
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Black Panther (vol. 4) #10

Black Panther (vol. 4) #10

Two the Hard Way, Part 1

Years Ago[1]

Back when he was simply Carl Lucas, Luke Cage was framed for a crime that he did not commit. While serving time in Seagate Prison, Lucas had a front page article about the Black Panther (T’Challa) taped to the wall of his cell. In those days, Luke Cage idolized the Panther. Even more so while incarcerated, because he seemed like the most liberated Black man in the world. He remembers one day when his tormentor, a prison guard named Billy Bob Rackham, came to make fun of him for liking the Panther.

Not liking Rackham’s insults, Lucas elbowed him in the gut. This landed him in solitary confinement where he gained the attention of a scientist named Noah Bernstein. Bernstein arranged a meeting with Carl and explained that he was conducting experiments and needed test subjects. He explained that in exchange for volunteering in such experiments, Lucas would get time off his sentence. Wanting to get out of Seagate as soon as possible, Carl agreed since he had nothing else to lose. However, after being sealed in a tank filled with an experimental fluid, Billy Bob tried to sabotage the experiment. This caused the equipment to explode. However, an unknown chemical reaction transformed Lucas, allowing him to survive. This was the birth of a new hero, Luke Cage. With his newly enhanced strength and bullet proof skin, Cage broke out of prison and swam to freedom.

Since the, Cage started a new life for himself, becoming a Hero for Hire to start. After clearing his name, Cage built a reputation for himself by representing Matt Murdock, the Fantastic Four, and even serving on the Avengers.[2]


Despite his new status as a card carrying Avenger, Luke Cage still takes jobs from time to time. This evening he is one of many bodyguards who have been hired to protect Pookie, one of the biggest rappers in the business at the moment. Pookie is currently dating a famous Hollywood actress and to generate publicity they had decided to go out clubbing. Cage thought that there couldn’t be anyone more famous in the club that night, until he discovered that T’Challa — the Black Panther himself — is in attendance as well. While Cage was excited to see his idol, his client didn’t even know who the Panther is and makes some disparaging comments about African hygiene. However, Cage knows why T’Challa is in America and that he’s been a busy guy.

First, because he went to address the United Nations following a failed invasion of Wakanda. He announces that until his investigation into responsible parties is complete all requests for extradition from the Vatican and Pentagon will be denied.[3] He also went to Washington to visit with the Secretary of State and tell her that he was unhappy that the US sent in their cyborg Very Special Forces when help wasn’t asked for. However, this isn’t the topic of discussion between Pookie and his date. In fact, she is more interested in another point of gossip about the King of Wakanda: Now that his father’s killer has been eliminated, T’Challa is apparently seeking a bride in order to sire a heir.[4] This was at the insistence of his step-mother, Queen Ramonda.

The gossip is that T’Challa first went to his long time lover, Monica Lynne, the singer. However, Monica was uninterested in marrying T’Challa, mentioning all the times that she had been kidnapped or almost killed due to her association with T’Challa. She does not to raise a family in that kind of environment. Moreover his mother doesn’t like her because she has never killed anything, and Wakanda is a warrior nation. Lastly, she points out that T’Challa has never played it safe in his life and doesn’t think he should when deciding on who he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Thinking this over, T’Challa hugged Monica and thanked her for being a good friend to him.[5]

The real reason T’Challa is at the night club that evening is for his half-sister Shuri. She wants to dance in order to try to forget how she recently had to kill to protect herself during the recent invasion of Wakanda.[6] Once T’Challa feels she has had enough time, he goes out onto the dance floor to tell her it is time to leave. Shuri insists on staying for one more song before breaking down in tears. Hugging her, T’Challa empathizes with her as taking a life is no easy task. Still, he is proud to know that she can defend herself if need be.

That’s when Pookie’s date comes running up to chat up T’Challa. The rapper doesn’t take kindly to this and punches her in the fact for “playing” him. T’Challa is angered by this and hits him back. This angers Pookie who tells his bodyguard to deal with T’Challa. This proves to be a mistake because the entire security detail is quickly incapacitated by the Dora Milaje members guarding the King, as well as Shuri. T’Challa then grabs Pookie and makes him swear he won’t hit the girl again and then tells him to leave. He then shoves the rapper into Luke Cage, the only one who was wise enough not to try and fight the Panther’s entourage. When Pookie demands that he protect him, Luke tells him he’s doing just that by getting him out of there. Furious at being embarassed in public, Pookie quickly pulls a gun of his own and tries to shoot T’Challa. Luckily, Cage sees this and blocks the barrel of the gun with his bullet proof hand. Cage then tosses Pookie into his limo and sends him on his way. Luke then took his date home, turning down her advances because he has a woman at home.[7]

When Luke Cage returns to his apartment, he finds the Black Panther waiting for him in his living room. T’Challa apologizes for costing Luke his job and then offers him a new one to make up for it. Cage is very much interested in working with the man he has idolized for so long. Little does he know that, just outside of his window, and army of ninjas are waiting to attack.

Recurring Characters

Black Panther, Luke Cage, Shuri, Si-Fan (in flashback) Noah Burnstein, Billy Bob Rackham, Electro, Constrictor, Shocker, Dondi Reece, Rhino, Black Knight, Ramonda, W’Kabi, S’Yan

Continuity Notes

  1. This flashback takes place during Luke Cage’s time in prison circa Luke Cage, Hero for Hire #1. Per the Sliding Timescale, this flashback would have taken place roughly 9 years prior to the main story. This flashback retells Luke Cage’s origins from that same issue.

  2. Luke Cage goes over a highlight reel of his accomplishments since getting out of prison:

    • Clearing his name, which Luke managed to do in Power Man #49.

    • Representing Matt Murdock: Recently, Cage has been acting as Murdock’s bodyguard as seen in Daredevil (vol. 2) #35 and 48 as well as Alias #15.

    • The Fantastic Four: Cage was a temporary replacement for the Thing in Fantastic Four #168-170.

    • At the time of this story, Cage had recently become one of the Avengers, as seen in New Avengers #1-5.

  3. The attempted invasion of Wakanda occurred in Black Panther (vol. 5) #1-6. Led by Ulysses Klaw, it consisted of other superhumans that were representing different interests. The Rhino was working for the United States while the Black Knight was sent by the Vatican.

  4. As originally told in Fantastic Four #53, Ulysses Klaw had murdered T’Challa’s father, T’Chaka. T’Challa seemingly avenged his father’s death by slaying Klaw in issue #6. However, he doesn’t stay dead for long, turning up in Fantastic Four: Foes #5. The rumor’s about T’Challa seeking a wife are true, and he will later end up marrying Storm in Black Panther (vol. 4) #18.

  5. T’Challa and Monica Lynne have had an on-again-off-again relationship ever since they had first met in Avengers #73. Here she states that she was kidnapped twice. She is referring to her times in captivity at the hands of Achebe in Black Panther (vol. 3) #1-8 and by Erik Killmonger in issues #13-20 of that same series. She finally ended their relationship for good in Black Panther (vol. 3) #30.

  6. During the invasion, Shuri had to kill the Radioactive Man in order to save her life, as seen in Black Panther (vol. 4) #6.

  7. This woman is Jessica Jones, whom Cage has been in a committed relationship with after she revealed that he was pregnant with his child in Alias #28.

  8. These ninjas are later identified as members of the Si-Fan, next issue.

Topical References

  • Luke Cage compares T’Challa to Michael Corleone, the primary protagonist in the 1969 novel The Godfather and it’s 1972 film adaptation. Since the film is considered a classic, it wouldn’t necessarily be considered a topical reference. That said, you could arguably replace this reference with a more contemporary one.

  • Pookie’s date also compares T’Challa’s search for a bride to the 1988 romantic comedy Coming to America, where an African prince named Zamunda (played by comedian Eddie Murphy) comes to America seeking out a bride. This is also a very specific reference to a classic comedy. However, it could become topical if a contemporary film with a similar plot ever comes out.

  • Monica Lynne is depicted playing a Bösendorfer brand piano. This should be considered topical as this is a real world brand name.

Black Panther (vol. 4) #9

Black Panther (vol. 4) #9

Black Panther (vol. 4) #11

Black Panther (vol. 4) #11