
Nick Peron

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Captain America (vol. 5) #34

Captain America (vol. 5) #34

The Death of Captain America Act 2 - The Burden of Dreams: Part 4

Following the death of Aleksander Lukin, the American economy is on the brink.[1] This is due to failures in a number of Kronas Corporation subsidiaries. Particularly, Peggy Day Finance, which has foreclosed on countless mortgages, leaving thousands of Americans suddenly homeless. This has led to civil unrest across the country as people protest in the streets.

It makes James Barnes, formerly known as Bucky and the Winter Soldier, realize just how fragile America can be as a result of complacency. Looking out at New York City, James’ thoughts are interrupted by the Black Widow who asks if he’s ready to go. He boards a SHIELD aircraft carrying Captain America’s shield…. his shield.[2] He reminds Natasha that even though she is tagging along, he isn’t working for Stark or SHIELD and doesn’t answer to nobody. The Widow tells him that she’s just along for the ride and to lend a hand if James needs it. She also tells him that SHIELD has no public record of his existence, Tony Stark’s agreement was a personal one.

When she reminds him he needs to finish suiting up, he tells her that he won’t be wearing Steve’s old costume. He’s not worthy of it. Instead, he is wearing one that Tony Stark helped him design, something that is unique to James, but honors Steve’s legacy. Natasha also notes that Bucky is wearing a sidearm. James says he always carried a gun, even in World War II and he’s not about to change now. James looks down at the protests on the street below and hopes that Tony Stark knows how to deal with the unrest. He also hopes nobody expects him to make a speech to the protestors either.

Natasha tells him to keep his mind on the mission, stopping Advanced Idea Mechanics and Radical Ideas in Destruction from stealing all the gold reserves from Wall Street. James puts on his new mask so he’s ready to stop this. A few moments later, he is interrupting AIM and RAID before they can even start their theft. Even though Steve Rogers was three times stronger and faster that James ever was, this new Captain America can hold his own against the terrorists and their turbo-walker mechs. What they don’t expect is this Captain America to be packing a gun either. The battle comes to a quick end and they are on the move to the next riot location. James doesn’t like that they aren’t tackling the source of the unrest, the Red Skull. Natasha reminds him that Steve would foil the Red Skull’s plot first.

At that same time, the Red Skull is in Upstate New York, demanding a status update from Anim Zola. Zola doesn’t care about what happened to AIM and RAID, all he knows is that they haven’t radioed in. Besides, he is busy working on the Red Skull’s main project which is taking up much more of his time. The Red Skull admits that the fate of the gold theft is of little concern to him either, he already has America on its knees. All he has to do now is keep it there until he can land his killing blow.

Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, Tony Stark meets with the Secretary of State aboard the SHIELD helicarrier. He tries to convince him that Aleksander Lukin faked his death and that the current financial crisis is being intentionally done by the Kronas Corporation in order to topple the American economy. The Secretary reminds Tony that Kronas has a strong relationship with the United States government. He then takes offense when Tony accuses him of having his opinion coloured by lobbiest money from Kronas. That’s when security informs Stark that the missing agents — the ones that were being treated by Doctor Faustus — have suddenly been sighted again.[3] They have appeared out front of the White House where more protests are underway. Before Stark can order them pulled from the location the AWOL agents — under orders from Doctor Faustus — begin opening fire on the crowd.

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Black Widow, Tony Stark, RAID, AIM, Arnim Zola, Red Skull/Aleksander Lukin, Doctor Faustus, SHIELD

Continuity Notes

  1. Let’s get the dirt about Aleksander Lukin out of the way: He’s sharing a mind with the Red Skull since a botched assassination in Captain America (vol. 5) #1, as we learned in issue #14. This will remain the status quo until issue #42. Lukin faked his death last issue.

  2. At the time of this story, Steve Rogers, the original Captain America was believed to be killed in Captain America (vol. 5) #25. In reality, he was time displaced, as part of the Red Skull’s plot to try and steal his body, as explained in Captain America: Reborn #1-5. It was Steve’s dying wish for Bucky to succeed him, as we learned in Captain America (vol. 5) #30. Bucky agreed to take on the role last issue.

  3. Between Captain America (vol. 5) #22 and 28, Docot Faustus had took the place of SHIELD’s resident psychologist. From this position he brainwashed many SHIELD agents to carry out the Red Skull’s complex web of schemes.

Topical References

  • The financial crisis in this issue is cited as part of the real life subprime mortgage crisis that lasted from 2007 to 2010. Countless people lost homes because banks fucking things up. This caused an uproar when people were left homeless while the US government gave bail out money to the banks.

Captain America (vol. 5) #33

Captain America (vol. 5) #33

Captain America (vol. 5) #35

Captain America (vol. 5) #35