
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Avengers #121

Avengers #121

Houses Divided Cannot Stand!

The Avengers have come to the top of the World Trade Center to stop the Zodiac from using their massive star-blaster device to kill every Gemini in New York City. In the ensuing battle, Mantis was blasted by the weapon and now teeters on the brink of going over the edge and fall to her death. The Vision bluffs for time by saying Mantis is of no concern to them as she is not an official Avenger. This buys the Scarlet Witch the time needed to use her hex bolt on the star-blaster, destroying the weapon.[1]

The battle between the Avengers and the Zodiac cartel then begins anew. As the two sides clash, Captain America suddenly arrives to lend a hand. Although he is trying to clear his name in a murder, he heard of his teammate’s battle and came to their aid.[2] In the ensuing chaos, Aries manages to reach Mantis and tosses her over the edge of the building. Seeing his teammate in peril, the Vision leaps after her, using his ability to change density to slow their fall by smashing his fist into the side of the World Trade Center and sliding down to the ground. However, this rescue attempt has damaged the building sufficiently to put it at risk of collapse, prompting the Avengers to break off their fight with the Zodiac to begin making repairs. Taurus uses this opportunity to order the Zodaic to retreat and they escape in their ship. On the ground, Mantis thanks the Vision for the save and enters a trace to so she can begin healing. With the immediate battle over, Captain America has to get back to clearing his name, promising his teammates that he will be found innocent before he returns to their ranks.

The Avengers return to their headquarters where Mantis is examined by Doctor Don Blake, who tells them that she is expected to make a full recovery after some rest. The Swordsman, who was sidelined due to his own injuries is deeply upset that his lover was hurt and wishes there was more he could do.[3] With Blake’s job done, he goes someplace private with Iron Man so he can switch back to being Thor and rejoin the team.[4] Since they still don’t know much about Mantis, Iron Man asks Swordsman to tell them what he knows about her. He doesn’t know much more than they do, but he tells what he knows anyway. Some months ago, the Swordsman, living life in the gutter, found himself in Vietnam working as muscle for a crime boss who called himself Monsieur Khruul. Khruul was the bottom of the barrel, dealing in drugs and human trafficking. One day, the Swordsman was gunned down by a rival gang in a drug dispute and he was rescued and nursed back to health by Mantis. Unfortunately, he was too wrapped up in his own recovery to ever ask about her life. Finishing his story, the Swordsman now regrets not taking the time to learn more about her and decides that this will have to change once she is well.

That’s when the Black Panther arrives after assisting Captain America and his partner, the Falcon.[5] He has come to lend his aid in the ongoing battle with the Zodiac. As everyone goes to plan their next course, the Vision lingers long enough to remark about how Mantis is a being of perfection. When he finally leaves, the Swordsman finds the Vision’s sudden interest in his lover bothersome and fears that he may be developing an attraction to Mantis.

Meanwhile, in the Zodiac’s hideout, Aries once again makes a play for leadership of the cartel by openly challenging Taurus to a duel. Taurus proves the victor, but Aries’ aspirations for leadership have not been quashed. He has a secret meeting with Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer, and Libra. They all agree to conspire with Aries except for Libra, who tells them that he must always act as a balance and will remain neutral in the coming insurrection. Aries then makes a call to Cornelius Van Lundt, who has been funding the Zodiac cartel.[6] Hearing of Aries’ plan to usurp control from Taurus piques Van Lundt’s interest and he tells Aries and his faction to meet with him at a nearby warehouse.

As the insurrectionists in the Zodiac cartel head to the warehouse in their star-ship, they are spotted by Thor who has been on patrol searching for the villains. He radios back to the Avengers and he is soon joined by the Vision, Black Panther, the Scarlet Witch, and Iron Man. Spying on the Zodiac’s meeting with Van Lundt, the Avengers wait for the right moment to strike and attempt an ambush. In the ensuing battle, Cornelius slips away. Moments later, steel shutters close off every window and door in the building. Communicating through the PA system, Van Lundt reveals that he is Taurus and that he lured his betrayers and the Avengers into a trap. Suddenly, the warehouse — a disguised space-ship — suddenly blasts off into outer space.

Recurring Characters

Avengers (Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Swordsman, Black Panther, the Vision, Mantis), Zodiac (Taurus, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Scorpio. Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius), (flashback) Mister Khruul

Continuity Notes

  1. The Scarlet Witch is referred to as a mutant here when, in reality, she isn’t. It’s revealed many years later that she was experimented upon by the High Evolutionary while an infant. In order to cover up his work, he made it so future genetic tests would have Wanda register as a mutant. See Uncanny Avengers (vol. 2) #4-5.

  2. Captain America was framed for the murder of the Tumbler in Captain America #169. This is part of a long con by the Secret Empire that will resolve itself in issue #175 of that series.

  3. The Swordsman is still recovering from an infected gunshot wound he sustained in Avengers #117.

  4. Don Blake openly transforms in front of Iron Man because the pair figured out each other’s secret identities in Avengers #113.

  5. T’Challa appears here from Captain America #171, where he just finished building the Falcon’s trademark wings.

  6. A footnote here reminds readers that Cornelius Van Lundt previously clashed with the Avengers in issues #77 and 81. His connection to the Zodiac was revealed in Avengers #82. What is revealed this issue is that he is the man behind the Taurus mask.

Topical References

  • The original twin towers are depicted at the scene of the World Trade Center. This should be considered a topical reference as they were destroyed in a terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, and have since been replaced by the Freedom Tower. It’s stated here that the WTC is 110 stories tall. Also topical since the Freedom Tower is slightly shorter than the original towers, clocking in at 94 stories.

Avengers #120

Avengers #120

Avengers #122

Avengers #122