
Nick Peron

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Avengers Classic #7

Avengers Classic #7

Their Darkest Hour

This is reprinted from Avengers #7.

Dimension 6.5

After Thor banished their escape ship with a dimensional vortex, the Masters of Evil — Baron (Heinrich) Zemo, Enchantress (Amora) and Executioner (Skruge) — end up in an alien dimension.[1] They crash into a massive tentacled creature which grabs hold of their ship and starts squeezing the vessel.

Baron Zemo tries to get them free, but they are caught in a death grip. After some bickering among one another, the Enchantress attempts to use her magics to charm the monster. Unfortunately, the creature operates on basic impulse and is therefore immune to her spells.

The Executioner decides to go out and fight the monster himself, hoping that this will win him the heart of the Enchantress. While she does call him brave for venturing out into this alien dimension alone, it only serves to remind her of Thor, whom she hopes to one day seduce into loving her. As Zemo gives Skurge a life-line to tether him to the ship the two start arguing with one another again until Amora reminds them of the danger they are in.

As the Executioner struggles with the monster, Amora decides that she needs to use her feminine wiles to spur him into fighting more savagely. To this end, she starts flirting with Zemo in full view of the Executioner. While this makes Zemo awkward it enrages the Executioner enough that he can rip apart the tentacles that are squeezing their ship. With the obstruction gone, Zemo hits the throttles pulling their ship and the Executioner to safety.

Executioner is furious over the Enchantress duplicity and is sick of listening to Zemo’s voice after he saved their lives. When he storms off to be alone, Amora realizes that she hurt Skurge’s feelings. Meanwhile, Zemo manages to send them back home, but he believes that his alliance with the two Asgardians may be short lived.

Recurring Characters

Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Enchantress, Executioner)

Continuity Notes

  1. This of course immediately follows the events of Avengers #7.

Avengers Classic #6

Avengers Classic #6

Avengers Classic #8

Avengers Classic #8