for each Thunderbolt they manage to kill. As Mach-IV and Namor get into a heated argument, three contestants in the Great Game — Joystick, Polestar, and Tremolo — come bursting through the wall and announce their intentions to eliminate the Sub-Mariner.[10] As a battle erupts, Melissa order Blizzard to assist with evacuating the UN delegates. When seeing Atlas in action, Namor recognizes him as Goliath of the Masters of Evil. Bringing up Erik’s past, particularly his participation on the siege on Avengers Mansion causes Josten to lose his temper. He knocks out Polestar with a single blow.[11] At the same time, Speed Demon uses his super-speed to keep Joystick distracted until Songbird can knock her out. Lastly, Speed Demon uses his speed to save Mister Fantastic from the vibrational powers of Tremolo. Seeing how the Thunderbolts are conducting themselves impresses Namor, who suggests to Mach-IV that they should talk when the battle is over.

Meanwhile, the Skybox of the Great Game decides that things are going to pot and order the two-minute failsafe to be activated. When Joystick notices that the failsafe has been triggered, she explains to Songbird that it is usually activated when members of the Great Game are about to be captured. Once the time runs out, their armor will detonate, killing the competitors. Each kill switch packs enough explosive force to take out an entire city block.[12] Mach-IV convinces Joystick to help them disable the explosives in exchange for protection from the Great Game. She finds the proposition interesting and agrees, and Abe assures both Richards and Namor that he’ll keep an eye on her. Removing her explosive rigged gauntlet, Joystick hands it over to Mister Fantastic for examination. He determines the signal and hands it off to Mach-IV so he can fly high above the building and jam the signal. Despite apparently having the right frequency, the explosives still end up going off!

Recurring Characters

Thunderbolts (Mach-IV, Songbird, Atlas, Speed Demon, Blizzard), Sub-Mariner, Mister Fantastic, Wrecking Crew (Wrecker, Piledriver, Bulldozer), Joystick, Baron Strucker, Purple Man, Swordsman, Brie Larmer

Continuity Notes

  1. The Thunderbolts disbanded following the events of Avengers/Thunderbolts #1-6 and the Avengers not long after following the events of Avengers #500-503. The Thunderbolts reformed last issue, while a new Avengers team will form in New Avengers #1-5.

  2. Bulldozer states here that he preferred it when Songbird was a criminal and a member of the Masters of Evil. Melissa started her career as a villain known as Screaming Mimi as seen in Marvel Two-In-One #54. She first joined up with the Masters of Evil in Avengers #271.

  3. The Blizzard openly wonders where Mach-IV got his new suit of armor and the money to fund the Thunderbolts. We learned last issue that he is secretly being financed by Baron Strucker.

  4. The Wrecker recalls that Speed Demon used to call himself the Whizzer. This unfortunate name choice was given to him when he first got his powers back in Avengers #69. Sanders later changed his name to Speed Demon in Amazing Spider-Man #222.

  5. Specifically, Strucker says he will crush Jenkins like a beetle, which is a reference to his criminal name. Jenkins took on the identity of the Beetle when he first became a criminal back in Strange Tales #123.

  6. Baron Strucker’s plot will unfold over the course of the New Thunderbolts #3-6. It’s your typical destroy New York plot.

  7. Josten saw Genis as a threat to the team as well as the relationship between Abner and Melissa and tossed him into the ocean, as seen last issue. Genis isn’t dead, and will be reborn into a new form in New Thunderbolts #5.

  8. The identity of this new Swordsman is unrevealed. We’ll learn that he is Andreas Von Strucker in New Thunderbolts #17.

  9. Mister Fantastic attempted to liberate the nation of Latveria by having the Fantastic Four stage a coup. This put the team in hot water with the international community and thinks didn’t go so well. Check it out in Fantastic Four #503-508.

  10. The game official refers to Polestar as being new. The original Polestar was Thomas Duffy. He was killed in Spider-Man Unlimited #14.

  11. The Masters of Evil’s biggest victory was the siege on Avengers Mansion. Erik, back when he was known as Goliath, was part of the attack and was one of the Masters responsible for nearly beating Hercules to death. See Avengers #273-277.

  12. When faced with the possible destruction of the UN Building, the Thunderbolts lament that the building had just been rebuilt after it was destroyed by Kang the Conqueror. See Avengers (vol. 3) #41-54.

Topical References

  • When Mach-IV interrupts the UN meeting, Speed Demon quips that his speech will play well on Fox News. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world news network.