Nick Peron

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Thunderbolts #58

Degrees of Evil


Graviton (Frank Hall) is trying to take over the world. However, just when it looks like he is going to succeed, the Thunderbolts have reformed to stop him! The villain is ambushed by Citizen V (secretly Baron Zemo in possession of the body of John Watkins III), Mach-2 (Abner Jenkins), Songbird (Melissa Gold), and the new Atlas (Dallas Riordan merged with the ionic essence of Erik Josten).[1]

Watching from the sidelines are Graviton’s other-dimensional confidante M’Reel, and his reluctant allies Moonstone (Karla Sofen) and Fixer (Norbert Ebersol). Norbert has just discovered that M’Reel has been channeling Graviton’s powers this entire time. Suspecting that there is some kind of betrayal going on, Norbert shoots M’Reel in the head and goes to join the battle. Moonstone asks what he is doing, and he tells her that he is trying to save the world and asks what she is doing. Karla has found herself in conflict since Graviton’s plan has been set into motion. Sure, she was recruited to use her psychology skills to help Frank reach his true potential, and was enticed by an offer to rule the world next to him.[2] Part of her wonders if without Hawkeye (Clint Barton) to be her moral compass she is incapable of doing good.[3]

Meanwhile, Fixer uses a device to burrow under a piece of debris that Graviton is standing on so that the Thunderbolts can get through his gravimetric field. Although this momentarily open Hall up to attack, he uses his gravity powers to redirect the electrical energy and arc it back out at the Thunderbolts. This shorts out the mechanical devices of the Fixer, Mach-2, and Songbird, that they rely on for their powers. Citizen V manages to get close enough to put his gun to the back of Graviton’s head. He is about to pull the trigger when someone calls out to stop him. This turns out to be Jolt (Hallie Takahama), who has managed to pull her bio-electric form back together after being ripped to shreds by their foe.[4] She warns that Graviton is keeping major cities of the Earth suspended in mid-air and killing him will cause them to fall. While Citizen V is willing to make that sacrifice, the others do not. They deduce that talking Frank down is the best solution and the only person who can do that is Moonstone. When they turn to her for help, Karla finds herself debating on what to do. She takes too long to make up her mind, allowing Graviton to recover from the last attack and lash out against his foes. As they are all being knocked back, the Fixer notices that the energy M’Reel has been absorbing is being channeled down some kind of gravity tunnel to points unknown.

Elsewhere, on the side of a highway in West Virginia, a chain gang consisting of Hawkeye (Clint Barton), Plantman (Sam Smithers), Headlok (possessed by Mentallo, aka Marvin Flumm), and Cottonmouth wake up. They had been incapacitated by their power-dampening manacles after Cottonmouth tried to flee the scene of their crashed prison transport. Headlok/Mentallo warns them that their shackles are programmed to deliver an incapacitating shock should one of them stray too far from the group, and that — for better or for worse — they are stuck together for the time being. Clint then asks Mentallo what their next move is. Marvin then reveals his plan to the others: That they can work together to obtain a secret weapon created by the late Justin Hammer. This is what Clint has been waiting for since SHIELD Agent Dum Dum Dugan visited him and enlisted his aid to find out what Mentallo is up to.[5]

Back at the scene of the battle, Moonstone decides to talk down Graviton. She convinces him that if he sets the cities free and ceases his attack, he will be allowed to retreat. When they also mention how M’Reel has been channeling power from Frank this entire time, it comes as a surprise to Hall. Karla tries to find out who M’Reel is and where he comes from. Frank explains that the alien came from another world that exists within a spatial anomaly. Suddenly, all the energy that M’Reel has been absorbing reaches its peak and a gravimetric portal suddenly opens, allowing an invasion force of M’Reel’s people — the P’Tah — to cross over onto Earth.

The portal is detected by the V-Battalion’s Penance Council who have been trying to get ahold of Citizen V since he engaged Graviton. Fearing the worst, Roger Aubrey orders that all available power be sent to the teleporters so they can extract Citizen V. Elizabeth Barstow warns such a move is dangerous. However, Roger would rather John Watkins die in a Skrull teleporter than whatever is happening on Earth.

On the ground, Graviton is suddenly realizing that the P’Tah — who have always helped him return to Earth after his many defeats — were only using him.[6] He then turns to Karla for guidance, admitting that he loved and that he also killed her old childhood friend Deeana Stockbridge.[7] This deeply upsets Karla but she hides her true feelings. She then tells Frank that Deeana meant nothing to her and that her coaching of him was merely a test to see if she had what it took to manipulate powerful men into doing what she wanted. Realizing that he has been completely manipulated, Graviton begins to surrender. However, as he starts lowering Earth’s cities and its heroes, one of the P’Tah warriors tosses an energy spear that strikes Graviton in the back.

Fixer then warns everyone that unless Graviton can get his powers back under control the entire planet Earth will implode on itself. Mach-2 figures that they can contain the gravimetric well if Songbird uses her powers to create a solid sound bubble around the portal. The rest of the Thunderbolts have to remain inside to make sure the portal is closed on the other end and force the P’Tah back to their dimension. Melissa protests this move, but realizes that there is no other choice. As she seals the bubble around the battlefield, the V-Battalion activates their teleporter to pull Citizen V out. As he dematerializes, a jolt of energy leaps across to Fixer’s tech-pack.[8] Meanwhile, Karla stays by Graviton’s side and coaches him on finishing the job of closing the portal. He doesn’t understand why she would give up what he was offering her. Moonstone says that it is the cost of being a hero. With that, the reunited Thunderbolts disappear in a flash of light.[9]

The only one left is Songbird who sheds years for her lost teammates. Suddenly, she becomes aware that there is no sound to be heard anywhere. Looking around to figure out what is canceling out all the noise, she looks up and sees sonic energy in the form of a her former partner in crime, Angar the Screamer![10]

Recurring Characters

Thunderbolts (Citizen V (Watkins/Zemo), Moonstone, Songbird, Mach-3, Fixer, Atlas (Josten/Riordan), Jolt), Hawkeye, Headlok/Mentallo, Cottonmouth, Plantman, Graviton, M’Reel, V-Battalion (Roger Aubrey, Betty Barstow)

Continuity Notes

  1. Lots of stuff going on off the top of this issue, so let me break it down:

    • First of all, the Thunderbolts had been disbanded since Thunderbolts #50. This was done in exchange for Presidential pardons for their past crimes.

    • Baron Zemo was seemingly killed in Thunderbolts #39. In reality, his mind was transferred into the body of John Watkins III in issue #45, as revealed in Citizen V and the V-Battalion #3. How this was possible (via a so-called “bio-modem”) is explained in Thunderbolts #61.

    • Erik Josten seemingly perished in Thunderbolts #47. However, ionic beings are notoriously hard to kill. His love for Dallas Riordan brought him back to the land of the living. However, this caused the two to become merged together last issue. This will remain their status quo until Thunderbolts #74.

  2. Moonstone was recruited by M’Reel in Thunderbolts #51, she helped Graviton reach his true potential in Thunderbolts: Life Sentences #1. They launched their attack on Earth last issue.

  3. Hawkeye had become leader of the team back in Thunderbolts #21. Over time he and Karla formed a relationship starting in issue #29. When the Thunderbolts agreed to disband, another condition was for Hawkeye to surrender and do jail time for the crimes committed leading the team. Before leaving, Clint and Karla admitted that they were in love with one another.

  4. Jolt seemingly perished during Graviton’s opening salvo last issue. Hallie asks if Charlie reformed himself and is told he has not. She is referring to Charlie Burlingame, aka Charcoal. He was also ripped apart last issue. However, as of this writing (September, 2023) he is still considered among the deceased.

  5. Dugan enlisted Clint in Thunderbolts #52 to go along with Mentallo’s break-out plan. Justin Hammer had just recently died, as seen in Iron Man: Bad Blood #4.

  6. Many of Graviton’s defeats ended up with him being sucked into a localized blackhole as seen in Avengers #159, Marvel Two-In-One Annual #4, Avengers Unplugged #2, and Thunderbolts #30. His association with the P’Tah was explained in Thunderbolts #17.

  7. Deeana Stockbridge was an old childhood friend of Karla, as seen in Thunderbolts #25. She was murdered by Graviton in issue #54.

  8. This is the essence of Baron Zemo hopping from Citizen V’s body into Fixer’s tech-pack, as we’ll learn in Thunderbolts #60-61.

  9. The team will end up on Franklin Richards’ Counter-Earth, as we’ll learn in Thunderbolts #60. Graviton on the other hand will survive this encounter, he’ll be seen again as a prisoner in the Raft Super-Max prison in New Avengers #3. New Avengers: Most Wanted Files #1 explains that after his defeat here, Frank Hall was located and apprehended by SHIELD.

  10. Angar the Screamer was seemingly killed back in Thunderbolts Annual 1997 when he caught a bullet during a robbery. In reality, he was reduced to a being of sonic energy who was kept prisoner by Baron Zemo for months until the Commission on Superhuman Activities found and released him. He became Scream, a member of the Redeemers until he was ripped apart by Graviton last issue. This will all be explained next issue.