
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

New Avengers #58

New Avengers #58

After experiencing medical complications after being exposed to a power dampening device, Luke Cage has surrendered to the Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn)’s Avengers team.[1] This was also to allow his teammates in the New Avengers a chance to escape from Night Nurse’s clinic. Seeing Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers) flying away, the Iron Patriot follows after her, ordering his team to secure the area. Norman’s assistant Victoria Hand radios him and tells him going off half-cocked is a bad idea. Osborn ignores this and learns the hard way when he catches up to Ms. Marvel. She belts him so hard he falls into the water below. Carol then departs, telling Norman that she could have killed him just now but chose not to.

Back on the ground Wolverine (Daken) senses detect the other New Avengers are making a break for it and storms the clinic with Ares and Spider-Man (Mac Gargan, aka Venom). Norman’s Ms. Marvel (Karla Sofen, aka Moonstone) uses her phasing powers to pass through the wall and confront the heroes. Instead, she just finds the Night Nurse (Linda Carter) inside. Linda has just finished sending off an email to Ben Urich, the publisher of the Front Line online newspaper about the incident for her own protection. When questions about the location of the New Avengers, Carter plays dumb, much to Karla’s annoyance.

Meanwhile, Daken leads Venom and Hawkeye (aka Bullseye) into the sewers to continue tracking their suspects. It is here they are ambushed by Captain America (James Barnes), Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), Ronin (Clint Barton), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), and Mockingbrid (Bobbi Morse). While most of the Dark Avengers go down like a sack of bricks, Ares — being an Olympian god and all — fends off their attacks, including being shot point blank under the chin by Captain America.

At the same time, the Hood (Parker Robbins) and Madame Masque (Whitney Frost) teleport into their hideout thanks to Parker’s new Norn Stones.[2] The only person present is his cousin and right-hand-man, John King. John quickly tells him that Jonas Harrow went against orders and got the entire crew arrested by Norman Osborn.

Later, Iron Patriot and his Ms. Marvel return to the HAMMER Helicarrier with Luke Cage. He is rushed into an operating room for immediate medical attention. However, the doctors are having trouble treating him thanks to his super dense skin. In order to jolt his heart back to life, Norman gives him a full repulsor blast to the chest. Since Cage willingly surrendered, it would be bad PR to let the outlaw hero die while in custody. Realizing that they need to treat him quickly in order to save his life, Norman orders his men to bring him Jonas Harrow.

Back at he New Avengers hideout, Jessica Jones is visited by her mother, Alisa, who takes issue with her daughter living as an outlaw. This is out of concern for her newborn granddaughter. However, Jessica is steadfast in her decision, saying that to bow down to Osborn’s new regime would deeply compromise her morals. She wants to do the right thing, and Alisa admits that she wouldn’t want Jessica or Luke working for Norman Osborn. That’s when the rest of the team returns back and judging from the looks on their faces Jessica realizes that something happened to her husband. Once she hears what happened, Jessica tries to fly over to Avengers Tower to try and get Luke back. Luckily, she is stopped by Ms. Marvel who reiterates that they had no choice, turning Cage over to Osborn was the only way they could possibly save his life. Jessica breaks down into tears and that’s when Carol assures her that they have a plan.

By this time, Harrow has arrived at the helicarrier and activates his power dampener so the doctors can operate on Luke. Watching from the operating theater are the Dark Avengers. When Bullseye asks why they don’t just kill Cage, Osborn looks down into Luke’s eyes and asks why they should let him die when he has so much to offer them still.

Recurring Characters

New Avengers (Ronin, Luke Cage, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Ms. Marvel, Captain America, Mockingbird), Dark Avengers (Iron Patriot, Ms. Marvel, Ares, Hawkeye, Wolverine, Spider-Man), Hood’s Gang (The Hood, Madame Masque, John King, Jonas Harrow), Jessica Jones, Night Nurse, Dani Cage, Alisa Jones, Victoria Hand (voice only) HAMMER

Continuity Notes

  1. Luke was exposed to this device in New Avengers #55. He surrendered to Osborn last issue, thanks for paying attention.

  2. Parker was exorcised of Dormammu’s powers in New Avengers #54. With the aid of Loki, he obtained the Norn Stones last issue.

Topical References

  • Jessica’s mother states that she watches Fox News (ick). This should be considered topical as this is a real world television network.

New Avengers #57

New Avengers #57