
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #2

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #2



Three Hours Ago

Publicist Sarah Day is watching a promo for the Super Powers television series that announces that Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers, her newest client) is scheduled to appear on their show.[1] She then calls her client and gets the voice mail. After suggesting they hire someone to record a new message that is more exciting, she reminds her that their appointment with Super Powers is tomorrow at four pm at Carol’s apartment.

Two Hours Ago

A Brood Acanti ship is nearing Earth orbit.[2] On board, the Brood are under attack by an entity named Cru. The insectile aliens try to get to the escape pods, but there is a massive explosion that causes their ship to crash land on Earth.


The ship crashed in the town of Spaulding, Georgia. Seeing the ship go down and the only one on the scene is Ms. Marvel. She is horrified to see the surviving Brood attacking innocent people on the street.[3] She lays into the alien invaders and kills a good number of them before the Brood start dog piling her. She overhears them saying they need to destroy Carol before Cru finds them. Seconds later, the Brood are annihilated by a flash of blue energy. Cru turns out to be blue alien creature that looks like a humanoid cephalopod. It grabs Carol by the throat as she tries to convince it she means no harm. When the alien doesn’t let her go, she blasts it in the face causing it pain. It then starts painfully scanning her mind pulling up the image of a Cavorite crystal as well as McCord Army Base before tossing Ms. Marvel aside.[4]

As Cru flies off, Carol decides that the Brood are the immediate concern and finds the crash sight. She eradicates the rest of the Brood until there is only one left alive. It tells her that Cru hints its species to extinction and that it is seeking Cavorite to do so. The reason why the Brood came to Earth was due to a large supply of the material and knowing that should Cru harness its power, they would annihilate themselves. Ms. Marvel is horrified because such an explosion would decimate half of the planet as well. After putting the Brood out of its misery, she begins to follow Cru’s trail.

She speeds toward McCord Army Base where Cru has just laid waste to the soldiers who guard the Cavorite stored there. Unfortunately, Ms. Marvel arrives too late to stop Cru from reaching the containment unit where the Cavorite is stored. As she attempts to stop the alien creature, it holds the crystal up and everything suddenly goes white!

Recurring Characters

Ms. Marvel, Cru, Brood, Sarah Day, Acanti

Continuity Notes

  1. After her experiences in the House of M in Giant-Size Ms. Marvel #1, Carol has been trying to boost her profile as part of becoming a better hero. She hired Sarah Day last issue.

  2. The Acanti are a species of whale-like creatures that can survive in the vacuum of space and are capable of interstellar travel. Many of their species have been enslaved by the Brood and used for space travel. See Uncanny X-Men #166 for the details.

  3. Carol responds to the Brood with a familiarity because they once took her captive and tried to turn her into one of them along with the X-Men. See Uncanny X-Men #162-167.

  4. Ms. Marvel previously encountered a Cavorite crystal — capable of fueling faster-than-light-travel — when preventing it from falling into the hands of a subterranean named Grotesk. See Ms. Marvel #6-8.

Topical References

  • Sarah Day suggests that Carol get narrator Peter Coyote to record a new voice mail. This should be considered a topical reference as Coyote is a real person. At the time of this writing he is now 82 years old so he’s not long for this world. His name could easily be replaced with a more contemporary example.

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #1

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #1

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #3

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #3