Nick Peron

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New Thunderbolts #6

City of Heroes?


The Thunderbolts — Mach-IV (Abner Jenkins in his old Beetle armor), Atlas (Erik Josten), and Radioactive Man (Chen Lu) — have just defeated the terrorists known as Fathom Five — Llyron, Bloodtide, Dragonrider, Sea Leopard, and Manowar — only to discover that this was a mere distraction that allowed Hydra to launch an attack on New York City. Now, Hydra Armageddon Carriers occupy the sky above the city.

Taking command of the situation, Abner orders Radioactive Man to use his powers to revive Warbird (Carol Danvers), who helped them in the battle against Fathom Five. He then tells Atlas to focus on the Hydra ships while he remotely accesses the data on his Mach-IV suit that is under repairs back at base.[1] He also patches in to radio broadcasts in the area and learns that the New Warriors and the Power Pack have arrived to fend off the invasion as well.

This is all being observed by a coroner in Cape May County, New Jersey, distracting him from the autopsy he should be performing on a man that was found in the ocean inside a glowing cocoon.[2] However, the being inside isn’t dead and has emerged from and approached the coroner. He is shocked to see that his patient is alive. The man is confused, but corrects him by saying that he was actually getting better.

While at Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Melissa Gold is suiting up as Songbird to help her comrades. Her doctor catches her before she leaves and warns that her vocal chords still haven’t fully healed yet. Melissa doesn’t care, as she intends to leave anyway.[3]

Back at the scene of the battle, Abner finds the ship carrying Hydra leader, Baron Wolfgang Strucker and demands to know why he is doing this. Strucker explains that funding the Thunderbolts, the attacks by Fathom Five, the Wrecking Crew, and the Great Game, and this invasion is all to foment chaos so he can crush his opponents who are part of a Hydra splinter group.[4] It’s then that one of Hydra’s hackers manages to get the frequency the other Thunderbolts radios are on and Strucker has what he says next patched in to the others. He reveals that the point of funding the Thunderbolts was in the absence of both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, he needed to set up other heroes to fail when it came time to invade.[5]

That’s when Warbird knocks a Hydra fighter ship out of the sky, revealing that she is back on her feet. As Abner pulls back to figure out a plan, Atlas reveals that he heard everything Strucker said. Jenkins tells him that now isn’t the time to talk about it. On the ground, Radioactive Man is using his powers to fend off the enemy fighters as well. He finds it ironic that he is helping Americans, but he had to join up with the Thunderbolts to help avenge his people who were killed by Fathom Five.[6] However, he was convinced to spare the life of Llyron and his allies so they could face punishment for their crime. He also finds it ironic that he is here while the other new Thunderbolts are nowhere to be found.[7]

However, Speed Demon (James Sanders) is now racing to the scene, running past the new Swordsman and Spider-Man as they fight off Hydra invasion forces. He was goofing off with the others at a strip club because his membership in the Thunderbolts was as a plant for Strucker to keep an eye on things. However, he didn’t expect that he would come to like being a hero or how this conflicts with his need for self-preservation. He soon finds Radioactive Man who is tossing Llyron back into the sea. He tells Chen that Blizzard (Donny Gill) and Joystick (Janice Yanizeski) are also on their way to help as well. They are arriving via an ice-slide that Blizzard is creating with his freon suit. They are intercepted by Atlas who tosses Joystick at Strucker’s mothership, she is ordered to break in and connect with the network so Abner can seize control of their computers.

The others focus on the Hydra forces on the ground, but it is overwhelming. When one of the foot soldiers tosses a sonic grenade, its effects are mitigated thanks to the arrival of Songbird who can still project sub-harmonic frequencies, but the strain causes her to pass out. This is when Abner gets word back from Joystick who has managed to hack into Hydra’s com systems. She also informs Abe that she alerted Hydra of her location as the thrill of fighting for her life to get away was too much to resist.

That’s when Hydra sets off a nuclear blast in the middle of Manhattan. Warbird is ordered to quickly get Chen and carry him to the heart of the explosion to absorb all of the radiation. This devastating attack angers Atlas who grows even larger and tries to crush Strucker’s ship with his bare hands. Abner then tells the other Thunderbolts that Strucker has planted fourteen more nukes across the city as part of a plot to sink the entire island of Manhattan. Jenkins then reveals that he knows that James was a Hydra plant and threatens to snap his neck unless he uses his super-speed to take Blizzard to each of the bomb sites to freeze the nukes before they can go off. Even though he thinks this is impossible — that he can’t run that fast — but tries anyway. As they race all over the city, Blizzard’s suit is about to give out because it needs repairs.

As Radioactive Man completes his task, Baron Strucker tries to flee the scene in an escape pod. Not willing to let Strucker get away, Jenkins flies after the pod. As this is happening, Speed Demon and Blizzard arrive at the final bomb. Unfortunately, this is when Donny’s suit decides to give out. With seconds left before the bomb goes off, Speed Demon does the last thing he expected himself to do: Grab the bomb and run it outside of the city where it can harmlessly go off. This would also result in him sacrificing his life however, when the bomb goes off, the blast is absorbed by a new individual who has arrived on the scene. He is a man who has what appears to be a star field all over his body. He reveals that he is Genis-Vell, however instead referring to himself as Captain Marvel, he says he now goes by the name Photon. Unfortunately, Baron Strucker, Llyron and Sea Leopard managed to get away.

However, the Thunderbolts are celebrated as heroes for saving the city and Photon is welcomed into their ranks. This is all being watched by Zebadiah Killgrave, aka the Purple Man. He is pleased with the Thunderbolts newfound fame and looks forward to their eventual fall.[8]

Recurring Characters

Thunderbolts (Mach-IV, Songbird, Atlas, Photon, Speed Demon, Joystick, Radioactive Man, Blizzard), Fathom Five (Llyron, Bloodtide, Dragonrider, Manowar), Hydra (Baron Strucker), Purple Man (unidentified), New Warriors (Justice, Firestar, Nova, Namorita), Power Pack (Energizer, Mass Master, Starstreak, Zero-G), Swordsman, Spider-Man, Captain America, Bire Larmer

Continuity Notes

  1. Abner’s Mach-IV suit was damaged while protecting the United Nations building in New Thunderbolts #3, and it has been under repair ever since.

  2. This was Captain Marvel who was tossed into the ocean by Atlas back in New Thunderbolts #1. His body was found in issue #4.

  3. Melissa over strained her vocal chords helping keep the UN Building standing in issue #3 and has been recovering in hospital ever since.

  4. This is quite the exposition dump, so let’s connect the dots:

    • It was revealed in New Thunderbolts #1 that Baron Strucker was funding the new Thunderbolts for some reason. This was also when the team first fought Fathom Five, as well as over the last two issues.

    • The battle with the Wrecking Crew happened in New Thunderbolts #2.

    • The Great Game attacked the UN Building to try and assassinate the Sub-Mariner in New Thunderbolts #3-4.

    • Strucker’s competition is coming from the man known as the Gorgon, who has been trying to seize control of Hydra for himself, as seen in Wolverine (vol. 3) #20-25. Strucker was targeted by Gorgon’s brainwashed assassin, Wolverine, in New Thunderbolts #4.

  5. At the time of this story, the Avengers had recently disbanded following the events of Avengers #500-503, a new incarnation of the team will eventually form in New Avengers #1-5. Meanwhile, the Fantastic Four are currently pre-occupied trying to save Wolverine from his brainwashing, as seen in Wolverine (vol. 3) #22, New Invaders #9.

  6. Radioactive Man joined up with the Thunderbolts in New Thunderbolts #3.

  7. Speed Demon, Blizzard, and Joystick dipped to go hang out at a strip club last issue.

  8. Killgrave’s plot will also have the Thunderbolts defending the city, as we’ll see in New Thunderbolts #10-12.

Topical References

  • It is stated here that Donny needed to go to Home Depot to get replacement parts for his freon suit. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world business.