
Nick Peron

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Black Panther (vol. 3) #41

Black Panther (vol. 3) #41

Enemy of the State II, Book One: Mirror

MGM Grand, the owner of Ghetto Cartel Records has been murdered while sitting in his car. His death is unsurprising to the authorities due to the MGM and the record label’s connection to the 66 Bridges street gang.[1] What nobody is able to predict is how this single murder is just a prelude to something much bigger than a simple gangland murder.

The following day, Senator Kamal Rakim visits Tony Stark at Stark Enterprises. He wants to use Stark’s connection to Iron Man and the Avengers to look into the killing. As it turns out, MGM’s record company was a front for the CIA. The agency was using it to launder money they were using to fund revolutionaries in Volcan Domuyo. Now, somehow, a very powerful and protected man has been killed and Rakim wants the Avengers to look into it. When Stark balks at this order, the Senator points out if it was Stark’s own assets that were involved Iron Man and the Avengers involvement in recovering them would be simplicity itself. Realizing he has no choice, Tony agrees to do what he can. Once the Senator leaves, he contacts Pepper Potts (Tony’s assistant) and tells her to get him in contact with the Wakandan Embassy.

Stark is put in touch with the Black Panther (T’Challa) in Wakanda as he is in the middle of a brawl with a group of warriors. What strikes Tony is the fact that T’Challa is speaking in a bizarre way of speaking. What Stark doesn’t know is that this is a mysterious second T’Challa that was recently recovered from the Crystal Forest.[2] As Tony explains how he wants to have the Avengers send him to Chicago to investigate the murder of MGM Grand, Everett Ross and Nightshade (Tilda Johnson) watch T’Challa’s battle from the sidelines.[3] Ross wonders why Tilda isn’t arrested since she is a villain. She explains that she was the one who got the other Black Panther out of his coma, and her medical expertise is needed for his further treatment.

Tony’s connection is then briefly interrupted as the true Black Panther takes control of the transmission. He apologizes for the interruption but agrees that the situation with MGM Grand should be handled with the local authorities. Tony points out that the Senator made a lot of mentions to Volcan Domuyo, the nation that was involved in a recent coup of Wakanda, and suggests that might be something to look into.[4] T’Challa still doesn’t think this is necessary. He then thanks Tony for purchasing shares in the Wakandan Design Group during his country’s recent financial instability and is sending someone to buy them back.[5] He then terminates the call, telling Stark that he has pressing matters of the state to attend to. This exchange convinces Stark that he was dealing with the real T’Challa this time.

Meanwhile, the Black Panther’s copy is in the throne room having a party. As he rejoices and tells everyone to celebrate, Everett asks Zuri and W’Kabi what’s going on. Unfortunately, neither man is able to give Ross as straight answer.

The real T’Challa, is down in the techno jungle going over some files as all this chaos is going on upstairs.[6] As he reads he notices that his hand has developed a slight tremor, a lasting effect of his recent beating at the hands of Iron Fist.[7] He is soon joined by his step-mother Ramonda, who is surprised to see that T’Challa is still keeping close tabs on Queen Divine Justice. She tells him to give her time to process the revelation that she is the leader of the Jabari Tribe and that her parents were killed in exile from Wakanda. She likens the girl’s situation to that of T’Challa when his father was murdered while he was still a boy.[8] She also believes that her son is avoiding his double upstairs since Nightshade revived him. T’Challa points out that while Tilda succeeded in waking up the other Black Panther from his coma, she still hasn’t been able to cure his condition.

Back in America, Queen Divine Justice has traveled to Chicago to confront Toyosi, the woman who has been posing as her grandmother for years. She reveals that she knows all about her family connection to the Jabari Tribe in Wakanda and how her parents were murdered while in exile in the United States. Toyosi counters this that she raised QDJ since she was a child and how she taught her that not everything is as it seems on the outside. She always called her a Queen, a nod to her true heritage. The two reconcile but Divine still doesn’t know what’s true anymore except her feelings for Vibraxas (N’Kano). She isn’t sure if it is love because she has never felt that for a man before, but figures her feelings are irrelevant as a member of the Dora Milaje.[9] Toyosi says that there is hope that T’Challa will release her from the Dora Milaje so she can pursue this relationship. However, Queen points out that will never happen so long as the Jabari have declared war against the rest of Wakanda.

In Wakanda, the other Black Panther comes down to speak with T’Challa. Claiming to have ESP, T’Challa’s double knows that he seeks permission to go to Sault Saint Marie, Ontario, to investigate the murder of MGM Grand. The flamboyant Panther assures him that he need not ask for permission and knows that T’Challa dislikes him. He assures that Wakanda will be watched in his absence and T’Challa thanks him before departing. The other T’Challa promises that before he dies, he will revive his double’s sense of merriment and joy. However, once the real Black Panther is gone, his double gets a call from Abner Little who the other Panther had enlisted to find someone for him. Little has found the woman he is looking for in Philadelphia, prompting the other T’Challa to call for Taku’s assistance.[10] Soon, they have Everett Ross brought to a hanger where he meets with Abner Little who ushers him onto a plane. Inside, the other Black Panther tells Ross that they are about to embark on an adventure together!

While back in America, Vibraxas contacts Queen Divine Justice on her Kimoyo Card, waking her up in the middle of the night. N’Kano explains that he has recovered from their recent encounter with the Man-Ape and is in Chicago to meet with her. When N’Kano says they need to keep their rendezvous a secret, Queen assures him she won’t tell anyone.

While in New York City, Tony Stark is recalling when he — as Iron Man — had a confrontation with T’Challa about his recent activities in America. At the time, the Panther told them that it was a matter of Wakandan national security. At the time, T’Challa said he wasn’t going to be stymied by the Avengers charter while investigating acts of war by the United States government against his country and stormed out.[11] He once again wonders what has gotten into T’Challa recently. That’s when he is visited by Henry Gyrich, the Panther’s newest State Department liaison. He has uncovered something about T’Challa that will get Tony back into the investigation MGM Grand murder, something that involves a company called ABC Wire & Cable.[12]

In Chicago, Queen Divine Justice arrives at the rendezvous place to find Vibraxas only to ba ambushed by the mercenary known as Junta.

Lastly, T’Challa and Okoye meet with Wolverine (Logan) in Sault Saint Marie, Ontario. T’Challa explains that a group called XCon was responsible for the recent coup of Wakanda and that they are still attempting to do so through through the various government agencies that they have infiltrated, including the Canadian government. Logan explains that he is only there as a favor to their mutual friend, Storm (Ororo Munroe), but considering the odds and who they are up against, Wolverine agrees to join up since he figures it’ll be quite the party.

Recurring Characters

Black Panther (616 & 1145), Nightshade, Everett Ross, Wolverine, Tony Stark, Ramonda, Okoye, Zuri, W’Kabi, Junta, Kamal Rakim

Continuity Notes

  1. Although only getting a passing mention here, the 66 Bridges Gang will play a much larger role in this series and beyond. See Black Panther (vol. 3) #50-60 and The Crew #1-7.

  2. This other T’Challa was discovered in stasis in Black Panther (vol. 3) #35. He was revived by Nightshade last issue. In issues #48-49 it will be revealed that this is actually the T’Challa from a timeline some 10 years in the future from the Modern Age. Per Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z #4, this future timeline exists in Reality-1145.

  3. Tony mentions how things have been strained between the Black Panther and the Avengers. This is because, in Black Panther (vol. 3) #8, it was revealed that when he first joined the Avengers (circa Avengers #52) it was to spy on the team and determine if they were a threat to Wakanda.

  4. This failed coupe was staged by Achebe with the aid of various nations. See Black Panther (vol. 3) #1-12.

  5. Tony Stark bought all shares in the Wakandan Design Group when T’Challa intentionally tanked Wakanda’s economy as part of a conflict with Erik Killmonger. See Black Panther (vol. 3) #13-20. T’Challa restored everything to normal in issue #25.

  6. A couple items of note on display in this scene:

    • Captain America’s original triangular shield that started using back in Captain America Comics #1, he soon switched to his trademark circular shield in the following issue in that series. This shield was given to T’Challa’s ancestor Azzuri as a gift, as told in Black Panther (vol. 3) #30.

    • There is a replica of the Coal Tiger costume on display. This is a suit that T’Challa hasn’t actually worn. It’s actually a prototype design created by Jack Kirby before developing his trademark appearance. This early design was featured in a pinup in Jungle Action (vol. 2) #10.

  7. The Black Panther took a thrashing from Iron Fist in Black Panther (vol. 3) #39. This condition will persist until Black Panther (vol. 3) #62.

  8. The truth about Queen Divine Justice was revealed to her in Black Panther (vol. 3) #35 and she has been sorting this out since issue #39. T’Challa’s afther was famously killed defending Wakanda from a Vibranium poacher named Ulysses Klaw. This was originally told in Fantastic Four #53.

  9. Queen Divine Justice fell in love with Vibraxas following their first encounter in Black Panther (vol. 3) #26. However, as per issue #1, the Dora Milaje are “brides in waiting” for the king and cannot have a romance with anyone else. Both Queen and N’Kano found out the hard way in Black Panther (vol. 3) #32.

  10. As we’ll learn next issue, Black Panther-1145 is searching for Zanda. If you don’t know who Zanda and Abner Little are, go back and read Black Panther #1-6. In fact, this “other” Black Panther is drawn in the Jack Kirby art style as an homage to these stories.

  11. This flashback was first seen in Black Panther (vol. 3) #9. This was during a period when Achebe had staged a coup of Wakanda which lasted from issues #1-12.

  12. Here, Gyrich states that he is no longer the Avengers’ NSC liaison. He held this role from Avengers #165 until he was replaced by Raymond Sikorski in issue #235 of that series. Next issue we’ll learn that ABC Cable provided telecom cables for both Stark Enterprises and the Avengers, and that the business is secretly owned by T’Challa, or so it seems. This is all a deception, which you’ll find out once we get to issue #44.

Topical References

  • Ross compares Black Panther-1145 to comedian and actor Chris Tucker. Tucker is best known for his high energy, fast pace, and his pitched voice. At the time of this story, Tucker was at the height of his popularity. This should be considered a topical reference as this is a real world individual and could be replaced with a more contemporary comparison.

  • Queen Divine Justice refers to Vibraxas as NFL, this is because his costume looks like the type of padding that football players of the National Football League wear. Although this is a real world commercial organization, this wouldn’t necessarily be considered a topical reference as it would alter the meaning of her pet name for N’Kano.

Black Panther (vol. 3) #40

Black Panther (vol. 3) #40

Black Panther (vol. 3) #42

Black Panther (vol. 3) #42