
Nick Peron

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Black Panther (vol. 5) #7

Black Panther (vol. 5) #7

Power, Part 1

T’Challa has managed to cheat death, however this came at a great cost. In the battle for his life, his friends Zuri and W’Kabi were killed in battle. Out of the hospital for the first time since his injuries, he goes to their graves to mourn their loss.[1]

The following day, T’Challa’s half-sister Shuri holds a massive press conference to announce herself the new ruler of Wakanda. It is held in the special memorial constructed to honor those who died during Morlun’s attack on their nation. She tells the people of Wakanda, and those watching around the globe that she will help her homeland rebuild better and stronger than ever before. This declaration is met with cheers from those who have gathered.

However, despite the outward support, the editorial on Wakandan state television suggests that things aren’t as cut and dry. As media pundits N’Dega and M’Toka debate Shuri’s capacity as the new leader of the country. This is watched by Storm (Ororo Monroe), wife to T’Challa, who is paying attention to developments while her husband heals.

Later, Shuri makes a state visit to the United States where she meets with the President. After this pleasant meeting, Shuri is visited by Everett Ross. Ross has had a long history of working with her brother whenever he was in America and has also been assigned to be her liaison as well.[2] Shuri playfully says that Everett was sent to spy on her. Ross doesn’t deny that she is totally inaccurate and his honesty is very refreshing to her. When they leave the White House, Everett asks if there has been any development in finding out who attacked T’Challa. Shuri assures him that her people are still looking into it. Ross finds her seemingly dismissive answer a bit of a surprise, openly admitting he figured she’d investigate things herself, including potential allies. Ross understands how this works, telling her that the US government wants to extend friendship to her rule and even says they will overlook any vigilante activity she might engage in while on American soil. Shuri thanks him for that, but admits that she isn’t sure who she should be considering friends just yet. That’s when their car is attacked by three cyborg assassins that fly onto the highway with jetpacks.

Meanwhile, back in Wakanda, T’Challa begins the long and painful process of undergoing physio-therapy and relearn how to walk. Trying to walk with the assistance of parallel bars, T’Challa makes it about half way before falling down. Storm rushes to his side, telling him that he is still weak and needs to slow it down. Remembering how he was ambushed by Doctor Doom — the reason why his body is in this condition — the former King of Wakanda refuses to give up and starts all over again.

Back in America, Shuri suits up as the Black Panther and fights back against her would-be assassins. After saving Everett’s life, she easily incapacitates the cyborgs. However, rather than risk capture, they activate kill switches that immolate their bodies, leaving no traceable evidence that could identify who they are, or who hired them. This is observed by the group that hired the assassins and they are confident that Shrui will never figure out they were responsible.[3]

Returning to the Wakandan Embassy, Shuri has her assistants — N’iix and Zakara — investigate who their attackers were. Although all evidence was destroyed, they were able to get some scans before the assassins killed themselves. With this information they were able to determine that their weapons share similar design configurations that Wakanda uses. Even more suspicious, the power packs they used came from Stark Industries. This evidence doesn’t add to, nor does it tell her if it has anything to do with the attack on T’Challa. She tells her people to get on finding her answers as soon as possible.

Back home, T’Challa has decided to give up on physio-therapy. Instead he leaves the palace alone and heads to an non-descript grass hut in the middle of the forest. The priestess inside has been waiting for him. When she pushes a button on a control panel, a door to a hidden staircase open. Downstairs is the secret training ground for the Dora Milaje. When the warrior women see their former King, the begin chanting the word “Beloved!” over and over again. T’Challa thanks them for the praise, but tells them that they have a lot of work to do.

Recurring Characters

Black Panthers (Shuri & T’Challa), Storm, Zakara, N’iix, Desturi (T’Kan, unidentified), Ramonda, Everett Ross

Continuity Notes

  1. T’Challa was gravely injured by Doctor Doom and was left hanging between life and death. This made him a target for the totem leach known as Morlun. W’Kabi and Zuri selfishly gave up their lives to buy Shuri time to suit up as the new Black Panther and defeat Morlun and save her half-brother. See Black Panther (vol. 5) #1-6.

  2. Everett spent an extended period working with T’Challa from Black Panther (vol. 3) #1-49.

  3. This organization goes unidentified here, however they will be identified as the Destrui in Black Panther (vol. 5) #9. This is an ultra-conservative extremist group that wishes Wakanda to return to its isolationist ways. In that regard, Wakanda remained closed off from the outside world until T’Challa opened the nation up way back in Black Panther #15.

Topical References

  • Of the many media microphones on Shuri’s podium, one has CNN branding. This should be considered topical since CNN is a real world news network.

  • In this story, the President of the United States is depicted as Barack Obama, who held this role when this comic was originally published in 2009. This should be considered topical because he completed his two terms in office in 2017.

Black Panther (vol. 5) #6

Black Panther (vol. 5) #6

Black Panther (vol. 5) #8

Black Panther (vol. 5) #8