
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Captain America #315

Captain America #315

The Hard Sell

The coroner is about to perform an autopsy on MODOK, the former leader of Advanced Idea Mechanics. However, before he can begin, the morgue is attacked by the Serpent Society — the individuals responsible for killing MODOK — who have come to collect the corpse to deliver to their employers, AIM.[1] Captain America is later called in by police and he promises to look into the theft.

Later, as the Serpent Society is dropping off MODOK’s corpse, the Cobra is approached by Alex Gentry — formerly known as the Porcupine. Gentry has fallen on hard times and has been unsuccessfully trying to sell his new suit of Porcupine armor. Having been turned down by AIM, Alex tries propositioning Cobra into buying it. Feeling sorry for his one-time ally, Cobra hands him the Serpent Society’s business card and tells him to give them a call.[2]

Meanwhile, at the Serpent Citadel, Sidewinder is torturing Princess Python for betraying the group to Captain America during their hunt for MODOK. The Princess tries to explain that she only did it because she felt out of her depth since the other Serpent Society members have superhuman powers. This is a poor excuse as Sidewinder could have arranged something had she spoken up about it and continues to torture her as a lesson to others who might think about betraying the team. Sidewinder is called away when the team returns for their debrief. The meeting is interrupted when Sidewinder gets a call from Alex Gentry, looking for a buyer, and is furious that the Cobra would just hand out their business card like that.

Gentry is flat out refused and it convinces the former military inventor that he is a total loser. He thinks about his failed career as the Porcupine and how he was defeated by every foe he ever faced, from the original Ant-Man, to the X-Men, to his more recent humiliation at the hands of Captain America.[3] Suddenly, Alex is hit with inspiration — if criminals aren’t interested in buying his armor, perhaps a superhero will — and puts in a call to Captain America’s hotline. When Steve Rogers receives the message at his home, he rushes out to meet with Gentry. His fiancée, Bernie Rosenthal, arrives just as he is climbing out the window and he tells her that they can talk once he gets back. This upsets Bernie because their relationship is always being sidelined due to Steve’s duties as Captain America.

When Captain America meets with Alex Gentry at his hotel room, Cap learns about how he tried selling his suit to the Serpent Society. Wanting to bring them to justice, Captain America agrees to buy the Procupine armor if he helps him set up a trap for the Serpents.

By this time, Sidewinder has finished torturing Princess Python and decides to keep her alive as they can ransom her off to her former teammates in the Circus of Crime. That’s when he receives a phone call from Alex Gentry. Sidewinder is furious at first until Gentry tells him that he managed to capture Captain America and is willing to turn him over to the Serpent Society if they meet his price. Unaware that this is a trap, Sidewinder sends Death Adder, Cottonmouth, Rattler, and Diamondback to collect Captain America for him.

When the four Serpents arrive at the abandoned construction site for the hand-off, Diamondback finds herself once again smitten by Captain America’s good looks. Cottonmouth on the other hand just wants to kill Captain America and be done with it. However, before he can bite Cap’s head off with his unhinged mouth, Captain America springs into action, catching the Serpents off guard. While Captain America takes on Death Adder, Rattler, and Cottonmouth alone, Diamondback chases after the fleeing Porcupine. Ultimately, Captain America defeat his three opponents. In the aftermath of the battle he notices that Diamondback got away and when he goes looking for the Porcupine he discovers that Alex has been gravely wounded. While trying to defend himself, Alex accidentally tripped over his own feet and gored himself with one of his own quills. Dying, Alex considers this a fitting end for a lifelong loser. However, Captain America assures him that he helped bring down some deadly criminals and that he promises to make sure everyone knows it.[4]

Later, Captain America waits in the holding cell with the captured members of the Serpent Society because he wants to see how they always manage to escape capture. Cap is unable to stop Sidewinder when he teleports in and absconds with his teammates. Powerless to stop the escape, Captain America vows to that he will not rest until he finds a way to get them.

Three days later, Captain America sets up the Porcupine’s costume in a display case with a sign that celebrates him as a honored foe as the Avengers.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Porcupine, Serpent Society (Cobra, Anaconda, Asp, Black Mamba, Sidewinder, Death Adder, Diamondback, Rattler, Bushmaster, Cottonmouth), AIM MODOK (corpse), Princess Python,

Continuity Notes

  1. MODOK was murdered by the Serpent Squad in Captain America #313. His corpse will be used by AIM as a remotely piloted drone in Iron Man #205. Ultimately, MODOK will be resurrected in Captain America #440-441 and Avengers #387-388.

  2. If you’re struggling to remember when the Porcupine and Cobra worked together, don’t worry, the only time they did — technically -— was when they were among the supervillains who attacked the wedding of Reed and Sue Richards back in Fantastic Four Annual #3. Gentry has been trying to sell his new Porcupine armor since Captain America #285.

  3. Gentry’s many defeats are listed via his inner monologue as well as a montage of the various heroes who kicked his ass. They include the original Ant-Man and the Wasp (Tales to Astonish #48), Giant-Man (Tales to Astonish #53), how he was defeated by the X-Men while working with Count Nefaria (X-Men #22-23), and the Defenders (Defenders #36-38 and 63-65)

  4. Surprisingly, other than a brief resurrection in Sensational She-Hulk #59 (for a fourth wall gag), the original Porcupine is one of those villains who has remained dead. At least at the time of this writing in November, 2021. He has been succeeded by Roger Gocking, who purchased the Porcupine identity from the Hobgoblin, see Spider-Woman (vol. 6) #13 (his origin) and Daughters of the Dragon #3 (his first appearance)

Captain America #314

Captain America #314

Captain America #316

Captain America #316