
Nick Peron

Welcome to the website of comedian Nick Peron. It is the ground zero of his comedic writing.

Hulk! In the 1980s

Hulk! In the 1980s

There’s not really much that can be said about the finale issues of the Hulk Magazine. After issue #20 Moon Knight ceased being a back-up feature on the title and Dominic Fortune became a regular feature for the rest of the title.

The only real highlight is issue #23 one of the darkest Hulk stories ever written, even darker than the cannibal toddler story in Incredible Hulk. In a story “A Personal Hell”, Jim Shooter writes one of the most jaded, angry, and nihilistic stories about life in New York City that I have ever read. In the same story, Bruce Banner almost gets raped in the shower room at the YMCA, he does get raped by a drug addict, and a woman commits suicide. What fun!

Anyway the title was nixed after 27 issues. It’s original title, Rampaging Hulk, was later re-used for another title in the 1990s.

Series Index

Hulk! #19

Hulk! #19