Nick Peron

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Thunderbolts #130

Magnum Opus, Part 2


This story continues from Deadpool (vol. 4) #8…

Norman Osborn became a national hero when he killed the Skrull Queen during a planned invasion of Earth.[1] However, his success came thanks to intel gathered by the mercenary known as Deadpool (Wade Wilson).[2] Seeking payment for said information, the merc with a mouth has broken into Avengers Tower looking for Osborn. Instead he has found himself confronted by the new Thunderbolts![3][4]

As Deadpool tires to flee he is attacked by the Headsman. Wade frustrates his attacker when he doesn’t recognize him, even though the former villain once almost killed Spider-Man.[5] Deadpool tries to kill his opponent with some grenades, but luckily the Headsman is saved by his teammate, the Ghost, who makes him intangible before the explosives go off. They are joined by the rest of the team: Black Widow (Yelena Belova),[6] Paladin, and Ant-Man (Eric O’Grady).

Trying to blow up Deadpool with a rocket launcher, Paladin accidentally punches a hole in a lab where a team of scientists are hard at work on new inventions for the Avengers.[7] Deadpool snatches a teleportation device,[8] but before he can use it the Black Widow tosses a grenade at him that goes off. While this knocks Deadpool out of Avengers Tower, he manages to teleport away before he hits the ground from many stories above the ground. The merc retreats back to his hideout, a derelict smelting plant in New Jersey. There he contacts one of his arms dealers to set him up with an arsenal big enough for Deadpool to continue his private war against Norman Osborn and his flunkies.

Little does Deadpool know that the teleportation device he has stolen had a tracking device and the Thunderbolts are en route to his location. Norman Osborn orders the team to eliminate Deadpool but try to keep a low profile as the new Thunderbolts are supposed to be a covert team. When the conference call is over, the Headsman complains about how much of a hard ass Norman is until the Black Widow orders everyone to focus on the mission. She warns them that they are all expendable and replicable and she will broker no dissent in the ranks. This is the only warning she is going to give on the matter.

As they arrive at their destination, the Black Widow parachutes down to the ground and sets up a sniper rifle across the way from Deadpool’s hideout. She has set herself up that when the rest of the Thunderbolts breach the hideout, Deadpool’s only escape route will put him in her sights. Her gun is armed with a bullet containing a Oscorp created drug that will cure Deadpool’s unique form of cancer causing his healing factor to kill him.

When the Thunderbolts blast their way into Deadpool’s hideout, they are unprepared for how prepared the merc is. First he sprays Ant-Man with a can of bug spray before using a sonic device to incapacitate the intangible Ghost. He then takes down both the Headsman and Paladin.

It’s only then that the Black Widow realizes that Deadpool had lured them into a trap. Before she can move, however, Deadpool gets the drop on her as well. She tells him to pull the trigger as he would be doing her a favor. However, seeing how attractive Belova is, Deadpool decides to spare her life because he has suddenly become smitten by her and asks if she has a boyfriend.

… This story is continued in Deadpool (vol. 4) #9.

Recurring Characters

Thunderbolts (Black Widow, Headsman, Ant-Man, Ghost, Paladin), Norman Osborn, Deadpool, Taskmaster

Continuity Notes

  1. This story occurs shortly after the events of Secret Invasion #1-8. In that event, the Skrulls failed to conquer the Earth. Norman Osborn ended up becoming the big hero as he was the one who killed the Skrull Queen in the final battle. Osborn has new his newfound popularity to take over homeland security, as seen in Secret Invasion: Dark Reign #1.

  2. Deadpool gathered this intel during his own personal encounter with the Skrulls in Deadpool (vol. 4) #1-3.

  3. Deadpool went after Norman Osborn in Deadpool (vol. 4) #8.

  4. Throughout this story, Deadpool has a conversation with his internal monologue which is depicted as two distinct voices. This story was published during a time when the villain known as Madcap was trapped in Deadpool’s body, the white caption boxes (the second voice in his head) being Madcap himself. This was revealed in Deadpool Annual (vol. 2) #1. His voice was first depicted in Cable (vol. 2) #25 and will be part of Deadpool’s narrative until the previously mentioned Deadpool Annual.

  5. At first, Deadpool mistakes him for Thor’s former foe the Executioner (first seen in Journey into Mystery #103) and the Headhunter (who first appeared in Namor the Sub-Mariner #2). Even though the Headsman claims to have almost killed Spider-Man (who hasn’t?) Deadpool can be excused for not recognizing the dude since (pardon the pun) the Headsman is a deep cut character. Prior to reappearing last issue, he was last seen in Untold Tales of Spider-Man #8, a tale that takes place back in the early days of Spider-Man’s career when Peter Parker was still in high school. Per the Sliding Timescale, its been about 12 years since he was last active.

  6. This is not really Yelena Belova, but Natasha Romanov in disguise, as we’ll learn in Thunderbolts #134.

  7. Here, while making a joke about how Ant-Man should be a woman since he can fly Deadpool recalls how the original Ronin was actually a woman in disguised as a man. He is referring to Echo (Maya Lopez) who operated as Ronin from New Avengers #11 through 27. She later passed on the identity to Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye in that same issue.

  8. Deadpool mentions how a teleporter is part of the “classic Deadpool schtick!”, Deadpool started regularly employing a teleportation device in Deadpool (vol. 3) #1.

Topical References

  • Deadpool says a contract on Norman Osborn’s head would be worth 100 million dollars. Adjusting for inflation that would be worth about 143 million in 2023.