
Nick Peron

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Avengers: The Initiative #12

Avengers: The Initiative #12

Changing of the Guard


In the wake of the KIA fiasco, members of the Initiative — both staff and trainees alike — are finding out what happens next. For Yellowjacket (Hank Pym),[1] War Machine (Jim Rhodes), and Henry Gyrich, this means sitting in a hearing about how things went down. They head into a meeting with Office of National Emergency head Val Cooper, Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers), Senator Arthur Woodman, and a fashionably late Iron Man (Tony Stark) who comes in through the skylight. Iron Man has pressing SHIELD matters to attend to and so he gets right down to business.[2]

He wants to talk about the disturbing reports surrounding the death of recruit MVP (Michael Van Patrick) and the unauthorized cloning of that created the Scarlet Spiders, and KIA.[3] Particularly in light of the fact that KIA killed three trainees during his rampage.[4]

As this hearing is underway, Taskmaster, Triathlon (Delroy Garrett, Jr.) and the latest crop of recruits — Ant-Man (Eric O’Grady), Diamondback (Rachel Leighton), Geiger (Delilah Dearborn), Mele, Proton (Geldoff), and Red 9 (Wallace Jackson) — go to Dragon Lord’s home to return his ashes to his family. The remains are accepted by his wife and son and the boy vows to learn his father’s craft and one day join the Initiative to follow in his footsteps.[5]

Back at Camp Hammond, Cloud 9 (Abby Boylen), Hardball (Roger Brockridge), Komodo (Melati Kusama), and Gauntlet (Joe Green) have gone to the chapel to pay their final respects to Trauma (Terrance Ward). Inside the viewing room they find Thor Girl (Tarene) already there mourning his loss.[6] Tarene hasn’t left Terrance’s side since he fell in battle. The others are shocked that there is nobody else there to pay their final respects. Abby tells the others that his family isn’t likely to come see him either. Suddenly, to the shock and surprise of everyone, Trauma suddenly jerks up from his coffin with a gasp, suddenly alive once more. This comes as a massive shock to everyone. When they ask Terrance how this could be possible, he tells them he hasn’t the faintest idea why he isn’t dead.[7]

Meanwhile, the hearing is on going, with Gyrich still being frustratingly vague about what happened. Although he doesn’t know how many were injured in the conflict, Yellowjacket tells the gathered members that all those who were hurt are being awarded for their bravery. This is being done by Nighthawk (Kyle Richmond) who is presenting the Purple Heart of Bravery to Crusader (Aubrey Thompson) who had his severed hand reattached, and Constrictor (Frank Schlichting) who has been fitted with bionic implants to replace his severed arms.[8]

Kyle is particularly sorry about Constrictor’s injuries because he was the one who convinced Frank to join the Initiative to redeem his criminal past. Schlichting tells him not to feel bad because his new arms don’t need the mechanical coils he used to use anymore, and besides being in the Initiative made him a new man. Physique, the resident physician at the Initiative, has questions about Crusader’s severed hand. She noted that it was starting to turn green after being severed, and Crusader explains that he is a shapeshifter. When she asks him to come back for more tests, he worries that it might be learned that he is a Skrull in disguise.[9] But he is certain that his Freedom Ring can alter his biology to make him appear human at a molecular level and fool any future screenings. When Baron Von Blitzschlag asks if there is a medal for him, Nighthawk tells him that the government doesn’t give medals to Nazis. Blitzschlag takes offense to this but concedes that the Red Skull didn’t appreciate him either.[10]

In the hearing, the issue of former New Warriors going AWOL is brought up. When Senator Woodman asks Gyrich about this, he once more tells them he doesn’t recall. When Iron Man takes issue with the softball questions, Arthur brings up how Tony was there in the final battle with KIA. When order is restored, War Machine calls in Ultragirl (Suzy Sherman), the only ex-New Warrior who has remained.[11] She talks about the aftermath of the battle with KIA. At the time, Justice (Vance Astrovik) had decided that all of the cover-ups within the Initiative caused all the death and destruction of the day. As such, he and the former New Warriors — Rage (Elvin Halliday), Debrii (Deborah Fields), Slapstick (Dave Harmond) — as well as MVP (a clone of Michael Van Patrick) and the two remaining Scarlet Spiders will be forming a group of their own. Calling themselves Counter Force, they will be keeping an eye on the Initiative for any future wrong doings. He points out that as registered superheroes who have completed their Initiative training allows them to do so without legal repercussions.[12]

Justice sprung this on the other New Warriors, but Rage and Debrii both agree to join. Meanwhile, Brian Van Patrick continues to try to make sense of having three clones of his dead son. When Rage suggests Slapstick return to his human form to lay low for a while, Dave reveals that he hasn’t taken off his magic gloves since joining the Initiative and is now stuck in his cartoony form, besides he has enjoyed being Slapstick all the time. Unfortunately, Ultragirl has decided not to join them, having found purpose with the Initiative and wants to stay. This is a crushing blow to Vance, as this puts an end to their relationship.[13]

As Suzy finishes her testimony, Ms. Marvel escorts her out of the room and tells her how proud she is that Ultragirl has decided to stay.[14] With Ultragirl out of the room, the issue comes back to the matter of the clones.[15] Yellowjacket tries to justify it by saying that doing so was an attempt to boost the numbers so they could meet the mandate of the 50-State Initiative. When Gyrich once more pleads the fifth, Iron Man gets fed up with how Henry keeps evading their questions. This leads to a heated argument between the two men over what happened to KIA’s body and the Tactigon following the battle.[16] Gyrich then chides Stark for killing Captain America, and challenges him to call the White House to determine who is going to be pulled off the Initiative.[17]

Two hours later, Gyrich holds a press conference to announce that he is stepping down from the Initiative to focus on his family.[18] After he steps off the stage, Iron Man addresses the press and tells them that he will be reviewing and making changing to the Initiative in light of the recent troubles. However, he quickly shifts things to the announcement that the congratulate the first graduating class of the Initiative. These graduates include Cloud 9, Hardball, Komodo, Trauma, Triathlon (now taking on the role of 3-D Man),[19] Thor Girl, and Ultragirl (who is now wearing Ms. Marvel’s original costume)[20][21].

With the press conference over, the new graduates are given their assignments in the 50-State Initiative. While 3-D Man is excited that he is going to Hawaii, both Komodo and Hardball are disappointed that they have been given separate assignments in Arizona and Nevada respectively. Both Ultragirl and Thor Girl are being sent to Georgia. Cloud 9 will be going to Montana, while Trauma is remaining behind because he has taken on an assignment as Camp Hammond’s new councilor.

One week later, Cloud 9 is now a member of the newly formed Freedom Force consisting of the Challenger (Bill Waring), Equinox (Terrance Sorenson), Think Tank, and Spinner. Their first mission to to help rescue people from a burning building. While the others deal with the fire, Cloud 9 uses her unique powers to help people get to safety. When one of the children praises Abby for her rescue, their mother tells the child not to distract Cloud 9 from doing her job.[23]

Recurring Characters

Initiative staff: “Yellowjacket”, War Machine, Henry Gyrich, Gauntlet, Taskmaster, Nighthawk, Physique, Baron Von Blitzschlag

Graduates: Cloud 9, Hardball, Komodo, Trauma, Triathlon/3-D Man, “Thor Girl”, Ultragirl

Trainees: Ant-Man, Crusader, Constrictor, Diamondback, Geiger, Melee, Proton, Red 9, Mighty Avengers (Ms. Marvel, Iron Man, Wasp, Wonder Man), Val Cooper, Freedom Force (Challenger, “Equinox”, Spinner, Think Tank), SHIELD, Senator Arthur Woodman, Counter-Force (Justice, Debrii, MVP, Rage, Scarlet Spiders, Slapstick), Brian Van Patrick, Sally Floyd, Althea Green

Continuity Notes

  1. The man who appears to be Hank Pym here is actually a Skrull infiltrator as explained in Mighty Avengers #15.

  2. At the time of this story, Tony Stark has been the Director of SHIELD since New Avengers #25. He will maintain this role until Secret Invasion #8.

  3. I’m going to get this all out of the way: MVP was a Initiative trainee that was killed in a training accident back in Avengers: The Initiative #1. He was used to create 5 clones: The three Scarlet Spiders in issue #3, one that was sent home in the place of the real Michael in issue #4, and KIA who rampaged through the Initiative over the last four issues.

  4. KIA ripped Dragon Lord in half and fatally stabbed Trauma in Avengers: The Initiative #9, while one of the Scarlet Spiders was decapitated in issue #10. To date (July, 2024) only Trauma has come back to life (as we’ll see later this issue, more on that in a minute).

  5. The wife and son of Dragon Lord have remained unrevealed to this date (July, 2024). If his son follows through on his pledge to learn his father’s trade remains to be seen. He won’t get the opportunity to join the Initiative however, as it will eventually be shut down by Avengers: The Initiative #35.

  6. This is not the real Thor Girl but yet another Skrull impostor who took her place prior to Avengers: The Initiative #1. This will be revealed in issue #18.

  7. Avengers: The Initiative Special #1 will reveal that the reason why Terrance survived being stabbed through the chest is because he is the offspring of the dream demon known as Nightmare.

  8. Crusader had his hand ripped off in Avengers: The Initiative #9, while Constrictors arms were severed in the following issue. As of this writing, Constrictor still has bionic arms to this day.

  9. Crusader is not part of the planned Skrull invasion of Earth (which will kick off primarily in Secret Invasion #1-8). He has come to Earth to live among humans and be a hero, as explained in Marvel Team-Up (vol. 3) #20-25.

  10. As revealed in Avengers: The Initiative #2, Blitzschlag is a former Nazi scientist. This poses an issue due to the Sliding Timescale, as it makes it increasingly impossible for a human with a natural lifespan to still be alive in the Modern Age without some kind of life extending circumstance. As of this writing (July, 2024), Marvel has yet to provide a specific explanation in the case of the Baron. I do posit a theory in my index for issue #2 if you care to read it.

  11. At the time of this story, all former New Warriors have become scapegoats following the Stamford Disaster that happened in Civil War #1, which the public blames the New Warriors for causing.

  12. This story takes place following the passage of the Super Human Registration Act (SHRA) in Civil War #3. This required all heroes to register with the government and undergo training. This law will remain on the books until Siege #4.

  13. We found out that Justice and Ultragirl were having a secret romance in Avengers: The Initiative #6.

  14. As revealed in New Warriors (vol. 4) #7, Ms. Marvel took particular interest in Ultragirl and chose her to join up with the Junior Guardsmen.

  15. Iron Man offhandedly asks War Machine if he needs to take a break to recharge. As revealed last issue, Rhodes is now a cyborg. How that happened is explained in War Machine (vol. 2) #1. He will eventually have his humanity restored in issue #12 of that series.

  16. KIA’s whereabouts will remain unknown for a while, he’ll turn up again (with his memory back somehow) as part

  17. Equinof the Assassin’s Guild in Deadpool: Assassin #4. The Tactigon, on the other hand, somehow gets off Earth and gets involved in a planetary conflict, as seen in Thor vs Hulk: Champions of the Universe #1-6.

  18. At the time of this story, Captain America is believed to have been killed by an assassin’s bullet in Captain America (vol. 5) #25. In reality, he was hit with a chronal bullet and is currently living his life in an constant loop. He will be rescued from this purgatory in Captain America: Reborn #1-6.

  19. Here, Sally Floyd mentions that Gyrich doesn’t have any family. As far as we know (time of this writing), Gyrich’s last surviving relative was his father who had passed away after suffering from Alzheimer’s as explained in Avengers: The Initiative #5.

  20. Triathlon’s connection to the original 3-D Man was explained in Avengers (vol. 3) #50. Short version: The source of Delroy’s powers is the same that created the original 3-D Man back in Marvel Premiere #35.

  21. This costume was first worn by Carol Danvers between Ms. Marvel #1 and 20.

  22. Iron Man mentions that Camp Hammond was named after the original Human Torch, Jim Hammond. At the time of this story, Hammond had died in New Invaders #9. He will be revived in Torch #2.

  23. Equinox is another Skrull spy, as will be revealed in Avengers: The Initiative #18.

Avengers: The Initiative #11

Avengers: The Initiative #11

Avengers: The Initiative #13

Avengers: The Initiative #13