
Nick Peron

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Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #47

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #47

The Amazing Spider-Date

Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) is assisting Spider-Man (Peter Parker) in nabbing a high-tech robber and put him down quickly. As street-level crime isn’t really Carol’s thing, Spidey asks her why she came out tonight to help him on his rounds. Carol tells him to change into his civvies because she owes him a date.[1] Peter is surprised that Carol remembered that, but looks forward to going out as it gives her a chance to explain how she managed to cheat death recently.[2]

Carol explains that, not that long ago, she encountered a boy called the Storyteller (Gavin) who had the ability to alter reality with his thoughts. The youth was a creation of Advanced Idea Mechanics (AIM) and, as Ms. Marvel, she protected him when they tried to get Gavin back.[3] When they failed, they sought to recreate a more controllable version of the Storyteller. They used young MODOCs to carry this out, but they sought to be freed. Learning how Carol helped their predecessor, they reached out to be saved not long after Carol’s death. They used their reality altering abilities to slowly bring her back to life.

With the explanations out of the way, the two change into their civvies on a nearby rooftop. That’s when Peter admits that he doesn’t have a whole lot of money. Carol insists on paying and then suggests Peter change into his nicest clothes. They end up going to the fanciest place in Greenwich Village. There, Peter admits to Carol that he is chronically worried about money and is always scraping by. Carol suggests he invest, or do something like write a book, like she did.[4]

This leads to a conversation about Norman Osborn and how Carol has recently been plagued by the madman.[5] She is curious to know why Osborn hates Peter so much. Its a complicated tale, so Peter simplifies things by saying that Norman is insane and wants him dead.[6] That’s when Peter asks Carol who her Norman Osborn is, because every hero has a villain that wants to utterly destroy them. After some consideration, she decides that Ms. Marvel’s “Norman Osborn” is the mutant Mystique since she sent Rogue to kill her.[7][8]

Outside, two HAMMER agents have recognized Carol Danvers and have been tailing her. They are confused how she can still be alive, but decide this could be their ticket to a big promotion if they manage to arrest her.[10]

Inside, Carol and Peter’s date has kind of fizzled out as the two have realized that they don’t have much to talk about when they aren’t talking shop. That’s when Peter’s spider-sense warns him of approaching danger. That’s when the two HAMMER agents come crashing in through the front window. Carol changes into Ms. Marvel, while Peter — unafraid of the attackers — continues eating his meal. Carol quickly subdues the two attackers and they discover that they actually came alone. After quickly wrapping this up, Carol apologizes to the owner. She gives him a story about how the two HAMMER agents are actually criminals who stole their gear and gives him the number at Avengers Tower so Norman Osborn can reimburse him for the damages. With that out of the way, Carol grabs Peter and flies off before everyone figures out she was lying.

As they head off, they both realize they are still hungry. They also discover they both like junk food and Peter recommends the best hot dog stand in the city. This leads to a question about why Carol took him to such a fancy place when chili dogs would suffice and it becomes clear that Carol actually cared what Peter thought of her. They both admit that this is change of pace is really nice and just silently look out upon the city.

Recurring Characters

Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man, HAMMER

Continuity Notes

  1. Spider-Man agreed to help Carol steal data on terrorist Ghazi Rashid from the CIA in exchange for a date as seen in Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #34.

  2. Carol’s powers had overloaded in Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #37, which caused her to become fragmented. She was slowly pulled back together between issues #42 and 46.

  3. Carol’s encounters with Gaving the Storyteller were chronicled in Ms. Marvel Special #1 and Ms. Marvel: Storyteller #1.

  4. Carol wrote a fictional story based on her time in space as Binary, as seen in Ms. Marvel Special #1. Peter doesn’t mention the fact that he has published a book, Webs, in Amazing Spider-Man #304. It featured many photos he has taken of Spider-Man over the years. However, in New Avengers #33, we learn that this book eventually ended up in the bargain bin and never made Peter much money. That’s probably why he didn’t bring it up here. Petey’s an insecure boy, don’t you see.

  5. After killing the leader of a failed Skrull invasion of Earth (Secret Invasion #8), Norman Osborn was given the position of America’s top cop. Carol earned his ire after she turned down an offer to join his Avengers. See Dark Avengers #1.

  6. Spider-Man has had a long history with Norman Osborn during his career as the Green Goblin. The two first clashed in Amazing Spider-Man #14. While they started off as ordinary foes, things go incredibly personal after Osborn learned Peter’s true identity in Amazing Spider-Man #39 and made it his life’s ambition to make Peter’s life hell at every possible moment. There is a lot of history there, but it should also be noted that, at the time of this story, Osborn no longer knows Peter’s true identity after this knowledge was erased in Amazing Spider-Man #545. That hasn’t removed Norman’s unending hatred of the wall-crawler, however.

  7. Ms. Marvel first clashed with Mystique back in Ms. Marvel #16-18. In the infamous Avengers Annual #10, Rogue had used her powers to absorb the mind and powers of Ms. Marvel. This was a failed attempt and it left both women forever changed from the experience. It led to Rogue reforming shortly there after (as mentioned here) in Uncanny X-Men #171, she has been on the straight and narrow ever since.

  8. When Carol offers Peter a drink, he tells her he doesn’t drink very often and when he does, it usually goes badly. This is a reference to when he drank too much at is Aunt May’s wedding to try and deal with the fact that his ex, Mary Jane Watson, showed up. He got so drunk he ended up having a one night stand with his combative roommate Michele Gonzales, making the situation even more complicated. See Amazing Spider-Man #600-601.

  9. They are referring to how Norman Osborn fatally shot Catherine Donovan, a fragment of Carol’s persona that was brought to life by the Storytellers in Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #42. Norman shot her in the face in Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #45.

Topical References

  • One of the billboard advertisements is for Sleepy’s Mattresses. At the time of this story, they had paid for advertising in actual Marvel stories as opposed to a designated advertising page at the time this comic was published. Its appearance here should be considered topical as this is a real world business.

  • Carol takes Peter to Bill Hill, a fancy restaurant that has been in Greenwich Village since the year 2000. As this is a real world business, its reference here should be considered topical.

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #46

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #46

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #48

Ms. Marvel (vol. 2) #48