
Nick Peron

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New Avengers #18

New Avengers #18

The Collective, Part 3

SHIELD Agent Daisy Johnson is trying to read a book in Central Park. When a jogger comes up and asks her what she is reading, she uses her mutant abilities to cause earthquakes to scare him off. Moments later she is approached by Sharon Carter and a team of SHIELD agents. Daisy asks why she should come crawling back to the spy agency and Sharon tells her that Captain America (Steve Rogers) needs her. This makes her smile.[1]

Meanwhile, at Avengers Tower, the Young Avengers — Patriot, Stature, Wiccan, Hulkling, and the Vision — are eating a meal while the Avengers butler, Jarvis, tells them how Rick Jones single handedly won the Kree/Skrull War.[2][3][4] That’s when a holographic projection of Iron Man (Tony Stark) appears before them. He needs some of the Visions old files right away. When the Young Avengers offer to help, he tells the novice heroes that it is too dangerous. With that, the Vision heads off alone.[5]

The reason why the New Avengers need the Vision’s help is because a powerful being, known only as Michael, is attacking the city of Cleveland, Ohio. After being attacked by Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) the entity has now grown to massive size. Now Iron Man is joined by Captain America, Wolverine (Logan) and Luke Cage. After Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) drops them off in the Quinjet, she heads off with Spider-Man (Peter Parker) to drop him off at the SHIELD helicarrier so he can use his scientific knowhow to come up with a way to stop Michael.[6]

Meanwhile, Iron Man flies up to get closer to Michael, but is suddenly struck with a bolt of energy that causes his armor to break apart. He is then rescued by Ms. Marvel who has somehow regained her cosmic level Binary powers.[7] Unsure why, she decides to take advantage of this power boost. After leaving Tony safely on a nearby rooftop she attacks Michael directly. However, she ends up flying harmlessly through the massive being. He then uses his powers to drain her cosmic energies turning her back into plane ordinary Ms. Marvel once more. Carol is then frozen in ice before bombarded with various forms of energy. Suddenly, something moving faster than the eye can see races onto the scene and strikes Michael with enough force to send him rocketing into space. This is the work of the Sentry (Bob Reynolds) who has managed to pull himself together enough to join his teammates in battle.

While the Sentry battles Michael in space, the rest of the New Avengers race to Carol’s aid. Logan comforts her specifically and helps her get it together.[8] When talking about her fight with the entity, she says it was like being attacked by 50 people all at the same time. She had never faced an enemy with so many powers. Curious, Captain America uses a voice command to make Iron Man’s armor reassemble itself and take him to Tony Stark’s location.

As this is all happening, Michael manages to overpower the Sentry and send him out into deep space. With the immediate threat dealt with, the entity heads back down to Earth.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man has arrived at the SHIELD helicarrier and is put in touch with Iron Man in the field. Tony is preparing to go into space to deal with Michael. In the meantime, he transmits all the data his armor recorded during his encounter with the entity and asks Spidey to run it through the old Avengers files that the Vision has stored in his memory.[9][10] While going over the footage recovered from North Pole, Alaska — where the entity first appeared — they see that the energies from space struck the local post office. Searching the database of employees, they find a match who is a dead wringer for the entity, a man by the name of Michael Pointer.

By this point, the Vision has made multiple matches on the energy sources that Iron Man recorded. It is a list of multiple mutants and after seeing a few of the names, Spider-Man suddenly realizes what they are dealing with.[11] Meanwhile, Michael Pointer is re-entering Earth’s atmosphere….

Recurring Characters

New Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, “Spider-Woman”, Wolverine, Sentry), Ms. Marvel, The Collective, SHIELD (Maria Hill, Dum Dum Dugan, Sharon Carter, Daisy Johnson), Young Avengers (Patriot, Stature, Wiccan, Hulkling, Vision), “Edwin Jarvis”

Continuity Notes

  1. Daisy has been a person non-grata with SHIELD ever since she participated in Nick Fury’s secret coup in Latveria. When the truth came out, Fury went into hiding and Daisy (along with other Fury loyalists) were sidelined. See Secret War #1-5.

  2. The man who appears to be Jarvis here is actually a Skrull spy, as will be revealed in Secret Invasion #1. He took the place of the real Jarvis prior to New Avengers #1.

  3. The Kree/Skrull War took place in Avengers #89-97. Rick did indeed win the war but it was not due to the training he received from Captain America (which Rick underwent from Avengers #5-16 and Captain America #110-116. He did so due to the so-called Destiny Force. Jarvis omitting this may be a clue this detail could be a hint that he is a Skrull. Rick is referred to as the “first Young Avenger”, which is true as he was responsible for the team first getting together as seen back in Avengers #1.

  4. Stature brags about having met Rick Jones before. This was due to the fact that her father, Scott Lang, has been affiliated with the Avengers since Avengers #181. However, he wasn’t an official member of the group until Avengers (vol. 3) #62 until his apparent death in Avengers #500. To date, (April, 2024) this meeting between Cassie and Rick Jones has yet to be depicted.

  5. Iron Man specifically states that he needs data on the Vision’s hard drives. This is because this is not the original Vision, who was seemingly killed in Avengers #500 as well. This Vision is a sentient suit of chronal armor from the 40th Century that has a copy of the original Vision’s memories that was left in the care of the Young Avengers by Nathaniel Richards, aka Iron Lad. See Young Avengers #1-6.

  6. The woman who appears to be Spider-Woman here is another Skrull infiltrator, as will be revealed in Secret Invasion #3. Per New Avengers #42, she took the place of the real Jessica Drew circa Giant-Size Spider-Woman #1.

  7. Carol Danvers got a power boost to cosmic levels after she was experimented upon by the Brood in Uncanny X-Men #163. However, these powers eventually faded around Avengers (vol. 3) #4. Carol somehow regained these powers at the end of last issue.

  8. Wolverine tells Carol to remember the training she got from Charles Xavier. Ms. Marvel once had her memories and powers stolen by Rogue in Avengers Annual #10. She then sought the aid of the X-Men’s Charles Xavier for treatment to restore her lost memories and get over the trauma. She remained among the X-Men until Uncanny X-Men #174.

  9. Tony makes a distinction between the current team of Avengers and the old team. The original Avengers disbanded after they the Scarlet Witch turned on them and devastated the team and Avengers Mansion. See Avengers #500-503/Avengers: Finale #1.

  10. Here, Spider-Man brags to the Vision that he once had a Spider-Mobile. This is not a joke, nor is the fact that Spidey doesn’t have his drivers license which was why he ended up doing so poorly with his Spider-Mobile. See Amazing Spider-Man #130 and 159-160 for the whole sordid affair. The Spider-Mobile will end up in the Smithsonian, as seen in Amazing Spider-Man #600.

  11. This is a list of mutants that were de-powered on M-Day. This was caused when the Scarlet Witch’s House of M reality warp was ended. See House of M #8 and Decimation: The House of M - The Day After #1. This would remain the status quo until Avengers vs. X-Men #12 where the mutant gene was reactivated. Many of these characters have since had their powers restored in one way or another. This list was last reviewed in April, 2024.

    • Abyss (Nils Styger): First appeared in Cable #40. His powers will be restored in X-Factor (vol. 3) #20 by Terrigen Mist exposure.

    • Aero (Melody Guthrie): First appeared in New Mutants #42. Her powers are restored by Krakoa in X-Men (vol. 5) #7.

    • Agent Zero (Christoph Nord): First appeared in X-Men (vol. 2) #5. Time of this writing it doesn’t appear as though his powers have been restored.

    • Angel Dust: First seen Morlocks #1. Time of this writing (April, 2024) her last appearance (Morlocks #4) was prior to Avengers vs X-Men #12. As such, her current status is unknown.

    • Armena Ortega: First appeared in District X #2. Her last appearance (District X #11) was prior to Avengers vs X-Men #12. As such, her current status is unknown.

    • Artie Maddicks: First seen in X-Factor #2. He is depicted using his powers again in Future Foundation #1. How they came back is unexplained time of this writing.

    • Arturo Falcone: Only ever appeared in District X #2. As his last appearance was prior to Avengers vs X-Men #12 his current status is unknown.

    • Beak (Barnell Bohusk): First seen in New X-Men #117. His powers were restored by the Mothervine virus in X-Men: Blue #26.

    • Black Tom (Cassidy): First appeared in X-Men #99. His powers are back without explanation in Deadpool (vol. 4) #59.

    • Blind Faith (Alexi Garnoff): First appeared in X-Factor Annual #1. His last appearance (time of this writing) was prior to M-Day (Starblast #1). His current status is known.

    • Blob (Frederick J. Dukes): First appeared in X-Men #3. His powers were restored by the Mothervine virus in X-Men: Blue #11.

    • Boost (Brian Dunlop): First appeared in Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997. Boost will resurface as a resident of Krakoa in S.W.O.R.D. (vol. 2) #2. Presumably, his powers were restored upon becoming a citizen.

    • Bora (Anzhela Federova): First appearance Moon Knight #35. Time of this writing, her last appearance was in Web of Spider-Man #76, which was prior to M-Day. Her current status is unknown at this time.

    • Brass (Sean Watanabe): First appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #65. His last appearance was prior to M-Day in issue #71 of that same series. His current status is unknown.

    • Caiman: First seen in Excalibur (vol. 3) #1. He was last seen in issue #8 of that series. His current status is unknown.

    • Chamber (Jonothan Starsmore): First seen in Generation X #1. His powers were restored by Legion in New Mutants (vol. 3) #24.

    • El Conquistador (Miguel Provenza): Only ever appeared in Marvel Comics Presents #9, his current status is unknown. Here, Orlando Furio the Coquistador who appeared in X-Men #50 is depicted. The entry for this issue in Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers confirms that Furio was depicted in error and Provenza was intended to be listed here. One could assume that there was a mix-up in records retained by the Vision or by SHIELD.

    • El Águila (Alejandro Montoya): First appeared in Power Man and Iron Fist #58. He was hunted down for being a mutant in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #123, presuming his powers had been restored, likely by Krakoa.

    • Fatale: First appeared in Uncanny X-Men #299. Her powers were restored by the Terrigen Mists in X-Factor (vol. 3) #20.

    • Flambé: First appeared in X-Factor #80. Her powers will be restored upon going to Krakoa in Children of the Atom #2.

    • Freakshow: First appeared in Excalibur (vol. 3) #1. His powers were restored in Son of M #5 by exposure to the Terrigen Mists.

    • Gloom (Jordan Lewis): First appeared in X-Treme X-Men #20 and was last seen in issue #23 of that series. His subsequent fate is unknown. Other sources online suggest he might have been killed along with other de-powered mutants in New X-Men (vol. 2) #24, but there is no official confirmation anywhere. Anyone who says that as an absolute fact is wrong.

    • Hack: First appeared in Excalibur (vol. 3) #2. His powers were restored by the Terrigen Mists in Son of M #5.

    • Hanna Levy: First appeared in District X #2. Her last appearance with in X-Men: The 198 #1. Her current status is unknown.

    • Harpoon (Kodiak Noatak): First appeared in Uncanny X-Men #210. He was depicted using his powers again in Uncanny X-Men (vol. 5) #18. Prior to that appearance he was seemingly killed in Astonishing X-Men (vol. 3) #49. In X-Men (vol. 3) #34 it was revealed that Mister Sinister often made clones of the Marauders to replace those who died in battle. Although unconfirmed, it’s entirely possible that the Harpoon seen in Uncanny vol. 5 was a clone with his mutant gene intact as this was post Avengers vs X-Men #12.

    • Hazard (Carter Ryking): First seen in X-Men (vol. 2) #12. At the time of this writing he was last seen in X-Men Legacy #211. His current status is unknown.

    • Hub: Her powers were restored via Terrigen Mist in Son of M #5.

    • Hybrid (James Marks): First appeared in Rom #17. He will have his powers again in Avengers Academy #23 without explanation. The writer of that series (Christos Gage) has stated that Marks got his powers back when Wraithworld was brought to Earth during the Annihilatiors mini-series, however this has not been confirmed in universe so it should not be accepted as fact as a future writer might come up with another explanation in a future story.

    • Jon Spectre: First appeared in X-Force (vol. 2) #2. He has not been since issue #6 of that series. His current status is unknown.

    • Jubilee (Jubilation Lee): First appeared in Uncanny X-Men #244. Her mutant powers will be restored by Quentin Quire and the Phoenix Force in Generation X #86.

    • DJ (Mark Sheppard): First appeared in New X-Men (vol. 2) #2. His powers would be restored when he is resurrected at Krakoa in X-Factor (vol. 5) #4.

    • Key (Lachlan Patterson): First seen in Cable #79 and last seen in issue #84 of that series. At this time, his current status is unknown.

    • King Bedlam (Christopher Aaronson): First appeared in X-Force #87. He has not been seen since X-Force #90. His current status is unknown.

    • Kiwi Black: First seen in Uncanny X-Men #429 and last seen in issue #434 of that series. His current status is unknown.

    • Lara The Illusionist (Lara King): First seen in District X #2 and last seen in issue #12 of that series. Her current status is unknown.

    • Lightning Rod: First seen Excalibur (vol. 3) #1 and last seen in issue #8 of that series. His current status is unknown as well.

    • Longneck (William Hanover): First seen in New X-Men #140. He was last seen in New Mutants (vol. 2) #13. Online sources will try and tell you that he died in New X-Men (vol. 2) #24, but there is no official confirmation anywhere. Anyone who says that as an absolute fact is wrong. His current status is unconfirmed.

    • Magneto (Max Eisenhardt): First appeared back in X-Men #1. His powers will be restored in New Avengers #20.

    • Mary Zero: First appeared in Agent X #3 and last appeared in issue #7 of that series. Here current status is unknown.

    • Mist Mistress: First and last seen in Captain America #346 and 368 respectively. Her current status is unknown.

    • Monsoon (Aloba Dastoor): This guy only appeared in X-Factor #99-100. His current status is unknown.

    • Mirage (Dani Moonstar): First appeared in Marvel Graphic Novel #4. Her mutant powers were restored by the Dark Beast in Uncanny X-Men (vol. 5) #15.

    • Murmur (Arlette Truffaut): She first appeared in Alpha Flight (vol. 2) #1 and was last seen in Wolverine (vol. 2) #142. Her current status is unknown.

    • Murmur (Allan Rennie): Only appeared in Generation X #-12-14, current status is unknown.

    • Nightwind: Only appeared in Generation X #53-54, another character whose status is unknown.

    • Overrider (Richard Rennselaer): First appeared in Captain America Annual #8 and was last seen in Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD (vol. 3) #35. His current status is unknown.

    • Callisto: First appeared in Uncanny X-Men #169. It is unclear when she regained her powers permanently (they were briefly restored in Son of M #5-6). At the latest, she likely got them back when she was invited to Krakoa in Powers of X #5.

    • Shocker (Randall Darby): First appeared in Captain America Annual #4. He reappears with powers in Captain Marvel (vol. 9) #9. How he got his powers back is unexplained.

    • Paul Patterson: First appeared in Marvel Team-Up (vol. 3) #1 and last seen in issue #6 of that series. His current status is unknown.

    • Phantazia (Eileen Harsaw): First seen in X-Force #6. She will be seen with her powers again in Dark X-Men (vol. 2) #1. Presumably her powers were restored when she emigrated to Krakoa.

    • Polaris (Lorna Dane): First appeared in X-Men #49. Her powers are restored by Apocalypse in X-Men (vol. 2) #182

    • Postman: Only appeared in Morlocks #1-4. His current status is unknown.

    • Preview (Jessica Vale): First appeared in New X-Men (vol. 2) #5 and last appeared in issue #20 of that series. Her current status is unknown.

    • Prodigy (David Alleyne): First appeared in New Mutants (vol. 2) #4. His powers are restored upon moving to Krakoa as seen in X-Factor (vol. 4) #1.

    • Quicksilver (Pietro Maximoff): First appeared in X-Men #4. Is later reveled to not be a mutant in Uncanny Avengers (vol. 2) #5. Regardless, Pietro regains his super speed in X-Factor: The Quick and the Dead #1, seemingly by divine intervention.

    • Quill (Maxwell Jordan): First appeared in New X-Men (vol. 2) #1. Quill’s addition on this list appears to have been in error as he continued to appear with his powers intact until his death in New X-Men (vol. 2) #28. This is confirmed in the entry for this issue in Official Index to the Marvel Universe: Avengers. Quill will be resurrected some point prior to his resurfacing in X-Factor (vol. 4) #5, presumably he was brought back to life by Krakoa, however this has not been confirmed in universe. I don’t give a shit what Stuart Vandal says. It’s not official until it is stated in an official source.

    • Radian (Christian Cord): First appeared in New X-Men #126. He has not been seen since New Warriors (vol. 4) #20. While Heroic Age: X-Men #1 notes that he continues to serve as a costumed hero. That said, his current whereabouts and mutant status are unknown.

    • Radius (Jared Corbo): First appeared in Alpha Flight (vol. 2) #-1. Although he was most recently seen in X-Men Unlimited Infinity Comic #50, it is unconfirmed if his powers have been restored.

    • Reaper (Pantu Hurageb): First appeared in New Mutants #86. His powers were restored by Terrigen Mists in Son of M #6.

    • Redneck (Vincent Stewart): Also first appeared in New X-Men #126. He was killed in New Warriors (vol. 4) #16. To date, he appears to be still among the deceased.

    • Rictor (Julio Richter): First appeared back in X-Factor #17. His powers will be restored by the Scarlet Witch in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #6.

    • Scanner (Sarah Ryall): First appeared in Avengers #357. She has not been seen since Magneto: Dark Seduction #4. Her current status is unknown.

    • Shatter: First seen in Morlocks #1. He was seen in Krakoa’s Pit of Exile, which is where Krakoan residents are sent as punishment for breaking the law. This suggested that his powers were restored at some point. However, this has not been independently confirmed.

    • Shen Xorn: First seen in X-Men (vol. 2) #157. Although stated as being de-powered here, he appears with his powers back with no explanation in Uncanny X-Men (vol. 4) #3.

    • Randall Shire: First seen in Cable #79 and last seen in issue #84 of that series, his current status is unknown.

    • Shola Inkose: First seen in Mekanix #1, powers were briefly restored by Terrigen Mists in Son of M #5-6. His current status is unknown.

    • Slick (Quincy Marrow): First seen New X-Men #126 and last seen in issue #134 of that series. There is that same unconfirmed belief that he died in New Mutants (vol. 2) #24, but this has not been confirmed anywhere.

    • Slipstream (Davis Cameron): First seen in X-Treme X-Men #6. His will be seen with his powers back in X-Force (vol. 6) #11, presumably as a result of emegrating to Krakoa.

    • Specter (Dallas Gibson): First seen in New Mutants (vol. 2) #3. His powers will be restored by the Crucible in X-Factor (vol. 4) #5.

    • Spoilsport: She only appeared in Generation X #53-54. Her current status is unknown.

    • Strobe (Juliana Worthing): First appeared in New Mutants #86. She was seen with her powers seemingly restored in Uncanny X-Men (vol. 5) #1, how this came to be has yet to be explained.

    • Stacy X (Miranda Leevald): First appeared in Uncanny X-Men #399. She regained her powers by the time she appears in Way of X #3, presumably via emigrating to Krakoa.

    • Tag (Brian Cruz): First appeared in New X-Men (vol. 2) #10. He was later killed in New X-Men (vol. 2) #4 (See, this was confirmed). He regained his powers when he was resurrected at Krakoa in New Mutants (vol. 4) #1.

    • Tantra (Reuben O'Hara): First and last seen in X-Treme X-Men #20 and X-Men (vol. 2) #157 respectively. His current status is unknown.

    • Tarot (Marie-Ange Colbert): First appeared in New Mutants #16. She would regain her powers when resurrected with the Transmode Virus in X-Necrosha #1, as she apparently died between this issue and that one.

    • Tattoo (Christine Cord): First appeared in New X-Men #126 and died in New Warriors (vol. 4) #4. As of this writing there is no indication that she has been resurrected in any capacity.

    • Tether: Only appeared in Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997, her current status is unknown.

    • Tremolo: First appeared in X-Factor #80. Their powers were later restored at Krakoa in Children of the Atom #2.

    • Unus (Gunther Bain): First appeared way back in X-Men #8. Unus was killed when he attempted to use the Terrigen Mists to restore his powers in Son of M #5-6. He was later resurrected by the Transmode virus in X-Force (vol. 3) #21. He will later reappear alive and with his powers back through unknown means in Spider-Man and the X-Men #1.

    • Vague: She first appeared in X-Factor #80, her powers were also restored in Children of the Atom #2.

    • Wicked: First appeared in Excalibur (vol. 3) #1. She had her powers restored in House of M #6.

    • Wild Child (Kyle Gibney): First appeared back in Alpha Flight #1. He resurfaced with his powers back through unknown means while in the employ of Romulus as seen in Wolverine: Origins #53.

    • Wildside (Richard Gill): First appeared in New Mutants #86. His powers were restored by the Mothervine virus as seen in X-Men: Blue #26-27.

    • Wind Dancer (Sofia Mantega): First seen in New Mutants (vol. 2) #1, after committing suicide in X-Factor (vol. 4) #3, she was resurrected at Krakoa with all of her powers back in issue #5 of that series.

    • Windshear (Colin Hume): First seen in Alpha Flight #87. He as last seen in Death of Wolverine: The Logan Legacy #2. His current status is unknown.

    • Wiz Kid (Takashi Matsuya): Takashi first appeared in X-Terminators #1. Despite being listed as depowered he turns up with his powers in Avengers Academy #21. Chriso Gage (the writer for that series) has gone on to say that Wiz Kid used his powers to falsify the records of his depowering. However, this should not be taken as fact until it has been referenced in universe.

    • Wraith (Hector Rendoza): First seen in Uncanny X-Men #392 and last seen in X-Men (vol. 2) #113. His current status is unknown.

    • Zach Halliwell: First and last seen in X-Treme X-Men #20 and 23 respectively. Although the fan community will presume he died in New X-Men (vol. 2) #24, there is no evidence to support this. His current status is unknown.

New Avengers #17

New Avengers #17

New Avengers #19

New Avengers #19