
May 11, 2024 - Breezed through all of the Young Avengers comics from the 2000s. I decided to include the mainline series and all of the spin-off mini-series together since they are all kind of continuations of the YA’s ongoing evolution, otherwise there wouldn’t have been much meat to the designated section. Enjoy! I will be moving onto Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) The first of Carol Danver’s series to be officially considered under the Avengers umbrella of books. (I haven’t done volume 1 yet, it’s sometime to be added whenever I get around to the “general” line of hero books of the 1970s, that’s a long ways from now though). After some consideration, I’ve also thought about which family of books I want to do next and I’ve been kind of bit by the bug that X-Men ‘97 has created. After I finish the 2010-2015 Avengers titles (which I won’t be starting for another six months to a year) I will be shifting over to the X-Men line of titles. Honestly, it is the last “big family” of Marvel titles that is referenced most (next to Spider-Man and the Avengers, if not over encompassing them). It’s going to be a huge undertaking but probably the most complex subject I’ll have to tackle. Once that’s out of the way, it’s pretty much getting everyone who is left.

May 1, 2024 - All New Avengers stories from the 2000s have been added. Moving onto the Young Avengers.

March 21, 2024 - Well that was quick. All 12 issues of Thor: Son of Asgard are now live. I will be moving on to New Avengers, which will take a lot longer than the last two additions. Expect a month or two.

March 17, 2024 - Really flew through Captain America and the Falcon since it was only 14 issues. Next up I will be adding Thor: Son of Asgard and then New Avengers. Stay tuned!

March 7, 2024 - Well that took a little longer than planned, but all 2000s era Black Panther books are now live. I’m going to spend a few days creating placeholder pages for books that I won’t be getting to for a while. This is all part of an effort to eliminate the need for dead links when I know what a page is going to be organized. Next week I’ll get started on the 14 issue Captain America and the Falcon series. I hope to have that done within the next month, but you know how life is.

November 26, 2023 - The 2000s era Thunderbolts have now been added to the index. That was a bit of a tough slog, but it’s finally done. If you’ve been following my indexing efforts you’ve probably noticed that I’ll do an entire decade of a book at a time. The one thing that is becoming a growing problem is that I’m having to go back and add links as pages are being created and well, that’s not an effective use of my time. I stopped updating older entries around when I was still doing issues of Spider-Man related books over a year ago! Since things are growing to the point where I have a lot of content, I think I am to postpone my next entry (Black Panther comics from the 2000s) for the month of December (at least) to begin creating placeholder pages for books that I am doing later, or won’t get around to any time soon. These pages will exist with only the cover of a given comic until I get around to adding more info. That way when you click on a link, its taking you somewhere. That way, I don’t have to keep going back and adding links until I start going past my 2015 cut off point.

November 11, 2023 - Just dropping in again to say that I am still plugging away. My indexing of 2000’s era Thunderbolts is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that Fabian Nicieza’s run on the title is dense with material. The plots are incredibly complicated. However, I’m happy to inform that I’m on Warren Ellis’ run that followed afterward so there’s not too much more to go before I go live with this latest batch of work. Then we’re moving on to Black Panther, which is probably also going to take a while to get through, not going to lie. Another dense title with a lot going on. Anyway, expect Thunderbolts by the end of the month for sure. Black Panther probably won’t go live until after the new year.

September 13, 2023 - It’s been nearly two months since my last update. I just wanted to put out a little note to say that I’m still alive and kicking. I’m slowly getting back into working on my index on the regular, so I might have some things to share soon. Probably not until October though, possibly November. Hang tight, I haven’t forgotten about my work.

July 25, 2023 - So over the past month, I’ve been pretty preoccupied with more things than usual. When I come back to work on my index, I don’t feel much of the level of motivation. I think it’s time for me to take a bit of a break. I’ve been writing about Marvel Comics nearly every day for about 3 years straight. I have done a lot of work. But it’s feeling more like a chore than something I do for fun, so I’m going to take the rest of the summer off, work on some other side projects and come back with fresh eyes. Maybe in September or October. I’ll post on this page again when I’m back into it again.

July 4, 2023 - Added Thor (vol. 2) #19-85, Annual 2000-2001, (vol. 3) #1-12, 600-603 Annual (vol. 2) #1, God-Size Special #1 to the index. From here, I will be working to add the 2000s era Thunderbolts books. I’ll be moving onto the Black Panther in the fall, and hopefully, by the New Year I’ll have added the Avenger spin off books (New, Mighty, and the Initiative)

May 10, 2023 - You can now find index entries for 2000’s era Iron Man volumes 3 and 4, Iron Man: Director of SHIELD, and Invincible Iron Man as well as War Machine: Weapon of SHIELD. I will soon begin work on Thor comics from the 2000s. Depending on how busy I am, don’t expect an update until late June, early July.

April 23, 2023 - So no new update yet. Doing 2000’s era Iron Man is taking a little longer than I originally planned. That’s because I’m taking on other projects. I’m also going on a vacation for the first few weeks in May. So don’t expect any updates until after I get back.

March 17, 2023 - All 2000’s issues of Captain America have been added all the way up to issue #601. Moving on to Iron Man next.

February 9, 2023 - All the 2000’s issues of Avengers (vol. 3) are up, including related annuals and specials. This begins my lengthy foray into Avengers related titles from the 2000s. From here, I will be tackling Captain America volumes 3, 4, and part 5. As with my 90’s Avengers stuff you will come across dead links. However, as I expand and index the issues in question those links will function. I prepared them with links so I don’t have to go back and edit older pages as much later. I think that it’ll take another year by the time I get all the way through the 2000s Avengers stuff.

January, 21, 2023 - All Avengers related limited series and one-shots from the 1990s have now been added to the index. From here, I’m moving on to books published in between 2000 and 2009. Stay tuned!

December 19, 2022 - All 12 issues of Avengers Forever has gone live. This will probably be the last update of 2022. I’m moving on to Avengers related limited series and one shots next, but given my holiday plans I probably won’t get that live until sometime after the new year. But you never know.

December 15, 2022 - The first 13 issues of Black Panther volume 3 have been added. Avengers Forever is next.

December 11, 2022 - All 12 issues of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty are now live. Enjoy. On to Black Panther volume 3.

December 9, 2022 - Really tore through all 13 issues of Quicksilver. Moving on to the 12 issue Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty series from the 90s next. I might be able to bang that one out just as fast. Perhaps not. With the holidays fast approaching who knows how much free time I’ll have before New Years.

December 6, 2022 - Was actually quite surprised how quickly I blew through the first 35-ish Thunderbolts comics, but here we are, boom, live. From here I am moving on to the Quicksilver series. At this rate, I might finish off all the 90’s Avengers related on-going titles and start the new year doing the limited series and one-shots. Perhaps I’ll get on to the 2000s Avengers books to start the new year. Who knows? Keep watching!

November 23, 2022 - All 22 issues of Force Works are now live. I’ll be moving on to the first 36 or so Thunderbolts issues published between 1997 and 1999 next. This will probably take me a little longer to do given the holidays are around the corner. I might be able to get this out before the New Year, but don’t hold your breath on that.

November 16, 2022 - All 25 issues of War Machine are live. Moving on to Force Works.

November 8, 2022 - All 24 issues of Thunderstrike have been added to the index. I’ll be moving on to War Machine next.

October 30, 2022 - All 29 issues and 2 annuals of Wonder Man volume 2 are now online. There’s also an anecdotal Halloween story in the primer that’s really in season so, uh, Happy Halloween? Thunderstrike is next on the docket.

October 16, 2022 - Added Nomad #1-4 and (vol. 2) #1-25. I was actually quite surprised how good this series was. Check it out. Especially if you want to win an argument with an idiot who thinks CoMiCs WeReN’t PoLiTiCaL back then. From here I’ll be working on Wonder Man (vol. 2), then probably Thunderstrike and War Machine? Something like that. These updates will come one at a time and will probably hit faster than a series longer running series like the mainline Avengers books.

October 8, 2022 - Avengers West Coast #54-103 and Annuals #5-8have now been added. I will be moving on to doing Nomad (both volumes) next. I wanted my next update to be an Avengers adjacent title but something a little out of the ordinary. Nomad fits the bill.

September 17, 2022 - Added Iron Man #252-332, (vol. 2) #1-13, (vol. 3) #1-23 and Annuals #11-15 and 1998-1999. This most recent update was a little slower coming because it was the end of summer and I had shit to do. A friendly reminder that some of the links in this new update won’t work just yet but as I continue populating my index they will eventually start to function. From here, I’ll be moving on to Avengers West Coast followed by some spin-off series that are Avengers adjacent, namely Nomad, Thunderstrike, and War Machine. This will be a nice change of pace because these are titles that have been poorly covered elsewhere, if covered at all.

August 7, 2022 - Added Captain America (vol. 1) #366-454, Annual #9-13, (vol. 2) #1-13, (vol. 3) #1-23, Annual 1998-1999. I will be moving on to 90’s era Iron Man next.

June 26, 2022 - Just added a big Thor update. Thor #413-502, Annual #15-19 (vol. 2) #1-18, Annual 1999, and Journey into Mystery #-1, 503-521 have been added to the index. From here, I’ll be adding Captain America issues from the 1990s. It’ll probably be live in about a month.

June 6, 2022 - It’s recently come to my attention of recent developments in the current volume of Fantastic Four have since revealed that Franklin Richards is no longer classified as a mutant. Since I am currently focusing on new Index entries rather than upkeeping past entries this means all references to Franklin being a mutant in my Fantastic Four indexes are no longer accurate. When I get around to doing another pass of updates to older pages, I will update that information. However, I probably won’t get around to this until after I’m finished adding Avengers books up to the end of 2015. Soooo…. probably 6 months to a year from now. Mark it on your calendars, I guess.

May 29, 2022 - I have just finished adding the 90s Avengers books including #313-402, Annual #19-23, (vol. 2) #1-13, and (vol. 3) #0-22 and Annual 1998-1999. I will be moving onto 90’s Thor titles next. You may note that some of the links in the continuity note sections are current dead. I wanted to pre-emptively add links that will work when I finally add the relevant pages to cut down on how often I have to go back to older index entries and update links and such.

April 15, 2022 - Avengers Spotlight #28-40 have now been added to the index.

April 12, 2022 - Finished adding Quasar #1-60 to the index. Which is probably the most thorough index of that series on the internet beating out the next biggest Quasar website quantumzone.org by landslide (which is pretty easy to pull off when the competition hasn’t updated in 7 years) The completion of Quasar is the transition series as I start doing Avengers books from the 1990s, another massive undertaking. Next up will be a smaller update as I go back and finish writing index entries for the last 10 issue of Avengers Spotlight that I left bare when I started that series a month ago. This will give me a lead time to re-read the next mega entry for this index every Avengers issue from 1990 through 1999, which is about 123 issues across three different volumes. From there I will slowly get through the “Big Three” (Cap, Thor, Iron Man) before going through the smaller runs (Avengers West Coast, Wonder Man, Force Works etc.) before winding down with limited series and one shots. I am slowly getting back to my regular output so I could be doing an update every month/month and a half again. At that rate I could be finished updating 90s era Avengers over the course of the next six to seven months.

March 21, 2022 - It seems that I was able to be a little more productive than I thought I thought I’d be. Indexes of Hawkeye #1-4, Falcon #1-4, Balder the Brave #1-4, Black Panther (vol. 2) #1-4, Wonder Man #1, and Captain Marvel (vol. 2) #1. As I said below, I’ll be moving on to doing the entire run of Quasar as I bridge from 80s to 90s Avengers titles.

March 19, 2022 - Changed my mind about next additions. After I am done with 80s limited series and one-shots, I am going to dive right in and do every issue of Quasar. Mostly because this is a series that is often overlooked when it comes to indexing sites. I’m going to do all 60 issues of that title as a bridge between 80s and 90s Avengers.

March 18, 2022 - Despite the craziness in my life right now, I’ve managed to have some time to sit down and do index entries for the first 27 issues of Solo Avengers/Avengers Spotlight. You’ll note that the index also includes mostly blank pages for Avengers Spotlight #28-40. It was a pretty light series to cover so I was able to crank it out pretty quickly. Rather than creating a separate page for a short run of titles I lumped them all in together on one blog page. They will not be filled in until I start getting into 90s era Avengers and even then, it won’t be much of a priority. I’m still not committing to any time frame for next update right now because I’m still dealing with family stuff. However, the next few items on my docket are the first seven issues of Quasar that were published in 1989 as well as the various Avengers related limited series and one-shots that were published in the 1980s.

March 11, 2022 - Completed the 80’s run of West Coast Avengers/Avengers West Coast. This includes the original 4 issue mini-series, and the first 53 issues and 4 annuals of the 2nd volume. I will be trying to move onto Solo Avengers/Avengers Spotlight from the 1980s next. My next update might not be easy to peg down. I’ve suffered a tragic loss in my family and navigating that will take some time to sort out. I will continue to write new index items as I have the time to do so because, frankly, it’s one of the things keeping me sane right now. However, I don’t think I can commit to any hard deadlines for new updates at least for the foreseeable future.

February, 2022 - Didn’t take me very long to add both volumes of Vision and the Scarlet Witch so they are up now. Moving on to West Coast Avengers/Avengers West Coast from the 1980s. This should take significantly longer to do so I don’t expect to have anything ready until the end of March.

February 7, 2022 - All 80s issues of Iron Man have now been added (issues #130 to 251 and Annuals #5-10) From here I will be working on the two Vision and Scarlet Witch. From there I’ll either go on to West Coast Avengers or complete other Avengers related limited series and one-shots that were published in the 1980s, I haven’t made up my mind yet. Anyway, since I am only dealing with 16 issues, the Vision and Scarlet Witch update should be out by the end of the month.

January 3, 2022 - Over the holidays I did some house keeping and updated all index pages from the 1960s and 1970s and all Fantastic Four and Hulk titles from the 1990s. All of these pages now have links to creator credits on comics.org and now have links that take readers to referenced issues that are part of the index. This has been some time consuming work and as I was approaching the Spider-Man books of the 1990s, I decided a break from this house keeping was in order. I will be moving back to my regular work and start working on Iron Man stories from the 80s. I’ll probably finish up the remaining Avengers related titles from that decade before I go back to more housecleaning activities. I expect to be done with Iron Man in mid-February.

December 14, 2021 - Just added Captain America #241-365 and Annuals #5-8. This will be the last content update for 2021. I’m going to spend what time I have over the Christmas holidays doing some house cleaning (adding links, making additions and corrections) to older pages on the Index. I will be working on 80’s era Iron Man next, but I don’t plan on getting started until after the New Year. I wouldn’t expect a content update until the end of January.

November 25, 2021 - Still working away at 1980s era Captain America and I’m finding that I am forever writing lengthy explanations that will increase the length of my interpretations page where it’s becoming a whole lot of TL;DR. My explanations for interpretations are also growing to in length and references and I am starting to feel like some reference images might be useful as well. I’m figuring that once I am done with 80’s Captain America, I am going to take a bit of a break from writing new index entries to overhaul the Interpretations page and play some catch-up with adding links to older pages. However, this won’t begin until I’m done with my current indexing work on Captain America. So don’t expect this to begin until sometime over the Christmas holidays or the start of the new year.

November 4, 2021 - Issues #291-412 and Annual #9-14 of Thor have now been added to the index. This was a bit of a slog because I’m not a fan of Thor and a lot of the stuff in this decade is garbge, but I soldier on. After I clean up some more of my past entries (adding credit and reference links) I’ll be moving on to 80’s era Captain America. I look forward to reading it because I’ve never really taken a deep dive into this era of Cap before and look forward to diving into the capable hands of Mark Gruenwald who did some phenomenal work on this title for most of that decade. I’m really looking forward to it.

October 26, 2021 - Just a progress update today. I’ve been working on 80’s era Thor stories. I’m about half way through writing all the summaries for this era. Like a lot of comics from the 1980s, these stories are dense with continuity notes and some additional research is needed in some cases. I also tend to be a little slower on runs that aren’t very good and, well, in my opinion there are not a lot of good Thor comics in the 1980s. There’s Walt Simonson’s run, and not a whole lot else. So it’s a little slower going. I’ve also been breaking up the monotony to do some quality of life edits on past summaries in my index. As I’m only one person that takes some time. Primarily, I’ve been going back and adding links to creator credits. As I’ve original stated starting off, I hadn’t been listing credits because this information is thoroughly documented in many places on the internet. I’ve always been adverse to long lists that stretch out a page content and the layout of my site make such lists look very ugly so I tend to avoid them wherever possible. As such, rather than listing all the creator credits on my page, I will now be adding a link to comics.org to that specific comic as they are the definitive resource when it comes to creator credits of any comic book ever published. On top of going back and adding these links to older index entries, I’ve also been adding links to other issues in the index now that I have a substantial number of summaries. This is going to take some time to add and I will be doing this on the fly and it has no official date of completion. Another new addition I am working on is a master list of all entries available. The index is growing in such a way I want to add one for someone who wants a full list of the entries on offer. This is also a work in progress that will be added at some point in the future. At my current output, I expect the 80s Thor comics to go live sometime in early November. From there I will be moving on to 80’s Captain America which I’ll probably have done sometime in early 2022.

September 25, 2021 - Finally finished indexing the issues of Avengers volume one published in the 1980s. (issues #191-312 Annual #10-18) It took longer than last time for the reasons I updated in my September 9 update. Another thing you’ll notice is that I’m starting to add links to previously indexed issues that are on my database. This is because my index is growing steadily and I can now start adding links for easier reference. You will notice that there are links to 80’s era Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America issues that don’t go anywhere. That’s because the I was able to figure out what the links will be for those future entries and I wanted to save myself some time since I will have to go back and manually add links later. So they will work… eventually.

I am going to be moving on to Thor titles published in the 1980s soon, but I’m going to take some time to go back to older entries and add links. It’s going to be a slow going process which I will do over time. I’m only one guy after all.

September 9, 2021 - So the next update is coming a little later than the usual monthly updates. The reason is simple: Covid-19 restrictions are being lifted in Canada and as some may know, I moonlight as a stand-up comedian. I’m also taking a bit of a vacation over the next few weeks. The next update will probably be here by the end of the month. At the time of this writing I have completed summaries of every Avengers comic from January 1980 to August 1987. So I’m getting close. This run is also taking a bit more time because as long time Marvel readers know the 80s was very heavy on continuity and so a lot of the notes I add to my summaries to takes some time to research.

August 2, 2021 - I got through 70’s era Black Panther comics faster than I thought. The index now contains summaries for Jungle Action (vol. 2) #6-24 and Black Panther #1-15. I’m going to be moving onto Avengers books that were published in the 1980s, so put on some Huey Lewis and tap out some lines of coke, because it’s time to party!

July 28, 2021 - 70’s Iron Man has been added covering issues #21-129 and annuals #3 and 4. From here I am moving onto the Black Panther comics that were published in the era, namely Jungle Action (vol. 2) and the first volume of Black Panther. I was going to do the Invaders and include them as part of the Avengers family of books, but I decided not to. Mostly because I feel that even though Captain America is prominent in those stories, I feel its too adjacent to the core books to add at this time. Eventually, I will do a second pass of of core titles and add related titles. For example, eventually I’ll get to the Inhumans, Silver Surfer, and various Doctor Doom titles and those will be sorted into the pages I already have designated for the Fantastic Four family of books since all these characters originated from and still have strong ties to the FF. Anyway, that something for the far future. After I’m done with 70s Black Panther, I’ll be moving on to doing 80s Avenger titles. So don’t expect any of this other stuff anytime soon, I’m only one guy.

July 5, 2021 - Finished 70s Captain America. You can now find index entries for Captain America #121-240, Annuals #3 & 4 as well as Captain America’s Bicentennial Battles.

June 30, 2021 - As I’ve been settling into my new life on the west coast and COVID restrictions being slowly lifted, I haven’t had as much free time to spend on my index. I’m still working on 70s era Captain America, but I’m not going to meet my usual month-per-title-per-decade turn out time that became the norm earlier this year. I am almost done however — slogging through summaries of Jack Kirby’s 1976-1977 run on the title. I can see this latest cache of summaries not being ready until sometime in Mid-July.

June 9, 2021 - Minor update, regarding the recent reveal in Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 5) #68 regarding Ned Leeds. I’ve added a section on this in the interpretations section of the site. TL;DR spoiler-free version: The plot is still on-going and I will update my index only after everything is sorted out. Given that Spider-Man books have a history of bait-and-switch plot-twists in scenarios like this, I’m not accepting it at face value until this story arc resolves itself.

May 31, 2021 - Holy shit, I finally got through 70’s Thor and in just a month! This was honestly a tough slog becuase, 70’s Thor is not particularly good in my opinion. Lot’s of repetitive plots and some of the worst Jack Kirby I’ve ever read. Well that’s all over now, I’ll be moving on to 70s era Captain America. Which, going to be honest, I have never really read in its entirety before so at least it’s something I haven’t gone through before. That said, hopefully my next update will pop up by the end of June, but we’ll have to see. One thing that will slow this process down is that now I have enough pages in the index to start adding links in the continuity notes section. After I’m finished with 70’s Captain America, I may pause my work to go back and add links to every applicable page for better navigation.

May 26, 2021 - Still slogging through 70’s era Thor. It’s slow going because a lot of it is not good. But I’m getting through the tail end thankfully. I don’t think I’m going to have an update by the end of the month, but I should have something by early June.

May 1, 2021 - Every Avengers comic from the 1970s has now been added to the index. This includes Avengers #72-190, Annuals #6-8, and Giant-Size Avengers #1-4. I will be moving onto Thor next cover Thor #172-290 and Annuals #5-8. Ideally, this will take about a month, but updates may come less frequently as I’m gearing up to focus on other creative pursuits.

April 8, 2021 - The work on the index is plugging along. Unlike my indexing of 60s Avengers titles, the 1970s has a whole decade of material for each title. I am currently halfway through the issues of the Avengers published between 1970 and 1979. At the rate I am working I should hopefully have something up by the end of the month at the latest.

March 19, 2021 - Iron Man #1-20 have just been added to the index. I will now be moving onto the 70s era Avengers books.

March 15, 2021 - So I just finished moving across the country in the middle of a pandemic. This, however, did not stop me from adding issues #100-120 of Captain America to the index. I will be working on adding the first 20 issues of Iron Man next, after that, I will have a complete index of 60s era Avengers titles and will be moving onto books that were published in the 70s.

March 8, 2021 - I second-guessed myself again. Thor #126-171 and Annual #2 have been added to the index. I’ll be working on Captain America #100-120 next, but I wouldn’t expect to see that go live until later this month.

February 21, 2021 - I actually managed to get through the 60s Avengers comics. Issues #1-71 and Annuals 1 & 2 have now been added to the index. But for serious, I’m going to be really busy over the next few weeks so don’t expect any major updates until at least the end of March.

February 14, 2021 - Added issues #39 through 99 of Tales of Suspense and Iron Man and the Sub-Mariner #1. I will be working on the first 71 issues (and 2 annuals) of the Avengers next. I don’t anticipate updating the Unofficial Index until the end of March as my personal life is going to be busy next month.

January 29, 2021 - Just finished adding the Ant-Man/Giant-Man stories from Tales to Astonish #35-58 (issue #59-69 were previously added when I did my Hulk index years ago) I have only indexed the Ant-Man/Giant-Man stories for now. I’ll eventually go back and add the science fiction stories at some later date once I’ve covered just about everything else. From here I will be covering the Iron Man and Captain America stories from Tales of Suspense #39-99 and try not to stab my eyes out looking at all the horrible Don Heck artwork.

January 24, 2021 - Production has ramped up again. I am now working on Avengers related titles. At first, I thought of just doing Thor and his related books but having to read that much Thor is an utter slog because — in my opinion — Thor has the worst runs of any series. There are good runs on Thor (Walt Simonson and J. Michael Straczynski come immediately to mind) but most of them are dull repetitive drivel. Still, I intend on being as complete as possible so I’m forcing myself to read every Thor comic (you’re welcome). However, I have expanded my scope to include major Avengers titles (including solos, limited series and so-on) For the purposes of this indexing effort I am considering an “Avengers book” based on the following criteria:

  • Is the book based on a founding member that’s not the Hulk? (Captain America gets a pass since he’s technically considered a founding member)

  • Is a book a spin-off of an Avengers title (West Coast, Solo, New Avengers, Mighty Avengers etc.)?

  • Also getting a pass is the Black Panther, who although first appearing in the pages of Fantastic Four, has been viewed as more of an Avengers character since he started appearing regularly in that book in the late 60s.

  • Is a solo character book a character who made their debut either in the Avengers or a founding members book?

If I did not impose these limitations I’d be adding characters like Luke Cage, Ms. Marvel, and Wolverine characters that weren’t really Avengers until much, much later or are better associated with other groups (like the X-Men).

At any rate, this first update includes every issue of Journey into Mystery that features Thor (issues #83-129 and Annual #1). In setting up the index’s main page I have also added a section of Tales to Astonish which will eventually include summaries of every Ant-Man/Giant-Man story from issue #35-69. Presently, there are already complete summaries of issues #59-69, as I already indexed those issues when I was working on Hulk related titles.

January 13, 2021 - And the Spider-Man one-shots from 2010 to 2015 are now live. This marks the end of my indexing of Earth-616 Spider-Man stories for the time being. This has been the longest undertaking I have done. I started indexing Spider-Man comics — starting with Amazing Fantasy #15 — back on July 3, 2017. I have been writing about Spider-Man nearly every day since then. There was a brief period where I took a break between May 27, 2019 and March 20, 2020 when I went independent and had to transfer my hard work over to my own domain. In the end, it took me 3 years and 6 months to do it all. I did it entirely on my own. There are sites that have countless editors and contributors (crowdsourced or otherwise) that do not have as complete an index of Earth-616 Spider-Man comics. I’ve out clocked spiderfan.org and every garbage heap wiki site. I’ve even outdone the last Spider-Man index that was officially published by Marvel. If there is anything I’ve learned during these three years is that working with others is a distraction. Arguing with someone why a Tweet from a writer is not cannon over 50 years of continuity was a waste of my time. Going independent has been such a breath of fresh air after years of wasting my time with ungrateful crowd-sourced resources. Anyway, what’s next for the Index? Well, I’m going to take a bit of a break and actually read some comics instead of writing about them. Then I’m going to move onto the Avengers family of books and see if I can beat my three-year-six-month record.

January 11, 2021 - Happy New Year. A massive dump of data today on Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Jackpot #1-3, Spider-Man and the Secret Wars #1-4, Spider-Man: Fever #1-3, Amazing Spider-Man Presents: American Son #1-4, Amazing Spider-Man Presents: The Black Cat #1-4, Astonishing Spider-Man and Wolverine #1-6, Carnage #1-5, , Osborn #1-5, Spider-Girl #1-8, Fear Itself: Spider-Man #1-3, Spider-Island: Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #1-3, Spider-Island: The Amazing Spider-Girl #1-3, Spider-Island: Cloak and Dagger #1-3, Carnage USA #1-5, Spider-Men #1-5, Peter Parker: Spider-Man #156.1, Sensational Spider-Man #33.1-33.2, Web of Spider-Man #129.1-129.2, Superior Carnage #1-5 Annual 1, Marvel Knights: Spider-Man (vol. 2) #1-5, Amazing Spider-Man: Who Am I? #1-12, Deadpool vs. Carnage #1-3, Edge of Spider-Verse #1-5, Axis: Carnage #1-3, Axis: Hobgoblin #1-3, Scarlet Spiders #1-3, Spider-Man and the X-Men #1-5, Spider-Verse #1-2, Spider-Verse Team-Up #1-3. Silk #1-7. With the limited series out of the way, I’m now down to Spider-Man one-shots that were published between 2010 and summer 2015.

December 25, 2020 - And I cleared another series, volume 5 of Spider-Woman. I forgot how short these pre-Secret Wars runs were. I’m now moving on to the Spider-Man related limited series that were published between 2010 and 2015. This for sure won’t be up until after the new year.

December 23, 2020 - Looks like I second-guessed myself. All 12 issues of Spider-Man 2099 (vol. 2) have been indexed. Merry fucking Christmas. Spider-Woman (vol. 5) is coming up next, let’s see how long this one takes.

December 23, 2020 - All 30 issues (including .1’s, annuals, and specials) of Amazing Spider-Man volume 3 have been added. This will probably be the last update until the new year. Happy holidays.

December 10, 2020 - Added all 12 issues of Superior Spider-Man Team-Up.

December 7, 2020 - Just added all 17 issues of Superior Foes of Spider-Man. I’ll be moving on to Superior Spider-Man Team-Up next, followed by Amazing Spider-Man: Who Am I? Infinite Comic, the 3rd volume of Amazing Spider-Man, the 2nd volume of Spider-Man 2099 and the 5th volume of Spider-Woman. From there we’ll be jumping into the various Spider-Man limited series and one-shots published between 2010 and 2015. At the rate I’m going at I expect to be finished with Spider-Man sometime in February, at the latest. In 2021 I’ll begin my most ambitious run yet, I’ll be delving into the Avengers line of books (the core Avengers books as well as related Giant-Man/Wasp, Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man books)

December 2, 2020 - Added all 32 issues and both annuals for Superior Spider-Man. I’ll be moving on to Superior Foes of Spider-Man next.

November 11, 2020 - The Unofficial Index now has all 25 issues of Scarlet Spider vol 2. We will be moving to the infamous Superior Spider-Man series next.

November 4, 2020 - Just finished the entire run of Avenging Spider-Man to the index. We will be moving onto the 2nd volume of Scarlet Spider next.

October 27, 2020 - Just in time for Halloween, I have just posted summaries for the entire 47 issue run of Venom (vol. 2). We’ll be moving on to doing Avenging Spider-Man next.

October 13, 2020 - Added Amazing Spider-Man #610-700. The Unofficial Index continues to be the most complete collection of summaries of Spider-Man comics on the entire internet.

October 1, 2020 - Taking a brief break from working on the index. Halloween is coming up and I want to focus on a 31 Days of Horror feature on the regular part of my website. I need to write about something else other than Spider-Man for a bit.

September 15, 2020 - Added a Patreon page. If you have been benefiting from my index please consider making a donation. If you do make a donation you can help decide the next Marvel character to index. I am still working on Spider-Man comics from the 2010 and will be for the next few months as I work my way through everything up to 2015. I am planning on moving on to Thor next, but if I get enough Patreon subscribers and they suggest something else, I’ll do that instead.

September 5, 2020 - Added 2000s era Spider-Man limited series including Spider-Man/Marrow, Spider-Man Versus Punisher, Sweet Charity, Spider-Man/Daredevil, Giant-Size Spider-Woman, Spider-Man Family, Spider-Man/Araña: The Hunter Revealed, Spider-Man Family Featuring Amazing Friends, Black & Blue & Read All Over, Spider-Man Family Featuring Spider-Clan, Fear Itself, The Short Halloween, Dark Reign: The Goblin Legacy, and Dark Reign: The List - Amazing Spider-Man. That’s another decade of Spider-Man done. Next up, Spider-Man comics from 2010 to 2015.

September 4, 2020 - Added summaries for the Spider-Man limited series that were released in the 2000s which in clude: Death and Destiny, Revenge of the Green Goblin, Daredevil/Spider-Man, The Mysterio Manifesto, Lifeline, Blue, Quality of Life Spider-Man/Black Cat: The Evil that Men Do, Get Craven, Spider-Man & Wolverine, Doctor Octopus: Negative Exposure, Doctor Octopus: Out of Reach, Doctor Octopus: Year One, Venom vs. Carnage, Breakout, Toxin, Spider-Woman: Origin, Amazing Spider-Man Family, Spider-Man/Red Sonja, Spider-Man: With Great Power, Venom: Dark Origin, Secret Invasion: Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men/Spider-Man, Dark Reign: Mister Negative, Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man, Anti-Venom - New Ways to Live and Spider-Woman (vol. 4). From here I’ve got 14 one-shots to add and I’ll be finished 2000s era Spider-Man and we’ll be moving on to Spider-Man comics published between 2010 and 2015.

August 22, 2020 - Still working on the next dump of summaries which is every Earth-616 Spider-Man limited series from 2000 to 2009. It’s taking a lot longer than previous entries because there are a lot of limited series during that decade and it’s summer time, and have somewhat of a life. Right now I’m writing summaries for series that were published in 2005, so we’re halfway there. Expect the next update to come sometime in early September at the latest.

August 5, 2020 - Forgot to add Araña #1-12 to my 2000’s Spider-Man index. Not surprising since it is a mostly forgettable series. Still, I rectified that omission and it has been added. Next up, Spider-Man limited series and one-shots.

August 3, 2020 - All 17 issues of Amazing Spider-Man Digital have been added.

August 2, 2020 - All 13 issues of Web of Spider-Man (vol. 2) added.

July 27, 2020 - Every issue of Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man has been added. This marks 429 brand new comic indexes that you cannot find anywhere else. It took me over 9 months to copy over my work to this index before I could even begin writing anything new. However, since I went live with my personal index in March 2020 I’ve easily doubled the output I was doing elsewhere. It’s really amazing to consider how soul sucking it was working on a Wiki. I wasted half the time I could have spent writing to fight with idiots and morons who valued trivialities over substance. I certainly do not miss it. I check back every once and a while and it’s great to see those morons spinning their tires over frivialities while the gaps in their information grow wider and more inaccurate with time. My site may not get nearly the same amount of traffic theirs does, and I probably won’t ever come close to matching it, but I refuse to further sacrifice my integrity on a site that values ad clicks over quality. I’d rather blow money on my own webhosting than working for free so some other asshole who doesn’t give a shit about the content gets rich.

July 21, 2020 - Every issue of Amazing Fantasy (vol. 2) and Marvel Team-Up (vol. 3) added.

June 25, 2020 - Spider-Man Unlimited (vol. 3) #1-15 added.

June 14, 2020 - Every issue of Venom (vol. 2) have been added.

June 9, 2020 - Entries for Webspinners: Tales of Spider-Man #13-18 have been added.

June 3, 2020 - Entries for Peter Parker: Spider-Man #13-57 and Annuals 2000-2001. I will be working on every issue of Spider-Woman (vol. 3) #1-18. My next update will probably happen later this month.

May 21, 2020 - Just added summaries for Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 2) #12 to Amazing Spider-Man #609 including all related annuals, specials, and extras. After a bit of a break we’ll be working on Peter Parker: Spider-Man #13-57 and related annuals.

May 8, 2020 - I’ve been working hard on completing the next dump of summaries. I should be releasing summaries for every issue of Amazing Spider-Man from January 2000 to December 2009 within the next week or so. As I write this I have 30 more summaries to write. This particular update is taking longer than usual since (as some may recall) Amazing Spider-Man was published three times a month between 2007 and 2010 so there’s a ton of comics I had to go through.

March 23, 2020 - This update includes the addition of Amazing-Man Comics, Stars and Stripes, Champion Comics, Crash Comics, Lightning Comics, Eagle Comics, Cat-Man Comics, and Super-Mystery Comics. There are now complete runs of Marvel Mystery Comics, Human Torch Comics, Young Allies, USA Comics, Miss Fury, Kid Komics, and Blonde Phantom Comics making the Unofficial Index the most complete list of summaries of Timely era comics.

March 20, 2020 - We’re just launched. We’ve got a nearly complete index of Timely/Atlas era books. These are transfer of summaries I wrote elsewhere, but with added continuity notes that were not there. In addition I’ve added summaries that are absent from that original source. We also have summaries for Earth-616 comic about the Fantastic Four (up to 2015), The Hulk (up to 2015), and Spider-Man (up to 1999)

Coming Later: We will be adding more Spider-Man titles covering every story until the end of 2015.