
Nick Peron

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Iron Man (vol. 3) #64

Iron Man (vol. 3) #64

Standoff, Part 2

This story continues from Thor (vol. 2) #58

When the government of Slokovia began ethnic cleansing of citizens who worship the Asgardians. This has angered Thor, the current ruler of Asguard to assist his worshipers.[1] This is risking an international incident as both American and Russian forces see this as a threat to their mutual interests.

The United States has sent Iron Man (Tony Stark) to try and talk Thor into standing down. However, Thor refuses to let his followers suffer. Iron Man says that Thor is playing to the hand of the Slokovian government, giving them justification to continue their ethnic clensing. The Odinson doesn’t want to listen, and tells Balder, Sif, and the Warriors Three to stand aside and let him deal with this.

Since Iron Man is drawing a line in the sand, Thor decides to cross it by shattering the very ground with a single blow from Mjolnir. This creates a literal line and Thor warns Iron Man not to cross it. When the Asgardian turns to leave, one of the soldiers prepares to shoot him in the back. Iron Man stops this, not wanting them to shoot at his friend. Besides, they are not equipped to deal with a fight with Asgardians.

Iron Man is then contacted by Doctor Doom, who suggests they meet to discuss how to handle this situation. When Stark arrives, Doom mocks his recent public revelation, asking if it was worth all of the grief his company has received from the Federal Trade Commission, US Congress, and the IRS.[2] Doctor Doom has a vested interest in stopping Thor and his followers because he doesn’t want his worshipers religion to start infecting the minds of the Latverian people. More over, if this sparks a war between the United States and Russia, Latveria isn’t going to stand by and become collateral damage in such a conflict.

The big problem is that Thor has grown more powerful ever since taking the throne of Asgard. Doom has figured out a solution, a suit of armor that is powered by an object enchanted by Thor himself. When Stark asks how they can accomplish this, Doom scoffs it will be simple for him to accomplish, reminding Tony how he once stole the Power Cosmic from the Silver Surfer.[3] Iron Man denies that such a reactor could exist and leaves.

As international tensions continue to rise, the religion worshiping Thor begins experiencing a boom in new worshipers world wide. As the group — dubbed a cult by the media — gains traction in the United States, it leads to the creation of anti-Thor groups, because America.

As the military response grows, Thor begins wondering if a conflict is really the right course of action. When Balder asks his sire if he is starting to doubt his plan, Thor says that only a fool never feels doubt.

Meanwhile, he seeds of Doctor Doom’s plan have been planted as Iron Man has been working on a suit of armor that is powered by a reactor that taps into the same power source as Thor’s hammer. The fuel source is a sliver of Mjonlir that Thor once gifted to Tony, years earlier. Tony believe that he was the only one who could be trusted to create such a weapon.

Little does he know that one of his old employees, upset that his daughter has started worshiping Thor, has been compromised by Doctor Doom. Working as a janitor gives him access to the part of Stark Enterprises where Tony is building his new armor. When Tony and Pepper aren’t looking, this man snaps photos of the plans for the new armor and smuggles the pictures to the Latverian Embassy. From there, they are transmitted to Doctor Doom himself. Doom is pleased that he now has the key to destroying Thor if Iron Man should fail.

Back in Slokovia, the military is pressing forward, tempting Thor’s wrath. As he begins summoning lightning, the thunder god is attacked by Iron Man in his new Thor-buster armor. When Thor tosses his hammer at Iron Man, he is able to use his repuslors to stop it in its tracks and then deflect it. Thor is deeply insulted to discover that his friend would take a gift from the gods and turn it into a weapon against him.

This is not only a physical conflict, but a clash of idologies, as Thor and Iron Man debate the ethics of what is going on. While Thor believes he is intitled to defend his followers no matter what. Iron Man still cannot bring himself to see Thor as a legitimate god.

With the two evenly matched with no end in sight, the general in charge of the American side of the conflict decides that enough is enough. He orders his tank battalion to move in. However, before they can engage Thor and Iron Man, someone gets in their way. That man is none other than Captain America. The tanks stop dead in their tracks and order him to get out of the way.

Cap, however, tells them to stand down as he believes he can talk some sense into his two friends before things get anymore out of control.

Seconds after he says this, Thor clashes his hammer against Iron Man’s gauntlet with enough force that knocks Captain America off his feet.

… This story continues in Avengers (vol. 3) #63.

Recurring Characters

Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Pepper Potts, Doctor Doom, Balder, Sif, Warriors Three (Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg)

Continuity Notes

  1. This story occurs following the events of Thor (vol. 2) #40-43. This will remain the status quo until Thor (vol. 2) #79.

  2. At the time of this story, Tony had just recently revealed his true identity to the public in Iron Man (vol. 3) #55. Tony quips the Doom should try it some time. This is in reference to the fact that Doctor Doom has always had his face covered since his face was scarred. See Fantastic Four #5.

  3. Stealing the Silver Surfer’s powers was one of Doctor Doom’s greatest hits. See Fantastic Four #57-60.

Topical References

  • The computers in this story are depicted as having CRT monitors. This should be considered a topical reference because this is now an obsolete technology.

Iron Man (vol. 3) #63

Iron Man (vol. 3) #63

Iron Man (vol. 3) #65

Iron Man (vol. 3) #65