
Nick Peron

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Captain America (vol. 4) #15

Captain America (vol. 4) #15

Ice: Part 4

While trying to confirm the truth about his past, Captain America and his Atlantean ally Hana tracked down General Phillips, Steve’s superior at Project: Rebirth. However, they were ambushed by Lemurian assassins sent by the Interrogator, an enigmatic being who is seeking to capture Steve. Stealing his shield the assassins fled back to their home land in the hopes of luring Captain America back there. Steve does want to go, but only to avenge General Phillips who died of a heart attack in the ensuing battle.[1]

As they make their way to Lemuria, Captain America hopes that when he confronts the Interrogator he can finally know the real truth. Once they are over Lemurian airspace, their aircraft is shot out of the sky. Luckily, Cap and Hana were able to bail out and are now swimming the rest of the way. Because she can breath underwater, Hana is able to pass oxygen mouth-to-mouth with Steve so diving equipment isn’t required.

Soon, they arrive in the air filled chamber where the Interrogator resides. He is already waiting to greet them, hinting at the fact that he and Captain America have met in the past. He also implies that he became like this because Cap prevented someone from killing him.[2] Speaking through his hand, the Interrogator offers them a seat and some refreshments while they talk. Captain America declines, saying he is only interested in retrieving his shield and bringing the Interrogator back to the United States to stand trial for the death of General Phillips. The Interrogator finds this amusing, pointing out that there is no extradition treaty between the Untied States and Lemuria. Steve, however, couldn’t care less. However, the Lemurians do and three of soldiers come to protect their guest.

Captain America isn’t phased by this and is confident his years of experience will help him make short work of these guards. He demands to know why the Interrogator wants vengeance against him because nothing he has said makes any sense. The former human scientist explains that he isn’t looking for vengeance at all. In fact, he is merely a seeker of knowledge and he wishes to understand Captain America’s world view. Recovering his shield, Captain America easily fights through the Lemurian warriors by shattering their water filled helmets. However, when he tries to attack the Interrogator, the mad man counters with his tendrils which begin working their way into Steve’s body and mind. Luckily, Hana is able to sever the connection. But, this has left Steve weak and disorientated so she drags him back to the water so they can make their escape.

She manages to swim him to a nearby island where he can regain his composure and they can plan their next moves. After binding Hana’s wounds the two begin talking about their mutual attraction to one another. One thing leads to another and the two have sex on the beach, because it’s not like they’re in any danger or anything. Anyway, by the time they are done, Hana starts a philosophical debate with Steve about why American culture shames nudity and sexual expression. This is interrupted when a thrown spear impales itself through Hana’s back.

The killing throw was made by the Interrogator who has finally caught up with his quarry. Captain America is devastated by Hana’s sudden death. As Lemurian warriors surround Steve, the Interrogator asks if this is what it will take to push Captain America over the edge and make him finally kill a foe.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Hana, Interrogator

Continuity Notes

  1. There is a lot going on here off the top, so let me break it down:

    • Since Captain America (vol. 4) #10, the reason Captain America ended up in suspended animation at the end of World War II was called into question. Refuting the original account told in Avengers #4. It has been suggested that Steve was put on ice by his own government after he spoke out against the planned nuclear bomb drops on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Steve seemingly got confirmation over the last two issues. However, next issue we’ll learn that all the “proof” he has received were fabrications created by the Red Skull.

    • Hanna has been hanging out with Steve for unspecified reasons since issue #10 after she saved his life from drowning in issue #10 as well. Issue #16 reveals that she was sent by the Sub-Mariner to protect Steve from the Interrogator.

    • The man that Steve thinks was General Chester Phillips is actually an impostor of some kind per Avengers, Thor & Captain America: Official Index to the Marvel Universe #14 and the Chester Phillips profile in Captain America: America’s Avenger #1.

  2. In Captain America (vol. 4) #12, the Interrogator related a story that suggested that he was a scientist that worked at the arctic research station where Captain America’s body was stored. The facility was attacked by the Sub-Mariner because they were experimenting on Atlanteans. In the ensuing fight, the scientist had his hand severed, allowing the alien hand he now wears to attach itself to his body and take control of him. As stated above, many of the “facts” about this story were later revealed as fabrications. The true story as to what made the Interrogator who he is, as of this writing in February, 2023, remains untold.


  • Captain America refers to General Phillips as Albert Phillips. However, per Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #2, his first name is Chester. Captain America: America’s Avenger #1 also confirms this. While the Marvel Indexes like to think that this was a clue to the fact that the “Phillips” he encountered was an impostor. However, let’s call it for what it is, it was an error on the part of the writer and editorial didn’t catch it.

Captain America (vol. 4) #14

Captain America (vol. 4) #14

Captain America (vol. 4) #16

Captain America (vol. 4) #16