
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Fantastic Four: Isla De La Muerte!

Fantastic Four: Isla De La Muerte!

The Thing goes to San Juan, Puerto Rico for his annual secret vacation. The rest of the Fantastic four can’t stand not knowing where Ben goes, so they track him and see that he is the local hero El Morrito, and they are having a parade for him. Ben sees the team and is upset that they followed him. Sue and Ben talk for a while and Ben wishes they would have respected his wishes for privacy on this one thing. Before she can answer, the local government comes. They ask that all members of the Fantastic Four help them to find the monster that is killing people in the rainforest. A monster they believe to be the Chupacabras.

The Four go into the rainforest and Sue tells Ben what she wanted to say earlier. She says that of all the egomaniacs that she surrounds herself with, Reed, Johnny, Namor, that Ben is the most grounded of them all and that he is her hero.

Enough with the mushy stuff because of the Chupacabras attack; a lot of them. Big and strong ones and small and fast ones, they overwhelm the Four. That’s when the Mole Man shows up.

They wake-up underground and Mole Man is using a Zero-Point Energy transmitter in his staff so that they can’t stand up, and the more they struggle, the heavier they get. Sue uses her invisible force field on it, which is mental, and therefore, has no mass, so it renders the staff ineffective and the Fantastic Four are able to beat-up the Chupacabras. Johnny Storm flames-on and the Mole Man yells at him, telling him about all the endangered life that he may have just destroyed by that selfish act.

Once again, the Mole Man is misunderstood, he was trying to make space on the island because the Chupacabras migrate here every ten years to breed, but humans have overpopulated the island. Granted, he was planning on killing a third of the population to achieve this, but his eco-cause was noble.

The Fantastic Four chases Mole Man away. Reed has S.H.I.E.L.D. install early warning devices in case Mole Man tries to repeat this stunt and he also has them install environmental sensors to keep the pollution down.

Recurring Characters

Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), Mole Man

Fantastic Four: A Death in the Family #1

Fantastic Four: A Death in the Family #1

Spider-Man & The Human Torch in... ¡Bahía De Los Muertos!

Spider-Man & The Human Torch in... ¡Bahía De Los Muertos!