
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Incredible Hulk #611

Incredible Hulk #611

Sons of Wrath

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A brief flashback shows young Banner being attacked by his father. In the present, Hulk has resurfaced. A recording, made by Banner two weeks previously, is played, advising everyone to keep clear if Skaar is to kill Hulk. Skaar then engages Hulk. When his sword simply bounces off Hulk's chest, Skaar taps into Earth`s tectonic plates, absorbing kinetic energy with his Old Power, giving him the power to punch Hulk all the way to West Virginia. But Hulk begins to fight now, pummeling Skaar, even in his stone form. Hulk admits that he could simply kill him, but is not interested in fighting.

Tossed aside, Skaar remarks that Caiera said Hulk was good but did not know that meant weak, revealing to Hulk that his Caiera was alive in Sakaar's stones until he fed it to Galactus. Hulk feels hard thumps in his heart, remembering his time on Sakaar with Caiera. That, combined with the trauma Banner suffered under his father was enough to make him punch Skaar straight into space. He then leaps high into the sky and grapples his son as he is falling back to Earth. They fight through the ocean, before ending up in Maryland. Betty, as Red She-Hulk, joins the fight, attempting to save her husband from his son. But Skaar simply punches her into the side of a building, causing it to shudder. Remembering how helpless Banner was to save his mother, Hulk lets out a huge thunderclap, sending the sands where they were fighting to stabilize everyone's fall from the building. Skaar was astounded that his father saw people in danger, while he didn`t, before receiving a beat down by the Hulk.

Beaten, Skaar admits that he is not fighting Hulk, because he is not the monster Banner said he was. He then transforms back into child form. Feeling regret Hulk returns to Banner and embraces his son.

World War Hulks continues in Hulk (Vol. 2) #24

Recurring Characters

Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Black Panther, Amadeus Cho, Beast, Fantastic Four (Mister Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, Thing), Skaar, War Machine, Ms. Marvel, Pulsar, Thor, Spider-Man

Continuity Notes

  • This story recaps some of the abuse that Bruce Banner experience by his father. This is a retelling of the events in Incredible Hulk #312.

  • In his recording, Banner states that he will transform into the Worldbreaker version of the Hulk. This is the incarnation that was seen from World War Hulk #1-5.

  • The death of Caiera Oldstrong is mentioned in this story, she died in Incredible Hulk Vol 2 #105.

  • This story also recaps Skaar's trials on the planet Sakaar. These events were originally told in Skaar: Son of Hulk #1-10.

  • Skaar recounts the training he underwent when he was on Earth. This was chronicled from Incredible Hulk #601-605.

Slave To Memory

Hiro-Kala gives the Old Power to the K'aitian Worldmind to prevent K'ai from falling apart. He then gains the powers and memories of the K'aitian Worldmind and experiences the memories of his father, the Hulk. He learned that they shared something in common: lost love. Hiro-Kala then sets out to restore K'ai, regaining the trust of his subjects.

However, Axeman Bone refuses to yield. But Hiro-Kala reshapes his ax into chains to bind him so that he would serve as a reminder of what Hiro-Kala had lost. He then speaks to the people of K'ai, stating that he is nothing like his father, who brought the light of hope. So, out of darkness, he will be their Dark Son.

Recurring Characters

Hiro-Kala, General Axeman Bone

Incredible Hulk #610

Incredible Hulk #610