
Nick Peron

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Captain America (vol. 5) #36

Captain America (vol. 5) #36

The Death of Captain America Act 2 - The Burden of Dreams: Part 6

The Red Skull has created economic instability in the United States leading to protests across the country.[1] One such protest in Washington, DC he has drugged in order to ensure there will be violence. This is done in order to cover up an attack on the Senate Building by Sin and her new Serpent Squad. Luckily, the new Captain America (James “Bucky” Barnes) got wise to the situation and arrives to stop them.

However, Bucky quickly realizes that he might have been a little overconfident about handling this threat alone. The Black Widow — who was running intel for him — hears how James is struggling and heads over to help him out.

As James begins to turn the tide of battle, Senator Gordon Wright peaks his head out of the door. He is in the back pocket of the Red Skull. When he sees Captain America in action, he mumbles that this isn’t right and that he doesn’t know who that is.[2] Eventually, Cap pulls out his gun and begins shooting at his opponents.

When Sin gets hit by a bullet, Crossbones comes charging out of hiding and shoots Captain America from behind. Thanks to his new costumed — created by Tony Stark — the bullets don’t do any serious damage but they still hurt like hell. Crossbones tells Cap that he’s going to kill him slow for hurting his girlfriend and then begins choking the life out of him. Luckily, James is able to knee Crossbones in the stomach to get loose. In a hand-to-hand brawl, Crossbones has the strength advantage so Bucky decides to play dirty. Pulling his combat knife he sabs Crossbone’s in the leg.

Meanwhile, the Red Skull is receiving a report from Arnim Zola. He has determined that Sharon Carter is pregnant, likely with Steve Rogers child.[3] After the call, Doctor Faustus comes barging in and tells them that there is a problem with their plans for Senator Wright and points to the monitors observing the situation.

Back in Washington, the brawl between Captain America and Crossbones continues on. Crossbones tells Cobra to get Sin out of there before reinforcements arrive. As James continues to stay up after every blow admittedly has Crossbones impressed. At the same time, soldiers from Kane-Myers Securities come to evacuate Senator Wright, the man who hired them to defend Washington, DC.

The Black Widow is also arriving on the scene in a SHIELD flying car, closing in on James’ signal. That’s when Crossbones tosses Captain America out a window. Luckily, he lands right on the hood of Natasha’s car. Pulling his gun, James then puts enough bullets into Crossbones to drop him. Bloodied and bruised, James looks at Natasha and gives her a smile, then asks what took her so long. When they go inside, they confirm that Crossbones is still alive but won’t be talking any time soon. James figures that they might be able to get answers out of the Viper, and Eel who went down a lot easier.

Meanwhile, King Cobra is fleeing with Sin in their helicopter. He reports back to Red Skull and tells them about the new Captain America they just encounter. One with a gun. This makes the Red Skull laugh because he instantly knows who they are dealing with and figures he can make that work in favor of their current plans.

At that same moment, Captain America tries to get the riot under control by giving a speech. He tells people that he understands they are scared but rioting isn’t the answer. For a moment, it seems like he is getting through to them. That’s when one of the rioters calls him out for not being the real Captain America and throws a bottle at him.[4] That’s when the Kane-Myer security forces start getting rough with the rioters again. As the violence picks right back up, James walks away. He’s reminded once again just how easy Steve Rogers made it look and how much James needs to learn.

Despite his poor showing, James’ first public outing as Captain America is all the buzz in the media. As the news tries to learn more about the new hero, the government insists that they know nothing about him. Tony Stark, Director of SHIELD, also denies knowledge of his existence. Also in the news is about how Kane-Myers Security rescued Senator Wright from the Serpent Squad. This is a lie on Tony’s part, as part of the promise he made to James when he agreed to become Captain America. Stark is even lying to government officials to keep his secret.[5]

The following day, the Black Widow goes down to Steve Rogers’ old apartment, where James Barnes has taken up residence. Unfortunately, Crossbones is still in a coma and the captured members of the Serpent Squad are absolutely clueless. While they have no confirmation on where the Red Skull is or where he took Sharon Carter, the Falcon is following up on a lead. Tony Stark also has SHIELD up and running again.[6] Unfortunately, they will be under the microscope for the time being, meaning that Natasha isn’t going to be around as often anymore. That’s when she asks if James remembers anything from his time as the Winter Soldier. Bucky remembers it all and tells Natasha that his all to brief romance was the only good thing that came out of that time.[7] That’s why he decided to become Captain America, to make up for his past sins. Natasha promises they will fight again and gives him a kiss to remember her by, but also as a way of saying she remembers and felt the same way too. This makes James grin ear to ear.

Back at the Red Skull’s hideout, Sharon Carter has overheard the Red Skull and the others talking about her child. Fearing for its life — as it is the only part of Steve Rogers she has left — she is finally able to break the Doctor Faustus’ mental conditioning that has been keeping her a prisoner. Much to her relief, this has caused the dark voice to finally stop. She sneaks into Arnim Zola’s lab as they always tend to have an escape tunnel of some kind. As she looks around she comes upon some kind of suspension tank and inside it appears to be Steve Rogers![8]

Recurring Characters

Captain America, Black Widow, Tony Stark, Serpent Squad (Sin, Viper, Eel, King Cobra), Crossbones, Doctor Faustus, Arnim Zola, Red Skull/Aleksander Lukin, Sharon Carter, Gordon Wright

Continuity Notes

  1. How do I explain this complex turn of events? The Red Skull mind hopped into the body of businessman Aleksander Lukin in Captain America (vol. 5) #1, as revealed in issue #14. He faked Lukin’s death in issue #33.

  2. As revealed last issue, the Red Skull — via Doctor Faustus — is manipulating Senator Wright, offering him power in exchange for remaking America in their vision. His cryptic comments here are regarding the fact that Faustus promised him his own Captain America to help boost his political career. They are planning on doing this with William Burnside, the Captain America from the 1950s. See Captain America (vol. 5) #37-42.

  3. Sharon and Steve slept together in Captain America (vol. 5) #16. Sharon discovered that she was pregnant in issue #30. Hypnotized by Doctor Faustus back in Captain America (vol. 5) #22, Sharon has been a prisoner of the Red Skull since issue #32.

  4. It’s mentioned here that the real Captain America is dead. That’s not entirely accurate. He was seemingly killed in Captain America (vol. 5) #25. In reality, he is now time displaced in part of a complex plot by the Red Skull who is trying to steal his body. See Captain America: Reborn #1-5.

  5. James agreed to become the new Captain America back in Captain America (vol. 5) #33. One of his conditions in doing so was that he answer to nobody but himself. Stark went a step further in the following issue by erasing all SHIELD records about James or that he took on the role.

  6. SHIELD was temporarily shut down when rogue agents brainwashed by Doctor Faustus opened fire on a crowd of protestors outside the White House in issue #34.

  7. After getting caught in an explosion over the English Channel in 1945, Bucky was recovered by the Russians and transformed into an assassin called the Winter Soldier. During that time he had a brief affair with Natasha. When their handlers found out they were forced apart. See Captain America (vol. 5) #8, 11, and 27.

  8. This is not the real Steve Rogers, but William Burnside, the 1950s Captain America as will be revealed in Captain America (vol. 5) #38. Burnside has been kept in suspension since he tried immolating himself back in Captain America #236.

Captain America (vol. 5) #35

Captain America (vol. 5) #35

Captain America (vol. 5) #37

Captain America (vol. 5) #37